Chapter 144 .What is it like to be recognized as a god by Saul [3]

Ino took Jane’s data book and flipped through it.

The above records are all astronomical anomalies and some unscientific things.

At least, it has been unscientific for the Blue Star for thousands of years.

After flipping casually, Ino flipped back and took a look.

Then in Jane’s expectant eyes, he returned the book to her and said, “It’s useful, but it’s better than nothing. Give her things back.”

This sentence directly caused an unstoppable blow in Jane’s heart.

But I can get everything back.

She immediately looked at Coleson with a fierce look.

It seemed to be: Say: look! Ino said he could change it to me, and give it back to me soon! Coleson took a look, and then waved to the group of…agents: “Remove everything.”

As the agents unloaded things,

Jian Huan’s feeling of joy escaped.

Otherwise, this unreasonable SHIELD.


…. I can really take all her things away.

And the one that will definitely not return.

“What about me, what about me!”

With Jane’s problem resolved, Daisy jumped around and wanted Ino to answer her own question: “Why are you here?”

“In order to deal with the same astronomical event as Miss Foster, but it has nothing to do with you.”

After Ino finished speaking, he ignored Daisy and said to Coleson, “Let’s go after moving. I want to go back to the hotel and sleep tonight after reading it.”

Coleson nodded and went to direct the agents to move things down quickly.

After a while.

The agent returned everything to Jane Foster.

Then S.H.I.E.L.D..


…. The team just drove away under Daisy’s unwilling gaze.

“I really want to talk to Ino again.”

Daisy looked at the passing car regretfully.

Jane immediately looked at Daisy with a look of nympho.

And Daisy felt it deserved.

Drive again on the road to Thor’s Hammer.

Ino sat in the back row casually looking at the scenery outside the window.

Compared with modern cities, the desert style is a bit of a western cowboy feel.

Colson: “Mr. Ino, those things…”

“It’s useless at all.”

When Ino looked at the scenery, he interrupted directly: “Saying that talk is better than nothing is just to give Jane Foster some face.”

Coulson nodded.

He doesn’t know these things.

But since it was said by Umbrella Ino, he believed it.

After all, this time, after Fury invited Ino over, the rights of the person in charge were transferred to Ino.

at this time.



…The vehicle happened to pass by a pet shop.(Read more @

And in the silhouette that flashed by, there happened to be a person Ino was familiar with: the second princess Thor, now it is no problem to say that he is the second princess.

After all, there is also the third princess Loki.

At this time, Sol also looked back and saw him sitting in S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


….Ino in the car.

Thor’s eyes gathered, and he ran to the vehicle where Ino was.

This is inexplicable for Ino himself.


Ino waved.

The sudden brake sound of scoffing tires sounded directly.

Coulson also spotted Thor, who was rushing here, through the rearview mirror of the car.

Looking tight, Coleson put his left hand on the pistol buried in the suit and opened the door of the co-pilot.

At this moment, Sol just ran to the taillight of Ino’s car, reaching out and leaning on it, breathing heavily.

“The system of mortals without supernatural power is really weak.”

Saul said in distress.

Then he took a breath and stood up again and said, “Who is in this turning thing?”

Sol didn’t know what the car was called.

But anyway… the wheels will turn.

Coleson put his left hand on the pistol and said cautiously: “You have no right to know, I advise you to leave now, SHIELD.


…. Not where you bother.”




When Saul heard that he brought a word of God, he immediately became interested.

“Sure enough, what’s inside is…God, no loss is “God”

Shield, let me see him soon, I have important things to discuss.”


Coleson decisively considers Sol to be a neurotic.

At this moment.

Ino’s voice came from the car: “Ask him for identification.”

Coulson reacted violently, and he took his SHIELD.


…. After taking out the medal and showing it to Sol, he said, “Take out the identity certificate, otherwise I have the right to hand you over to the local police station.”

“personal I.D”

After hearing it, Saul thought for a while and said, “I can’t prove it now, but you’ll know when I get my hammer back.”

“I am Thor, Thor, the eldest son of Odin, the king of the gods, but because I was…destroyed, now my divine power is lacking.”

“As long as I pick up Thor’s hammer, I can prove my identity, so you will know.”

When Coleson heard it, he immediately took a close look at Saul’s face.

Seeing that his body is strong and muscled.

But how can you be an idiot? Do you think you are a god? And the god is also the prestige given to him by people.

But it’s not a true god either.

Ino: No…It’s a true god.

Coulson looked at Saul and said, “Leave now, I can treat it as nothing happened, or I will send you to the local police station.”

“Police Station”

Sol didn’t understand: “I just want to see who your god is.”

Coleson shook his head speechlessly and prepared to step forward to arrest the illegal interception of SHIELD.


…. The man in the vehicle.

But Ino waved at him in the car.

Coulson glanced at Thor last and said, “Don’t move, wait for me.”

Saul saw that their god asked him to talk.

Suddenly I was a little happily waiting for the result.

After being called into the car, Coleson looked at Ino with questioning eyes.

Ino said to Coulson: “Remember the story in Norse mythology?”

Coulson asked: “Which myth?”

Ino: “The faction of Thor and Odin.”

Coleson thought for a while, it seemed that there was this myth, and it was the same as that…the crazy man just said.

But that man is crazy.

Coleson asked, “But this is a myth.”

“Then think about the hammer that we are going to go to.”

Ino reminded: “Hammer, who can’t pick it up, Thor’s hammer.”

Coulson:!!!! This!!!! Suddenly the hammer appeared, and then another man said he was Thor, Thor.

He has to get the hammer back to prove this.

Isn’t this hammer the Thor’s hammer? But this is just a myth.

Can really remind you of Feilu: three things to read

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