Chapter 130 .Unexpected discovery of new elements [4]

Ino thought for a while: “Well, I will go now.”

I ran to see you at 6 o’clock in the morning for you.

Regardless of Tony’s current situation, the relationship is generally afraid that it will not be possible.

Of course, Tony is in a hurry now.

So it has nothing to do with the above conditions.

Ino uses his power to transform his clothes.

Angela opened her eyes dazedly and looked at Ino.

Ino got up and said, “The time I went to Tony, you don’t need to get up, I’ll let the red umbrella take me over.”

Angela’s little head nodded, then took Ino’s pillow and clamped it and fell asleep again.

When I arrived at the door of the villa, the red umbrella that Ino had just ordered had brought the car over.

A member got off the car, he opened the rear door and waited for Ino to enter before sitting in the driver’s seat.

Drive all the way to Tony’s house.

After Ino asked Red Umbrella to drive the car back, he entered Tony’s house almost unimpeded.

Then came to his underground laboratory, uh…can also be understood as a modified supercar parking lot.

The door of the underground laboratory on the negative floor is not closed.

Ino walked directly in.

At this time Tony is sitting on a brand new vintage car.

There is also a gray notebook beside him.

After Tony saw Ino coming, he patted the cushion of the classic car next to him.

As soon as Ino walked over and sat down, Tony threw the notebook over.

“The above is…usually my father’s research notes, but there is nothing, it is already old-fashioned technology.”

Ino flipped over the notebook casually and asked, “Did you watch the video?”


Tony leaned his head back on the cushion and said, “There is nothing, except for … his affectionate speech in the back, the front is the same as what we played at the New York Expo.”

“Affectionate Speech Behind”

Ino questioned.

Tony didn’t speak tiredly, but directly reached out to turn on the projector next to the car.

The projector emits a burst of light.

Then the curtain in front of the classic car began to play the exclusive video of Howard Stark to Tony.

Cough cough! At this moment, Tony coughed suddenly.

He has a bad face.

“I ran out of palladium block.”

Tony said with a pale and green face.

Ino opened the car door and went down to put his “cigar box”

Take it.

At the same time, he also took the special medicine that Tony had brewed all night.

Tony takes over the “cigar box”

After opening.

He took out a brand new palladium block from inside.(Read more @

Then Tony took out his Ark reactor again.


The Ark’s reactor chamber spit out the wreckage that had been completed.

Wait for the white smoke to finish.

Tony put the new palladium block in again.

Then he put the Ark on his chest.

Crocodile Hu Tony raised his head and took a few deep breaths.

Then he picked up the soaked special potion and took a few sips and looked at Ino and asked, “Doesn’t I look like an ointment just now?”


Ino instantly got goose bumps and said, “You are disgusting.”

Tony chuckled twice, after joking.

The two watched the exclusive video of Tony his father left him together.

After the normal speech session.

Howard Stark opened a “Now start patting my ass”

After joking, he started talking about business.

In the video, Tony’s father stared at Tony deeply as if through light time.

Howard Stark said solemnly: “Tony.”

“You are too young to understand now, so I will take this video for you first.”

With that said, Tony’s father gestured with his hand and said, “This is all made for you.”

At the same time, the camera began to capture the details of the future city.

“One day you will understand that this represents more than a human invention.”

“It is also my life’s achievement, and it is the key to the future.”

“I am limited by the technology of this era, but one day you will understand all this.”

“At that time you will change the world.”

“My greatest creation will always be only…”


At this point, the videotape is over.

Tony stretched out his hand and gestured: “What he said…is really sensational, but what he built…is just a future city module.”

“And now it is not even a future city, it can only be said to be a general park.”

Ino put his elbows on his thighs, his palms propped his chin for a moment.

“What do you think he said.”

“He only talked about the city module.”

Tony drank the special medicine and said.

This special medicine has been soaked a lot, so I have to drink it slowly.

But Ino asked: “Are you still in that city module?”

Tony drank the medicine and nodded.

“Then why don’t you take a look and build a digital model, don’t you think it…”

“Is it a bit regular? It seems like something.”


Tony’s action of drinking the special medicine.

He quickly turned on the projector again, and then jumped to the part where the details of the future city were shot.

Tony looks more and more alike, and looks more energetic.

He slammed the cup over and placed it in the middle cup slot, then pushed the projector next to it away.

Turn the switch of a classic car that has been plugged in for several years.

Boom!!! The engine of the classic car immediately started making a sound.

“Hey, hey, this old car can still drive”

Ino quickly put the seat belt on: “He won’t drive and fall apart?”

“Except for… the appearance, the inside of it has long been transformed by me.”

Tony finished.

Block and hang.

One turn of the steering wheel.

Step on the accelerator.

The acceleration of the sprint directly brought Ino close to the cushion.

Tony drifted out of the underground garage with a kick of the accelerator.

When the black and gold classic cars were at a speed of more than 130 kilometers per hour, there was no one on the highway.

All passing vehicles were dumbfounded.

This is a classic car of the last century, I am not mistaken, is it still here: Pepper, who is sleeping on the second floor, has just been awakened by the roar of the engine.

When she woke up, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and went to the basement to find Tony: “Tony, what are you doing…”

At this time, the underground garage was in a mess.

Drawings and light things were blown everywhere, and only 4 black deep tire marks were left on the ground.

This classic car is a four-wheel drive! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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