Chapter 129 .Hammer Industries and the military reached a cooperation [3]

As soon as he said this, Tony put the coffee he was holding on the table in front of the sofa and asked: “The new element was discovered decades ago, you are sure”


Fury affirmed: “But limited to the technology and resources at the time, your father was just the beginning. When he saw the road to the future, he was closed by a door.”

“But he said that only you will have the resources and wisdom to realize his discovery and complete the plan it just started.”

“He said so”

Tony still asked: “My father will leave me so many things”

“You know what he didn’t care about since he was a kid…

Me, and I’m very strict.”

“I was sent to boarding school when I was very young. He never said he liked me.”

“You think he will leave me so many things”

“Yes Tony.”

At this time, Ino interrupted Tony directly.

Ino asked back: “If you become a father, will you spoil your child or temper your child”

“Do you think the crying on the social road is bigger or the crying on the growth road”

“Not to mention a rich kid like you, and it’s the top class.”

Tony looked at Ino, then he looked at Fury again.

Nick Fury nodded seriously at him.

Tony lowered his head to meditate, and after a while, he raised his head.

“I will try, after all it is my thing now.”


Nick Fury pushed the suitcase in front of Tony.

Tony opened it in front of everyone without saying a word.

He doesn’t believe that things that can solve his troubles are so easily placed in front of him.

That’s why Tony dared to open it directly.

After opening, there are several drawings and a blueprint inside.

There are also some videotapes, and a few notepads and the like.

Tony spread his hands to Fury, and that’s all, but Fury didn’t care about it and said directly: “I’m only responsible for handing over things to you, I don’t care about everything else…


With that said, Fury looked at his watch and said: “Two o’clock in the afternoon: 2: I have another appointment, now I am leaving.”

After talking about Nick Fury, he took Coleson and Natasha away.

After watching him go, Tony turned his head to Ino and asked, “Do you have a machine here to play these… video tapes?”


Ino said.(Read more @


Tony closed the box: “It looks like I have to wait until I go back to see it.”

Ino looked at the computer and didn’t raise his head and said, “You should also go back. You have been hiding from Pepper for so long, and you won’t take care of the company’s affairs.”

Tony nodded and walked away with the suitcase.

After seeing Tony finally go, Ava appeared from behind.

She questioned: “Will Tony Stark die?”

“Will not.”

Ino continues processing.

Ava is actually thinking about the events Tony experienced.

From what she had learned in the past few days, she also knew that this man whose life was several times shorter than her own since the invention of the steel armor.

Ava also thought about what this situation would look like when she replaced Tony.From the recent understanding, Tony was really crazy.

But he is pretty good.

Compared to herself, Ava is more fortunate that she has met a good one.

Don’t need to be like Tony, even if he rescued himself, he went through a lot of hardships.

At this time, Ino saw a news on the Internet.

“Hammer Industries and the military have reached the latest cooperation, and it is suspected that the new steel armor unit will be announced the night after tomorrow.” This is undoubtedly the steel armor developed by Vanke to help Justin Hammer.

But these…The steel armor is bloated and has a single weapon.

It was incomparable with the steel armor next to the bookcase behind Ino.

Not to mention Tony’s sixth-generation infrared laser knife battle armor a few days later.

…Time comes to night.

Zhao Hailun, Angela, Ava, and Ino4 were all lying on the rocking chairs in the courtyard of the luxury villa swaying.

This kind of chair with the lower legs after the two sleds are bent is…rocking chair.

Anyway… you can shake it with just force.

At this time, Zhao Hailun suddenly asked: “What will the flower of the god of heaven look like when its roots reach the center of the earth?”



Ino gave Helen a helpless look: “Didn’t I say that flower roots are just an expression of consciousness.”

“There is no change before or after control.”

“It’s just that I can use the energy of the Blue Star’s core in the future.”

“It can also use the blue star’s surface to collect the thermal radiation energy emitted by the sun’s stars and store it in the earth’s core.”

“There is also wind, thunder, fire, etc… all the energy caused by it can be collected.”


For a moment, Helen, Angela, and Ava were all lying on the rocking chair and looking at Ino.

The expressions in their eyes seemed to be asking: You just call it. At this moment, Ava seems to have broken his fingers next to him and counted: “How much energy is collected in this second?”

This doesn’t seem to be counted, how should this be counted “Uh…”

When Yi encountered this problem, he also thought about it: “It should…probably…maybe the energy collected in one second can be used by Bluestar for 200 million years in the world.”

“Of course, this still depends on the conversion efficiency. I can’t collect it with all my strength, otherwise the Blue Star people will die.”

If he collects energy with all his strength, not only he couldn’t do it at that time, but even if he could collect it with all his strength.

In the case of full power, the blue star directly becomes an oven star, all the liquid evaporates, and all the organisms are carbonized after heat death.

“Two hundred million years…”

Helen, Angela and Ava all expressed emotion.

Regardless of….

How much can be collected by then…, but it is impossible to imagine 200 million years after collecting it with all its strength.

But, who knows what it will be like then.

Gradually the sky became late.

Everyone went back to rest.

The next day.

6 o’clock in the morning.

Ino got bad news from Tony at home.

Tony, who had stayed up all night, said tiredly on the phone: “Ino, my father seems to have left me nothing. I have seen everything, but there is no useful news. Come to my house. Come on.”

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