Chapter 126 . Stop the going crazy Tony [5]

“Oh no”

Tony said regretfully with a drunken drunken voice: “Come on for another half an hour, I want to be hi until tomorrow morning!”

Ino is still leaning on the spiral staircase: “Do you want me to fight with you in Mark’s armor”

At this time, Lieutenant Colonel Roddy had just walked down.

He was shocked when he heard Ino’s words.

Wouldn’t it really be a fight? That’s a big news.

At this moment, Tony was suddenly excited when he heard it: “Really! How do I feel I am a little looking forward to this feeling”

“Kang busy, you go put on the steel armor, let’s fight!”

“Now the two exciting Iron Man battles begin!!!”

Oh!!!!!! As soon as Tony finished speaking, the crowd on the dance floor screamed with excitement.

Of course, they don’t think it is too big, they hope that the more they are, the better.

Seeing this, Ino shook his head, then raised his chin to indicate something.

But this is actually asking Ava to go up and stun Tony.

However, this is different in Roddy’s eyes.

He suddenly stepped forward and asked, “Hey, hey! You don’t really want to put on your armor to fight Tony, right?”

“Do you know what the consequences will be if you really fight?”

“The government will…”

Boom! There was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

The stage at this time suddenly became: silent, only the electronic sound was still there: sounded.

Natasha, who was far away, saw the situation inside, suddenly lifted up in surprise and wanted to go to Tony.

Natasha thought that Tony Palladium was poisoned to the limit! At the same time, she hurried to S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.



“Director Fury, Tony fell suddenly, I’m going to check the situation!”

After that, Roddy turned around and looked for fame.

A red-yellow figure waded on the ground with a wine bottle and microphone.

His visor is still open.

Tony closed his eyes with a calm expression.

Roddy turned around to look at Ino.

Without saying anything, Ino walked directly to Tony without talking nonsense with him.

Roddy reacted all of a sudden and hurried to Tony.

Ah!!!! and the crowd on the dance floor saw this situation and all fled in shock.

They don’t want to be taken with the news of Tony’s death in front of them.

Natasha stopped after seeing Lieutenant Colonel Ino and Roddy running over.

Then she recovered as Tony’s secretary of the Legal Department and hurried over.

At this point, Ava has come to Ino’s body.

Invisible, she nodded to Ino and said that the mission was completed perfectly.(Read more @

Lieutenant Colonel Roddy walked to Tony and looked at Tony who was lying on the board.

He put two fingers together and reached inside Tony, pressing on his neck to feel the beating of blood vessels.

After a few seconds.

Roddy let out a sigh of relief and looked at Ino and Natasha in front of him and said, “It should be okay, he seems to have fainted and fell asleep.”

Ino went on to say next to him: “It may be a stress response caused by too much excitement.”

Natasha nodded when she was sure.

She got up and walked to the second floor and said: “I’ll report to Miss Pepper, she needs to know about this.”

But in the middle of the second floor.

She sent another message to Fury again: Tony was okay, but fell asleep after fainting.

At this time, Nick Fury, who was far away in the Tri-Wing Building, was relieved.

At the same time he decided to go to Tony tomorrow.

After a while.

Pepper came down from the second floor.

She looked at the chaotic first-floor hall and Tony lying on the ground with silent surprise.

But after a while she still ran to Tony.

“How is Tony”

For the first time, Pepper still asked the most assured Ino directly.

Ino simply explained: “It may be that he fell asleep again after fainting too much, but overall there is no problem.”

“That’s good.”

Pepper suddenly exhaled in relief.

If Tony left like this.

She doesn’t know what to do in the future.

Ino looked at the messy dance floor and the entire first hallway: “You may have to find a cleaning company.”

Pepper was relieved and nodded easily.

Then she said: “Tony’s armor in this state should be taken off, do we want to move him to the bed?”

“and many more….”

Ino immediately stopped what Pepper wanted to do and explained: “His armor is very heavy, and the gold-titanium alloy material can’t be moved by us.”

“And besides… Tony came out voluntarily, his armor needs an automatic manipulator to unlock it.”

Pepper looked at Tony lying on the ground and asked, “Should you put him here to sleep?”

Otherwise, what else can I do? Ino is helpless.

But Roddy seemed a little unbelieving.

He walked behind Tony’s head, and then tucked his hands behind Tony’s shoulders.

The muscles in Roddy’s sleeves burst with force.

Then he didn’t move.

Roddy immediately let go of Tony, and he explained to Pepper and Ino, who looked at him like a fool, “I just want to touch Tony’s back if there is anything…hidden switch.”

Regardless of….

This fool, Ino looked at his watch.

2: Ino said to Pepper: “Tony just throw it away. The comfort in the armor is very high. Angela and Helen and I will go back first, and we will talk tomorrow.”

Pepper reacted at this point and quickly replied: “Thank you for coming to Tony’s birthday party, although the result is not very good.”

“Don’t worry about this, we will go back first.”

After Ino finished speaking, he went upstairs and asked Angela and Helen to drive back.

And Roddy looked at Tony lying on the ground.

Then I looked at Pepper who had just returned from Ino.

He also feels that this is not so good here.

Roddy also said: “I will go back first, and I will talk about the rest until Tony wakes up.”

Pepper can only do a little bit.

…Angela drove a 4-seater on the quiet highway in the middle of the night.

Ino sits in the back row and Helen sits in the co-pilot.

And Ava was sitting hidden on the back cover of the convertible, blowing the hula la wind.

At this time, she felt that she was really lucky to follow this new one.

Can live, can become stronger, as long as the task is done well, it is easy and free.

And the boss is so handsome, compared to the gloomy S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.


….Secret underground base.

She felt that Ino’s feet were better than SHIELD.


…. The organization is countless times taller.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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