Chapter 125 .Tony caught in a carnival [4]

Ino looked at the man walking in front of him in a leather jacket with his hands on his hips and asked, “How do I feel that you want to hit me”

“No no no no no no!”

All of a sudden, Lieutenant Colonel Roddy stretched out his hand and shook it around.

He walked to the side of the sofa and sat down. He looked at Ino, who was hugging left and right, and said: “You should stop Tony. He is creating chaos. It is difficult for the military and the people to explain.”

“Do you know that for Tony, S.H.I.E.L.D. and I.”


…. It abruptly held back the government’s idea of ​​bringing the tank over and snatching Tony’s steel armor.”

“And he’s actually doing this here, and he feels so indifferent.”

Ino nodded helplessly, then raised his arm around Helen’s left hand and glanced at the time of the watch and said, “Minutes ago, Nick Fury said the same when he called.”

“It’s just that what he said seemed to be a bit harsher, which made me angry.”

“Etc., etc.”

Lieutenant Colonel Roddy quickly interrupted: “I am different from him, I am not here to annoy you.”

Roddy’s heart is going crazy.

So Nick Fury still has the guts to make Ino angry.

But a small lieutenant colonel himself provokes even the soldiers.

Lieutenant Colonel Roddy tried his best to calmly cooperate with the gesture and said: “Tony, is creating a chaos that is obvious to the society and the government.”

“And you, the best friend he announced, need you to organize Tony’s carnival.”

“You can’t let him go on like this. If he goes on like this, things will directly become: out of control.”

“The result we can’t predict, and it will be very, very bad.”

Ino nodded and continued to reply: “One hour ago, I also went back to Nick Fury, the answer I wanted to tell you.”

“But I don’t want to say it a second time now, you can wait… let me see.”

Ino raised his left hand again to look at the time and said: “Can you wait for Tony’s beam to act or speak again”

“It’s about 45 minutes. In between, I don’t want to talk to others.”

Roddy was taken aback, he immediately scratched his hair impatiently and looked at Ino and asked, “Do you think Tony will end in 45 minutes”

“If he can finish after 45 minutes, he won’t use it.”

“We can just announce that Tony just ended his birthday after one and a half hours.”

“But he is wearing a steel suit, how can we explain it.”

Ino didn’t even look at him at this time.

He just raised his head and leaned on the back of the sofa to look at the ceiling.

Then he embraced Helen with his left arm, and Angela with his right arm.

There is also an Ava that Roddy can’t see behind.(Read more @

Obviously this means not waiting: going to Tony in 4 minutes.

Roddy immediately got up and stopped pacing back and forth after understanding.

After walking, I don’t know how many laps.

Roddy sat down on the sofa.

He watched Ino say the last sentence.

“I see if you are Tony a real friend or a fake friend.”

Ino didn’t move his head, but he put his arm around Helen’s hand and waved.

It means it’s as you wish.

…The screen came to SHIELD.


…. The Sanqu Wing Building of the headquarters.

Nick Fury was just hung up by Ino dozens of minutes ago.

He looked at the phone that made the blind tone, then looked at Hill.

Hill shrugged and said don’t look at me, I can’t control it.

Fury put the phone on the table.

He turned to look at the starry sky outside the window with a serious expression.

“What is Ino’s low-level character and how does he do things?”

“Even now we even doubt whether he is good or bad for Tony.”

“This is too far from the definition we set up 2 years ago.”

“At the time, we thought he was harmless Ino.”

“Maybe…there is nothing else if you manage your umbrella better.”

“but now……..”

Speaking of this, Nick Fury shook his head gravely.

The two-year Ino and the current Ino are…one sky and one earth.

But you can still tell that he is… Ino.

It hasn’t changed.

The only thing Nick Fury knows from start to finish is that he will never guess what Ino is doing.

At this time, Hill next to him continued: “The agents of the Intelligence Center analyzed Ino’s work style and psychology, personality, habits, etc….”

“But what we get is always what he has a chance to do, without foreseeing.”

at last.

Both of them looked at the night starry sky outside the window and sighed heavily.


too difficult.

…In minutes.

Roddy doesn’t know how many times he has gone down to see Tony who is going crazy.

He finally walked up this time and said, “Hey, 45 minutes has come, it’s time for you to stop Tony.”

When Ino heard it, he held Angela and Helen’s hands and slightly pulled himself up.

Then they patted the shoulders of the two of you, indicating that you can sit down and stand up.

When passing a two-person wide spiral staircase, Roddy involuntarily stepped aside and stood sideways to give Ino a more comfortable space for him to go down.

This feeling is like meeting the president.

Ava went invisible and followed Ino.

When Ino came to the first floor, he heard the explosive electric sound and the colorful lights in the birthday banquet hall.

On the dance floor, a group of exposed women and some men in suits twisted their bodies to the music.

In this environment, Ino basically sees and walks once.

When Tony saw Ino coming down, he walked to the side and took the microphone and said, “Look who is here!”

“My best friend Ino!!!”

Oh!!!!!! Dozens of people on the dance floor followed Tony and screamed.

Many women of all kinds kept winking at Ino next to the stairs.

I am afraid that even if Ino drags them out now, they will applaud with love.

But Ino couldn’t help but shook his arms and leaned on the spiral staircase, and said faintly: “Tony, one and a half hours is over, you should take off this armor and go to sleep.”

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