Chapter 109 .Reward for Living: Ghost Ava [3]

Finally, Rodriguez said solemnly: “I know there is a magical person in this world.”

“She has magical abilities because the molecular structure in the body is extremely unstable.”

“This allows her to go through walls, avoid attacks, and even become invisible.”

“I know that such a person is very attractive to Umbrella Bio Inc.”

Hearing what Rodriguez said, Ino knew who he was talking about.

That is: Ava Starr, nickname: ghost, but…whatever this deputy can do with her, his position can’t be forced to transfer S.H.I.E.L.D.


…Secret agent. Ino nodded and admitted: “Yes, it is very attractive to umbrellas, but then…whatever, you can get her over and let me study”

Rodriguez said quickly: “No, no, no, I can’t mobilize her directly, she belongs to the special department.”

“But I can let her meet with you, and even find a reason to be your bodyguard for a while.”

“But there is only a short time. You have to hurry up and study her. During this time, she belongs only to you.”

Ino meditates, Ava’s ability is indeed useful, she can be said to be an assassin.

And he is still a promising assassin in the future.

But the ability to regenerate from a severed limb has been researched…To be honest, Ino can use his own ability to parasitize this little girl immediately.

But if you want Angela and Zhao Hailun to study it, although it is not impossible to study it, it is a waste of time.

After much deliberation, Ino decided to ask before thinking: “How long will you take.”

Rodriguez looked at the daughter on his lap, and said in a sad tone: “I can wait 3 years. In these 3 years, I will let Dina use biomechanical limbs.”

Speaking of this, he solemnly looked at Ino and asked with a very serious expression: “I can advance the payment in advance, but I just hope that you can solve my daughter’s problem as soon as possible.”

Then there is nothing bad to refuse.

3 years is the year 201, and the umbrella is some time, and it may be solved by picking it up at that time.

Thinking of this, Ino stood up, walked to his daughter Dina and squeezed her cheek.

“Your daughter is so cute, I have agreed to this condition.”

Hearing Ino praise his daughter’s cuteness, Rodriguez smiled.

He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Ino and said, “Happy cooperation.”

“Happy cooperation.”

Ino shook his hand.

Then, Rodriguez took out a note and handed it to Ino: “This is my personal phone, you can call me if you need it.”

Ino nodded and accepted the note.

Finally, Ino patted his shoulder. “When you go down, just ask the front desk to go to the inventory and help you get a prosthesis. Of course, no money.”

Rodriguez nodded and put his daughter in the wheelchair.

Then he pushed his daughter out of the office.

Before leaving, his daughter returned: “Goodbye big brother.”

“goodbye.”(Read more @

Ino beckoned.

Back in his seat, Ino considers how to deal with Ava.

First of all, Ava is a very life-saving girl.

She not only got the functions of wall penetration and invisibility because of the branch problem in the body.

In the same way, she also suffered from the torn of the molecules in the body.

That is pain that doesn’t hurt from the beginning to the end of the whole body.

And the solution.

1 The sub-structure in her body has stabilized.

2 is that she can control the molecular structure of the body.

3 is to have a strong physical fitness to counteract the instability of this molecule.

The above methods are all mastered in the same way, and that is a real ghost.

Thinking of this, Ino accidentally had a magical idea.

Do you want to try…make Ava betray S.H.I.E.L.D.?


….Ava is in SHIELD.


…. not on the front.

It was a secret agent in another special department, different from Natasha and Coleson.

At the same time, because she cherishes her life, she crazily wants to stabilize the three elements of the molecular structure and pain in her body.

Ino can definitely try to make her be loyal to herself and betray S.H.I.E.L.D.



You can give it a try.

Time…just set it to come back from Monaco with Tony.

Because there would be a whiplash there, Rodriguez could use this reason to temporarily transfer Ava.

Of course, this reason is just to find one randomly.

After all, it can’t be for no reason, right.

The time is close to night.

It’s still in the top office of the umbrella.

Angela and Zhao Hailun are now using their abilities to change their clothes and rest here, because they will be going to Monaco by private jet later.

“There are people like this! Oh my God!!.”

Zhao Hailun exclaimed, holding his small mouth and said, “Isn’t this super power?”

Ino just popularized them about Ava’s abilities and told them the important things during the time when the vice president came just now.

“No, no, no.”

Ino hurriedly interrupted: “The concept of super power is innate, she is a later ability to acquire and integrate.”

“But the point is… can we study”

Angela suddenly said: “Are there physicists who are doing it? That is the entanglement of molecules and quantum, we know very little.”

I forgot about it.

Although molecules have physics, biology, and chemistry.

But the main thing is physics, followed by biology.

Ava came over, and they still had too little research.

“Study it slowly.”

Ino shrugged: “You treat her as a treasure, anyway… if she betrays SHIELD.


…. Then, don’t you just have to be by our side all the time”

“And she can do a lot of things, such as assassination and protection, although we don’t need protection.”

After Zhao Hailun and Angela looked at each other, they nodded together.

If there is a secret, I am afraid that there is a problem with the brain.

If you can master this technology, there will be great breakthroughs in the quantum field.

And then it will be of great help to all kinds of basic particulate matter.

At this time, Tony should be coming soon.

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