Chapter 108 .The Vice President’s personal visit [2]

Seeing the default Ino, the halogen egg nodded, and said to his heart: Niubi is really useless.

This method of memorizing data is something that humans can do. Now who has the function of reading brains, except for… that… the transformed Nebula, she can play the memories in her mind.

“Okay, let’s talk about a very important thing.”

When the time is almost up, Fury will say something important.

Ino gestured with the coffee hand.

Fury looked at Ino seriously and said, “You know Tony’s steel armor, right”

“Who doesn’t know this.”

Ino spit.

Fury nodded: “Then do you know the energy supply of his suit of armor”

“Concentration Ark Reactor.”

Ino simply replied, “I still have a large one.”


Fury nodded cautiously: “But do you know what the element Tony uses is, but he put that thing in his chest.”

Wait a moment.

Ino finally knows what Frey is doing.

“and many more….”

Ino interrupted: “Are you here to tell me about Tony Palladium poisoning?”

“you know”

Fury questioned.


Ino’s mouth twitched: “I’m a bio company, but you can also understand this as Tony told me.”

Fury heard an involuntary handshake.

He thought that the relationship between Tony and Ino in the live broadcast: The best friend is limited to Tony.

But who would have thought of this sentence: My best friend is actually considered Iron Man! “Okay.”

Fury said: “Then I will simply say, I want to find you to make…”

“The special effects and diluents are already ready.”

Ino interrupted directly.

Fury: “…he suddenly felt that he was in vain.

It turns out that the relationship between people is so good, he now thinks too much.

Fury opened his hand helplessly when he heard this: “I’m gone, do you have anything to say?”

“Neither did I, didn’t you come to find me”

Ino looked at Fury inexplicably.

The halogen egg nodded, stood up silently, and left with Coleson directly.(Read more @

Don’t be muddled, just leave without saying a word.

I guess Fury was thinking about it.

It resounds when I am S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D..


…The intelligence experts actually did everything in advance.

People know about palladium poisoning.

Everyone has to make the reagents.

Ino sat on the boss chair for a while and looked at the marinated egg that had slumped back.

He hasn’t said that the reward is a steel suit.

If you know this, Fury may be sour face twisted.

After the marinated eggs are gone, 3 in the afternoon.

The umbrella ushered in a more important… guest: the vice president.

Ino looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, he was more than one person.

He also brought his daughter.

“What’s your name”

Ino crouched in front of the girl’s wheelchair and asked.


After that, the little girl blinked and looked at the handsome big brother in front of her.

In her world, she thinks that the big brother in front of her is just the big brother.

Rodriguez looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

His daughter may not be known to others, but he knows that his daughter basically does not take the initiative to speak because of her disability.

And let alone seeing strangers.

Usually when someone is a guest at home, he doesn’t dare to lead them to his daughter.

Hearing the little girl’s words, Ino stood up and returned to his seat.He looked at Rodriguez and wondered what to call him.

Rodriguez proactively said cordially after seeing Ino: “Just add a gentleman.”

Ino nodded: “Then Mr. Rodriguez, the biomechanical limbs of the umbrella are definitely available as you, why are you looking for me?”

This is a vice president, even if the biomechanical prosthesis is out of stock, it is not necessary to find a middleman.

He didn’t need to come to him at all.

Rodriguez first picked up his daughter from the wheelchair, then walked to the sofa and sat down, put her daughter on her lap and said, “No matter how biomechanical prosthesis is, it is also a prosthesis.”

“And my daughter Dina, she can’t always wear a prosthesis, so I think…”

Speaking of this, the…Vice President even said in an imploring tone: “Can the umbrella be researched on bioremediation technology, let my daughter…”

“Rebirth from a severed limb.”

Upon hearing this, Ino finally understood why he would rather take such a big risk in Iron Man 3.

It turns out that my daughter is in control to the extreme.

But there is no need to say that, he is in a high position, and it is reasonable to do it for his relatives and daughter.

Sitting in the boss chair, Ino crossed his hands in front of him and said in a deep voice, “Mr. Rodriguez, rebirth from a severed limb is not… just for fun, the difficulty of this technique… is simply fantastic.”

Although I can regenerate your daughter from a severed limb now, it is impossible.

And to be honest, why this… The vice president wants to let the umbrella study these two things, sympathy and power… He is daydreaming, the umbrella can even make you or not The previous and next vice president.

I see if you want the approval rate.

Suddenly, Rodriguez said anxiously: “You have the top scientists in biology, cytology, neurology, etc., and biomechanical prostheses have also been made. Why can’t you go further?”

“Mr. Rodriguez.”

Ino slowly said: “Such research costs are not proportional to the benefits of recycling, and we will waste a lot of money in vain.”

“It is enough for the people to have invisible biomechanical prostheses. Although your family is not in business, it shouldn’t be ignorant of these truths.”

Rodriguez stiffened suddenly.

It’s not that he doesn’t know, he just wants to report some expectations.

So no matter whether it is possible or not, he will try the previous sentence.

Finally, after thinking about it, Rodriguez gritted his teeth, he looked at Ino suddenly and asked: “There is no recording or video recording here, right?”

Ino waved his hand and said, how could there be video and audio recording in this kind of place.

But he is…expecting what this… Mr. Vice President will say, or what conditions he will give.

What conditions can even be tempted by oneself.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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