Chapter 102 .Tony turned into a merciless applause machine [1]

“First, you brought up the Hulk incident at Corvo College two months ago.”

“That incident was also my personal experience. I believe I know the situation better than anyone else.”

“At that time, Hulk was ordered by General Ross, who is now in jail, to use tear gas to force that… Hulk out, which caused an armed conflict.”

“But before that, it was all Rose’s initiative. I believe you have also heard about it in the news.”

“But did Hulk kill people? He didn’t. Instead, he saved some people from the Harlem Street incident a few weeks ago. He fought hatred.”

“From this, I want to ask everyone, is he a bad guy”

Speaking of this, Ino turned and looked at the crowd behind him.

They saw Ino turned his head and shook his head together, “Well, isn’t it?”

Ino turned his head and glanced at Hanmer and continued, “Secondly, at the same time, at the same place, the same incident occurred in the case of the gods.”

“This time I believe you don’t need to tell me, you know.”

“Come on! Tell me out loud!”

“God! God! Yes! Bad! People!?”

Audience: “No!!!”

During the live broadcast on all platforms, dozens of people behind Ino shouted neatly.

Among them, he might as well be in a high position.

But still shouting: No, affirmative sentence.

Hearing the support of the crowd behind him, Ino looked at Justin Hammer again and said: “Now, I want to ask you, Iron Man protects the people, Hulk protects the people, and the gods also protect the people!”

“But why did you turn into war! Weapons! Killing! Bad! Adjectives!”

“They did this…what are you doing! Do you just fart with both mouths open?”

“Tony closed the arms manufacturing department of the family business for the sake of conscience, what about you!”

“Oh, right.”

Ino reacted.

He turned his head and shrugged towards the crowd behind him: “He is an arms dealer who sells weapons. He must only know this…”

Hahahahaha, the flip of this moment made everyone laugh.


What is Hulk doing to hate.

What is Iron Man doing to clean up terrorist organizations?

God was doing everything that day.

And just what Justin Hammer is doing, he is an arms dealer who sells weapons, whether it is the government or foreign countries, he sells them.(Read more @

Do you want such a person to decide something? That’s what it means.

Happiness!!!!! Tony’s happy palms turned red and turned directly into a ruthless weapon.

This must be the happiest, happiest, and happiest day for him.

It’s cooler than playing Time Magazine’s cover! Justin Hammer immediately picked up the microphone when he heard it, but Senator Stern said directly: “What you said has nothing to do with whether or not Iron Man is a weapon.”

“What we need is for you to talk about Iron Man’s non-lethal power and the possibility of harming the people from an objective point of view.”

“But in this case, we don’t want to delay any longer. Let’s just watch the Iron Man fake video we collected.”

After Stern finished speaking, the live camera turned directly to Tony’s left, the big screen in front of Hammer.

A video was opened above.

In a relatively deserted area, on a platform, you can see a robot-like figure moving.

After seeing it, Tony frowned and took out an electronic light screen directly from his arms.

“Call for high-tech products”

Ino embraced his arms and just turned his head to see.

Tony operated the light screen while pressing it and said, “So what, the company that encounters the internal network disconnection of your umbrella is…”burning stick”


After speaking, he took the light screen and pointed it at the big TV and live broadcast machine a few times.

Um…Yes, no matter how powerful a hacker is, you also need to be online, and no matter how powerful an electronic is, you also need electricity.

Both of these are gone, and the most powerful technique is also a fire stick.

Ultron is out of the internet or is it Ultron? Funny it should be thankful that the earth is not that…the age of steam.

After Tony clicked on the light screen, his home computer immediately connected to the broadcast channel to invade.

“Let you see what the facts are.”

After a while, the code flashed directly on the big screen.

“What is he doing”

Congressman Stern looked at the scene where Tony was empty with a few clicks.

However, the intrusion has been successful on the big screen and live broadcast machine.

Zoom in to the lens.

The original… Iron Man figure was actually a clunky and funny broken machine.

After walking a few steps, it fell directly to the ground, the control system was directly out of control, and its hands and feet jumped wildly.

In the end, even the weapon system got out of control.

The two Gatlings with both hands directly fired around, killing several people around.

Then another video screen was changed.

Justin Hammer stood in a tent.

A particularly heavy robot is being tested in front of him.

And there are a lot of wires connected to this robot.

Justin Hammer said as he moved in the video: Lift your foot.

The robot also lifted its foot.

Justin Hammer said again: Turn around, follow me like this.

Seeing this, the scene, the Justin Hammer finally couldn’t help it.

He rushed to hurriedly wanted to unplug the large screen wire, and then he hurriedly searched for a long time.

Buzz!!!!! Ah!!!! The driver’s scream accompanied by the machine’s start-up sound.

Although the machine turned.

But he turned 180 degrees from the front to the back.

The driver inside turned directly into a dead person who looked at the top half of the back and the bottom half looked at the front.

Finally, the video is almost done, and Justin Hammer also unplugged it.

Tony watched the video and said: “This is called Iron Man. I said that it will take at least 10 years for the country to do it, and Hanmer Industries will take at least 20 years.”

“Mr. Justin Hammer, you are on TV. Is this the threat and the danger? You are the danger, right?”

After speaking, Tony leaned into Ino’s ear and said, “You are right, he really needs to cooperate with the action when he speaks, and that… also in the video.”

After Justin Hammer unplugged the large screen cable, Tony’s video was cut off, and he picked up the microphone to make sure of one thing first.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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