Chapter 101 .Justin Hammer dancing with hands [5]

Pepper sitting behind Tony covered his forehead with his hand.

Tony can say that even here.

It’s really him.

at last.

Tony summed up a sentence.

“I can’t give it to you, either way.”

“I don’t understand, I am not an expert, but I know an expert.”

Senator Stern straightened his tie and said: “Not only him, I also invited experts in prosthetic technology. He can also determine whether your steel armor is a weapon.”

“Now summon Justin Hammer, the main arms dealer of the Ministry of Defense, and…”

“Invite Mr. Ino, the largest biopharmaceutical company in the world to come to the hall for debate.”

Wow!!!!! Discussions arose in the hall for an instant, these…

Senator Stern’s first sentence may not matter.

But the second sentence of Ino is very important to them.

People who just put the world’s most advanced biomechanical prosthesis on sale yesterday will actually be here.

Shouldn’t he be busy? He will give face to come here with the noise, Ino leads Zhao Hailun to Tony’s right and sits down: while Zhao Hailun stays quietly behind Ino’s right.

Seeing that Ino finally sits over.

Tony directly lifted the chair up and walked to Ino before putting it down after everyone was shocked.

Then he sat down beside Ino.

At last he suddenly remembered something.

He then stood up and went to the original position and took the microphone over and placed it next to Ino.

But just when Tony grabbed Ino’s shoulders.

Stern said anxiously: “Don’t get close to the notary, you are bad behavior.”

“Does it legally say that, Senator Stern.”

Tony put his arms around Ino’s shoulders in front of him: “No matter where I am, the relationship with Ino is invincible. Is there a problem?”

Click! Click! Click! The sound of the camera shutter sounded in many places.

The reporters are all taking pictures frantically.

This is the first time that Tony and Ino have announced that their relationship is so good in public.

Well, Senator Stern really doesn’t know about this.

He thought that with Tony’s character, the two company expos would be invisible competition.

And Ino was at the fair last night.

The relationship between the two should be similar to that of Justin Hammer.(Read more @

But now these things can’t be managed.

He looked at Hanmer who walked in and said: “Anyway, let’s first invite Mr. Hanmer, an expert in weapons, to sit down:.”

Tony watched Hanmo, who was wearing a gray-white dress, stepped forward and took the microphone and said, “I’m sorry, with all due respect, I haven’t seen any weapon experts, where is he”


Hanmer laughed at himself and took the microphone: “I am not an expert, you are, Tony, you are a genius.”

“Congressman Stern, I have a question to ask everyone.”

Hanmer took the microphone and stood up and said, “Maybe I am not an expert, but do you know who is the real expert?”

Speaking of this, Hammer pointed at Tony fiercely and said, “It’s your father! Howard Stark!”

“He is not only our patriarch, but also the father of military industry. They are not performers, they are real beasts!”

“Everyone knows why we are here. In the past six months, Tony Stark has built a sharp sword.”

“But he insists that it is a shield. He wants us to trust him. He wants us to hide behind him.”

Hanmer made strange gestures while talking.

“I really hope that we are all safe, I really hope that, I also hope that I don’t have to lock the door when I go out, but…”

“Did you watch the Hulk in the first 2 months? Can he play Iron Man!”

“He can’t beat it!”

“Did you see the gods of the last few weeks? Did he deal with Iron Man!”

“Totally impossible!”

“This is not heaven. We live in a world full of dangers. Mr. Stark may not be able to predict the dangers.”

Speaking of this, he looked at the people watching and the live camera and said, “Thank you, God Bless Iron Man, God bless the United States.”

A passage from Hammer, although it does not say that Iron Man is a weapon.

But he compared Iron Man with Hulk, the gods.

Then Iron Man becomes a weapon directly.

It directly becomes the default.

If everyone agrees with him, it is that Iron Man is a weapon by default.

Tony reached for the microphone.

Seeing Hanmer finished speaking, Stern directly interrupted Tony’s attempt to speak into the microphone and said: “Now, Mr. Ino, please comment. What do you think of Iron Man? Do you agree with what Justin Hammer said just now.”

Tony paused while holding the microphone.

Then change it to help Ino take the microphone and hand it to Ino.

If Stern invites someone to speak, Tony interrupts directly.

I just want to say.

Ino turned into the microphone, looking at the strange yin and yang, Hanmo said, “Although I don’t know what you are discussing.”

“But speaking, it seems that you don’t need to stand up, and you don’t need to dance and make strange poses. Are you the kind of…Silver seller Tony just said?”

Happiness…!!!! Hahahaha Ino just finished talking.

Tony clapped wildly beside him, and his applause resounded through the hall through the microphone.

A roar of laughter also sounded directly in the hall.

Justin Hammer suddenly returned to his seat awkwardly and sat down.

“Please tell me the key thing, Mr. Ino.”

Senator Stern reminded.

“no problem.”

Ino nodded.

He held the microphone in his right hand, embraced with one hand, and then leaned on the chair with Erlang’s leg up.

“Then let’s not talk about weapons or weapons. I’m not an expert in this aspect, and I don’t know.”

“But I am aware of biological matters, and I am an expert in this area.”

“Then, let’s get rid of the concept of weapons, let’s talk about it first, and analyze what Mr. Hammer said just now.”

Seeing Ino holding the microphone with one hand, Tony was afraid that he would affect his performance, so he took it over and helped Ino hold it.

Well, it’s a good idea.

Ino changed to embrace with both hands.

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