Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 874 The Great Poet (Second Change)

Next time I'll come earlier, if nothing unexpected happens.

Wait, take this. Casilios called to Salomon who had put on his shoes, I think you and His Holiness may need this.

Salomon roughly flipped through the black leather notebook in his hand, which recorded some dreams and ravings. He questioned Casilios with puzzled eyes, but the elder mystic just shook his head. This is my dream, and you know we don't dream casually, he said. Dreams are blurred reflections of the mirror world. I'm sure you remember this sentence. Recently, my dreams have become more and more frequent. This must be a sign of some kind. I have interpreted a lot of images about Ragnarok myself. I am not a professional dream interpreter. I believe that you and His Holiness can see more things from it. A prophesied catastrophe is a very important event for the entire universe, and we need to deal with it carefully.

I know. Salomon asked, Do you think this is a dream caused by you staying beside the All-Father?

It's possible, Casilios said, but it doesn't explain all the omens in the dream. But I believe you played a huge role in Ragnarok, boy.

Salomon pouted.

If his plan succeeds, he will succeed in usurping the roots of Asgard and applying them to the human race. But he couldn't tell anyone, even His Holiness just knew it. Anyone who walks will leave traces. As the most powerful spellcaster of the Vanir Protoss, Frigga is very likely to predict this scene and inform the Golden Palace to remove the spies he arranged. Rhine's daughter, Lorelei, was his first step in this plan. Although it feels very unsafe to put all his hopes on others, there is only one person in Salomon's hands who can infiltrate the Golden Palace of the Asa Protoss. However, Lorelai's sister, Charming Banshee, would never accept the cooperation invitation, so he had to use all means to force Lorelai to cooperate. His communication with Lorelai was limited to letters and always through Karma Taj's embassy. Although it is easy for people to follow the clues to find clues, there is only so much he can do.

Hey, kid. Casilios patted him on the shoulder. He and Salomon drank a whole dozen of vodka. At first, Salomon drank most of the vodka. After taking the panacea, Casilios caught up with the drinking habits developed in Northern Europe for a long time. The alcohol didn't affect their sanity, but the grilled pork chops made them panic. Although I don't know what the spies you sent to Asgard do, you must be careful. Although I haven't practiced prophecy, I know that every step of your calculations may have hunters hiding behind the scenes. So far You did a good job, but the father of the gods is not easy to mess with, and Asgard is not as simple as you think. Unless you have the ability to face the goddess of death... I know you rejected the marriage, the father of the gods invitation. I'm sure you know what that means, so be careful?

Don't worry, I have a plan.

Then I'm a little relieved, go away, little bastard. Practice your guitar well, and next time I will introduce you to a guest.

When did you pick up the guitar again, honey? Beunita raised her slender eyebrows.

She shook her head, and the exquisite inverted triangle sapphire earrings reflected bright light in the air.

The apartment does have a room for instruments, and the Oxfordshire manor has a purpose-built recording studio. Thanks to Athena's education policy, she knew that Salomon could play many musical instruments proficiently, even some very unpopular ancient musical instruments. But the mystic always said that music was a luxurious leisure activity, and he couldn't waste his time playing in a band. That’s why it’s so rare to see Salomon half-lying on the couch strumming his guitar — not when he wastes his time on virtual anchors and teenage idols, which he says are his cherished hobby and hope of saving the world, He also often mutters stupid things like Tsundere and poor breasts are cherished qualities and the industry is getting worse and worse. Bayonetta knew all about his hobbies, and in order not to embarrass Salomon, she didn't tell him that she had already flipped through his collection of CDs. She and Joan even found time to watch it, and Dinah watched the whole process, not participating in the witches' evaluation of Salomon's little hobby.

To be honest, after formally living together and establishing the Immortal City, Salomon had less and less private time, otherwise he would definitely have discovered the change in the order of the discs. If Dinah hadn't cleaned it diligently, a thin layer of dust would have accumulated on the game console. He plays the digital version of the game now. Because today I think it's time to sing for you, Salomon said. Beunita sat beside him, fingering the strings, then tangling with his. The witch kissed the mystic's lips. She felt the exuberant heat that a man of his age should have radiated from Salomon.

What do you want to hear? It's lo-fi today.

Oh, I thought you wanted some Hamlet today until I saw you like this. It's Act Three, Scene Two.

My black hair with thick black hair and gray eyes, the black girl who drives me crazy loves puns and metaphors? Salomon laughed. Many people now regard Shakespeare's plays as a noble thing, and even some fools who have never read the script regard it as a kind of religion, and dialogue should be read aloud in the spotlight and on the stage. Shakespeare invented the English language to a certain extent, except for the extremely creative plots, profound thoughts and rich words, his plays are mainly aimed at the uneducated common people, even the great Hamlet is full of Obscene pun. Some people think that Shakespeare's lines must be accompanied by classical music, but even the sonnets for refined people are full of extremely obscene hints. If it is not for in-depth study, without a certain etymology foundation and classical literary literacy, you will not be able to understand Shakespeare's obscene allusions hidden in the poems, but you will be so bored that you will fall asleep.

Salomon's literary literacy is comparable to that of the witch, and the mystic naturally understands which passage Beunita is referring to, that is, the passage where Hamlet pretends to be crazy. When Salomon asked Lady, shall l lie in you lap?, Bayonetta replied, Yes, my lord. [in your lap is purely a dirty joke. 】

Faced with Bayonetta's teasing, Salomon decided to put down the guitar first, and carried her into the bedroom amidst the witch's cheerful screams.

What kind of beast would ravage a lady like this?

A beast like me, dear, a beast like me! Do we have to speak in the tone of a drama? It's so stupid! Don't look at me like that, I actually have some literary qualities. His Holiness also said Christopher Marlowe is my figure left in history! Thinking about being able to quarrel with Shakespeare during the time travel mission in the future, I must be a great poet!

Ask for a ticket!

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