Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 873 Family Warmth (Part 1)

In Casilios' view, Salomon is still very young.

It has nothing to do with age, magic cultivation, or even the bloody wars waged by the organizations established by Salomon that he knows. It is purely because Salomon has not experienced the crazy years that young people should have. The hormones in the blood vessels are as cold as ice. Although Salomon has always followed the precepts, Casilios has always believed that young people should have a little life of their own. He didn't do drugs (hard sex), binge drink, get fucked in a bar toilet with a girl he just met and wake up delirious in someone's bed, didn't smoke marijuana while camping with hippies , not digging out a parental stash of hallucinogenic mushrooms from under the couch cushions, or going to a makeshift wedding in Las Vegas, or even going to the hospital for a testicular lump or a digital exam.

Even without these, discussing the current electronic products, music or stars is fine, but Salomon seems not interested in those, and he didn’t do any of the things that young people should do—he would remind them even if the guests came. Guests want to use coasters kind of people. If magic, appearance and force are excluded, Salomon is as boring as a dry towel that can break bricks after being wrung out and exposed to the sun. There may be nasty mold or some hard dirt on it. In some respects, Cassilios' ideas coincide with Tony Stark's. What young people need is a party, not guns and swords, blood and fire, piles of old papers and mysterious magic.

Salomon always knew what Cascilios was thinking, Cascilios had said so since he started school.

But that doesn't change his behavior pattern. He is very busy and has no time to waste on drugs, alcohol and rave parties. Getting home with the witch is a rare time for him to relax, not to mention that the current situation is nothing to his mental capacity. Even if he needs the help of medicine, the alchemy medicine made by himself can also work, and the effect is even better. Addictive alchemical drugs are not uncommon for spellcasters, if not viewed with the right perspective, without strict discipline control and abused, spellcasters can play much more openly than ordinary people, thus becoming useless and dying ( There are not a few suicides and homicides).

Salomon, who has made some achievements in alchemy, has only made a little so far. This is a drug made to make it easier to enter a trance state when studying the patterns on the silver key, helping him to avoid losing his sanity. Dive into a more dangerous mind and be able to return to normal in a safe time. Maya Hansen and her medical team are closely monitoring Salomon's condition. He is now the lord of the Immortal City. The eternal contract between Wakanda and Mars is maintained by him alone. He cannot have any accidents. Even dangerous magic research must impose far more reliable and more cumbersome insurance than before.

He may be the first spellcaster in the wizarding world to conduct magical research while his vital signs are monitored throughout.

But Cascilios knew that Salomon's favorite show was the family comedy, which was mostly the type of series and movies he subscribed to on Netflix before he formalized his relationship with the Witch. Because of this, Casilios would chat with Salomon whenever he had nothing to do. It's not that there are no orphans in Karma Taj, but being born without a family to receive a magical education doesn't sound like a good thing for mental health.

To be honest, this is not a mysterious temperament that can make a girl scream. The topic of chatting between Casilios and Salomon quickly got off topic on a rocket. The older mystic looked at the young man in front of him with satisfaction. In any case, Salomon had grown up to the age where he could drink and chat with him. It's very fulfilling, especially when he's old enough—although he knows it's hard, he still fantasizes about a future where Salomon comes to see him with a witch and a child, and then he can be with him. Those little bastards talk about their glory days and, by the way, boast about their brief career as rock singers.

Although at least half of it is bragging, how can a child tell the difference, can't he?

By the time those children know which ones are true and which ones are not, he will be in the grave with his wife. Could they still blame a joke an old guy took to his grave?

Cassilios was keen to show Salomon his vinyl collection, and he knew everything about Nineties rock bands. He said it so often that Salomon knew what he was going to say next. I love 'Everything Will Flow' in suede too, it's the pinnacle of Britpop. But don't think that's going to take me to the bowling alley, Cascilios, the only way to entertain and socialize in your day is in the bowling alley , it’s different now. There are only two bowling alleys in Oslo. You definitely won’t like Oslo Bar \u0026amp; Bowling. The decoration there is too modern, and there is no solid wood bar. How can there be such a straightforward name? It sounds like Government-run school for seniors! Lucky Bowl Veitvet! Sounds good, but you can't stand the atmosphere of a Starbucks right now, and you certainly can't stand a bunch of teenage girls and white-collar workers pretending to be drinking drinks at small round synthetic wood tables, and the fairways are empty.

How do you know about the bowling alley in Oslo? You haven't been there! Hey, don't play with your phone while eating!

There's a thing called Google Maps now, Dad!

You little bastard, you messed up my weekend plans. Cascilios sliced ​​off a pork chop and stuffed it into his mouth, then picked up the wine glass with his greasy hands and drank it down for himself. He took a breath, According to you, where should I go on the weekend? I can't go hunting bears with the father of the gods. It's a protected animal. If people from the government see how many polar bears are in that cabin Bearskin should faint from fright. Don't look at me like that, I can't stop this kind of thing, I can only use Karma Taj's account to transfer money to animal protection organizations.

Don't waste your money, Norway kills whales every year. You know, 'research needs'. As for your weekend, maybe you can consider dyeing your hair and have a nice weekend with the blonde lady next door. As for Shave, I don’t think it’s necessary, it’s more handsome. Christmas roast pork chops, huh? You can’t even make instant noodles!” Salomon said with a smile. He clinked glasses with Cascilios, then sighed, I'm sorry I didn't get to spend Christmas with you. Really, I'm sorry.

It's not a big deal, kid. I'm not an old man who needs volunteers from junior high school students on weekends to help wipe his ass. I'm afraid that one day his head will fall into the toilet and drown, and his body will not be found until his body swells. Daniel needs to worry He's old enough for this kind of thing, his old ass can't even hold the position of the guardian of the temple. The old mystic's vulgar comparison made the young man on the opposite side laugh, We all know what happened on Finbowente Mountain What a piece of shit and you did a good job. More than anything, no? Listen, I was there when His Holiness picked you up. I didn't think your life would turn out like this and you wouldn't even be able to enjoy it Things that young people should enjoy. If there is anyone who should apologize, it should be me, Modu and His Holiness. We let you take on the responsibility that young people should not bear. We put hope on you and let you You have done a lot of things that you had to do. If I had known all this in advance, I would have persuaded His Holiness to let you be adopted by ordinary people first.

Responsibility is above all else, Casilios. Salomon shook his head with a smile, I understand my responsibility, and I don't regret it.

I will support you, as always.

Thank you, Dad. The young mystic nodded. By the way, the pork chops are great. When are you going to officially introduce the lady to me?

Ask for a ticket!

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