Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1071 Chapter 1067 Exchange of Interests (First Update)

The Supreme Mage and Mordo watched the entire scene as War Machine destroyed the Wall Street Stock Exchange and then teleported away. Although Mordo wanted to say something, the Supreme Master had no objection to the behavior of his favorite student. Including Athena, she was very satisfied with the punishment given by Salomon and believed that this behavior was very kingly.

I believe him. Athena said nothing more, but showed a very confident look. The Supreme Mage also had the same expression. Both sides believed that they were better in the chess game that was being manipulated secretly.

In fact, the key to winning or losing this game is Salomon's humanity. Both the Supreme Mage and Athena believe that Salomon will take the path given by fate, but Athena believes that Salomon will retain more of his humanity and will be nostalgic for everything in the past, because Athena believes that she taught him If Salomon understands what beauty and wisdom are, he will have a better impression of the Olympus god system. The Supreme Mage disagreed with this idea. He believed that if the Olympus God System blocked his way, then even Athena would not be able to escape death. He should now persuade the Olympus God System to give up some plans and avoid The whole army is wiped out, and it is better to become an ally of Salomon.

Neither Asgard nor Olympus are considered gods at all in the eyes of Salomon and the Supreme Mage. At best, they are blind and arrogant natives of the real universe who dominate a country. Only Odin is somewhat close to the true god. concept. The real God is in another spiritual dimension, which is a collection of pure concepts. Any emotion in the world will become their nourishment, just like a tumor born in this universe. The Olympus pantheon, caught between reality and illusion, can only be regarded as a creature of the real plane with powerful extradimensional power. It cannot be regarded as a real enemy. As long as it does not block the path to the rise of mankind in the future, the Supreme Mage believes that Sa Lomon would allow the Olympian pantheon to die naturally in a corner.

If some guys from the Olympus Gods see this as an opportunity, then Salomon will not show mercy. The Supreme Mage is very confident in the ideas and execution capabilities he instills in his disciples. In just a few years, Salomon managed a dilapidated underground city under Rome into an organization that could compete with many major powers in the world. As long as he is given some more time, that ambitious goal will definitely be achieved. It is for this reason that the Supreme Mage would not hesitate to violate the iron laws he had set and use the Time Stone to help him establish the Mars Foundry and create the Praetorian Guards.

Modu didn't know this at all. He just suspected that his junior brother was now planning to give up magic and focus on science. He didn't care about any problems between human countries in the real plane. He was a Kama Taj man through and through, focusing on To deal with threats from extra dimensions, the eternal enemy of intelligent creatures. In his view, Salomon has established a country just to deal with alien threats in the real plane. After solving the extinction crisis encountered by the human race in the real plane, he will serve as the next Supreme Mage.

After all, compared with threats in the real universe, threats from extra dimensions are much more terrifying.

Modu's thoughts were exposed in front of the Supreme Mage, and the Supreme Master thought that he should find time to educate Modu. Threats from the real universe and threats from extra dimensions are both horrors that humans will face in the future. If we only focus on threats from extra dimensions, Kamal Taj’s historical mission will never end. Regardless of whether the mystics are willing or not, Kama Taj's ultimate goal is to make himself useless. Just like the country established by Salomon, he will disappear immediately after completing his mission, leaving the world to the new era of humans who advocate reason and science. .

The Supreme Mage knew that doing so required iron-fisted leadership, otherwise new interest groups would always find ways to obstruct the process of accomplishing their goals. The lessons of Camelot are still applicable today. The same situation also appeared in Kama Taj. After Salomon's goal was completed, the Mystic family and even Kama Taj, products of the old era, had no meaning in their existence.

Then let's look at the future. The Supreme Mage said softly, with a certain certainty and confidence in his tone that made Athena's hair stand on end. It's just that the arrogant goddess of wisdom will never give up, even though she has lost to the Supreme Mage many times. Salomon's future has been determined, there are just some differences in details. His Holiness looked at the super-heavy assault transport craft that took off, I bet you a bowl of Greek yogurt this time, and I want you to make it yourself, Athena.


The anti-gravity jet motorcycle has extremely high acceleration and braking capabilities. It is one of the standard light equipment used by the Guards to hunt low-altitude targets. It is equipped with twin heavy bolters, fusion microwave launchers, plasma cannons and Laser cannons have proven to be suitable for many tasks. Supiluliumas's anti-gravity jet motorcycle was equipped with a high-power laser cannon. Under the guidance of the automatic guidance system, the anti-gravity jet motorcycle flew out of the super-heavy assault transport craft and landed in Su. Beside Piluliumas. Hammurabi walked to the open ramp and made a condescending gesture to Supiluliumas, asking him to end the mission quickly. The surveillance mission in South America still required the Praetorian Guards to perform.

Supiluliumas angrily sent back a joking and offensive symbol through the communication network, then stepped on the anti-gravity hover jet motorcycle and headed towards the white one flying towards the war machine on the horizon. Tail Flame rushed over, not caring at all about the impact of his engine noise on the mortals inside the United Nations Headquarters.

After all, they have been tortured enough without this little noise.

The largest transport aircraft currently in service in the U.S. military is the C-5 Galaxy, a large military transport aircraft developed by the American Lockheed Company. It can rely on U.S. military bases and aerial refueling around the world to complete the task of deploying a division worldwide in 30 days. The Eternal City's super-heavy assault transport craft is comparable in size to the C-5 Galaxy, but has stronger armor, longer range, faster speed, and higher ceiling than the C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft. As well as a larger carrying capacity, it can be called a mobile fortress in the atmosphere, with the ability to transport soldiers to the rear of the enemy's lines despite enemy air defense firepower.

All the vehicles in the Eternal City are named after legendary creatures. The regular model of the assault transport boat is named Hippogriff, and the variants are named Thunderbird and Griffin, collectively known as the Skyhawk type; while the regular model of the super-heavy assault transport boat is named after the Austrian. Din's eight-legged Pegasus was named after Leipnir, and its variant was named Pegasus. The performance of this aircraft, collectively known as the Pegasus type, deserves this name.

The Mars Foundry came up with a very dangerous idea, which is to let the super-heavy assault transport ship sail to low orbit, and move two heavy tanks temporarily equipped with anti-gravity thrusters, including men and vehicles, from the slope outside the enemy's anti-aircraft fire range. Throw it down through the hatch and perform a decapitation strike mission by orbital airborne landing. Or it can be modified into a bombing gunship equipped with giant bombs or apocalypse-level weapons, which can directly carry out strategic strikes on targets from void orbit and provide fire cover for ground decapitation strike missions. By the time the opponent's air defense system reacts and wants to counterattack, the super-heavy assault transport craft will have already returned to the high-orbit space station beyond the reach of ballistic missiles, assuming that the enemy's air defense system has not been destroyed by ground weapons at that time.

The performance of the Pegasus-type super-heavy assault transport craft is fully qualified for this task, and the Mars Foundry can also produce enough aircraft for use by genetically modified warriors. For the Eternal City, which consumes huge resources, this relatively cheap alternative is very suitable. The engine installed in such an excellent flying fortress is naturally very powerful. The terrible noise made by the engine with huge thrust when running can be heard throughout the city. The noise of the engine when it landed from the clouds almost shattered all the windows of the United Nations Headquarters. The hurricane blowing downwards mixed with burning smell and steam knocked over ordinary people who failed to hide in their houses in time. The movement was even louder than when the army and war machines were teleported to the United Nations Headquarters. It even drowned out the roar of war machines walking in southern Manhattan.

Some diplomats and think tanks with military backgrounds saw at a glance the scientific and technological value and strategic value contained in such an aerial fortress. They observed the combination of the forward-swept wing structure of the fuselage, the vertical take-off and landing function of the transport aircraft, and the atmospheric and void dual-purpose engines. It is a miracle of materials science that cannot be accomplished by human technology today.

More importantly, Latovinia promised to share some of its technology in exchange for resources and support. This was a reward given by Latvinia after deterrence. After obtaining the technology exchange list, the originally neutral countries also sided with Latvinia. Because that table covers areas such as engine design, materials, and high-end chips, and it provides technical support rather than selling products, there is no threshold for technological monopoly.

This is a deal that no one will refuse. Almost all country representatives who received the list found this to be an excellent opportunity to break away from the technology monopoly of European and American high-end manufacturing. Latvinia will provide these countries with technology that far exceeds the high-end manufacturing industries in Europe and the United States, support their local chip factories to replace the monopoly of Qualcomm, Intel and other companies, and ensure the development and security of information-based military.

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