Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1070 Chapter 1066 My sweet boy (second update)

This is an interesting phenomenon and has very important reference significance for the future administrative structure of Latvinia. Although the administrative structure of the Eternal City and Latovinia is known for its efficiency under the rule of the monarch, the monarch cannot waste all his time managing mortals. How to keep the administrative system composed of mortals efficient is a very complicated matter. With the prohibition of advanced artificial intelligence, this problem seems to be solved only by brain modification and the removal of mortal physical emotions. I uploaded my questions and gave my opinions in the private communication channel.

Because Latovinia is too small and mortals are too stupid. Supiluliumas was surprisingly calm, as if the annoying mutterings before were the illusion he showed. His voice carried a bit of the clicking sound of a damaged respirator. If he hadn't needed to maintain his manners around the monarch, he would have wanted to reach out and pat the equipment inside the helmet.

Although the mortal kingdom is vulnerable to the monarch, the current mortal kingdom can still operate, so the monarch has selected the mortal kingdoms that can cooperate and help those countries attack the United States of America. This is both protection and deterrence. We need resources, We need workers. We don’t have time. We must unify the Balkans as soon as possible. Expressing friendship will help quickly solve the problems of Latvinia and Yugoslavia. After all, we have taken those mortals from the European and American industrial complex without restraint and from the ignorance of religious superstition. When he rescued them, he had to feed them and give them a sense of security. His words carried the same mockery and complaints as before, The vast majority of mortals are ignorant, and they do not realize that the monarch is saving them. They, they don't even understand what they are fighting against, and they can only allow those who want to plunder them to incite anger and fear, as if they have ever had freedom.

Freedom, a word that spits venom.

Human beings fantasize about freedom, but they do not know the definition of freedom. Whenever this word is mentioned, Supiluliumas will always sneer, claiming that mortals always ignore reality and blindly believe that all people are created equal or similar concepts have been realized, even if Marie Antoin Vanette's anecdote happens over and over again, but still ignores how imbeciles raised by ruling class families are blind to their hardships. The ruling class keeps the people ignorant by cutting back on basic education, cutting off their connection with the truth and opportunities for contact with more profound knowledge. At the same time, it creates many rich and enthusiastic pastimes to squeeze out their desire to explore knowledge, and establishes enemies for the people to vent and express their desires. Depressed, creating divisions that divide the human race vertically, preventing them from uniting to discover the truth and overthrow them.

Throughout, these ruling classes viewed themselves as shepherds, managing mortals like livestock. This name for the rulers of theocracy and kingship spread from the Mesopotamia to ancient Greece, from ancient Greece to ancient Rome, and finally throughout Europe and America. From the underlying cultural logic, this also explains why atheism cannot develop in these countries, because no one has ever given ordinary people in these countries the spiritual support to replace religion, and the sanctification of the ruling class has transformed into the sanctification of the bourgeoisie. , money and religion have jointly become the beliefs of the new era.

Modern rich people can be equated to the nobility of the old era, and those wealth will be passed on forever, just like the titles and fiefs of the nobility. This is why the monarch has so many enemies, because the monarch's ideas break the worship of money and religion, and reunite the divided human race while putting many people's goals on the future of the human race. This is a lofty goal that short-sighted people cannot see or reach. It is a situation that vested interests and the ruling class try to avoid, so they want the monarch to die, so they will die.

I uploaded my brief thoughts to the knowledge base of the Praetorian Guards through voice recording, and planned to write it into a paper in the future to try to find connections among them. However, even in the middle of the speech, the monarch still graded the document. I don’t even know how he did it, but this feeling of recognition made my ribs tighten and feel like I was not so Like a steady teenager. This is my only desire, and that is to serve forever.

My Lord, do you need me to deal with that person? Supiluliumas asked in the communication channel.

Although the assault transport boat has a flight speed that far exceeds that of fifth-generation aircraft, it cannot compare with the steel suit in terms of maneuverability in the narrow range of New York City airspace. After all, the essence of this aircraft, which is nearly thirty meters long, is a small transport shuttle with powerful firepower, rather than an aircraft specifically used for air combat. Its main function is to break through the opponent's blockade and deliver deadly passengers to the strike location. It has different capabilities depending on the mission. Different modification variants, this time it is not a bombing mission, so it does not carry too many missiles.

In order to ensure air safety, Tony Stark stuffed a large number of micro-missiles into Colonel Rhodes' equipment as an anti-missile system. Every time a valuable anti-aircraft missile flew towards Colonel Rhodes, one Cheap micro-missiles intercepted it, and the successive flashes of fire turned the sky over New York City into a soup of orange-red and gray-black. The distant explosions sounded like muffled thunder coming from the clouds, carrying out the mission of destruction. The huge war machine decisively used its secondary weapon set to fire when Colonel Rhodes tried to approach. Blood-red lasers painted the sky wantonly with the night as the background.

Even so, while maintaining restrictions such as not harming civilians, not using weapons arbitrarily, and not staying too far away from the monarch, the wolf-like assault transport boats were still close to driving Colonel Rhodes to death. If Friday had not controlled the steel suit to carry out emergency braking and extreme evasion that ordinary people could not bear, the laser cannon mounted on the assault transport boat would have eliminated him long ago. But this battle has gone on for too long, and Supiluliumas plans to ride on his anti-gravity jet motorcycle to solve the problem neatly. Hammurabi believed that many of the reasons for this were that Supiluliumas had suffered losses under the Veronica combat system due to carelessness and other reasons. He said that he had been taught a lesson and needed to correct himself. The monarch looked at him and nodded in agreement.

The Sovereign summoned the assault transport craft to return and land, carrying the Hell Knights and the Sisterhood. The 70-meter-long super-heavy attack transport craft as the monarch's vehicle also emerged from the clouds and then landed. When the steel fortress-like aircraft landed steadily, ordinary people discovered that the length of the aircraft was almost equal to The United Nations International Training and Education Center near the square. The driver roughly let it occupy all the space in the square in front of the United Nations Headquarters, and used the landing gear to crush the concrete ground that was not strong enough. The sound was like stepping on spring ice, which made people feel that The aircraft may sink to the ground at any time.

Five minutes, before entering low orbit. The monarch walked up the hatch ramp and said to the mortals with a solemn expression, I still have many wars to fight, don't let me waste my time on earth.


It seems that I taught him well, Supreme Mage. A blond woman in a white robe appeared nearby at some point, and the biting evening wind blew her clothes and blond hair, which were as beautiful as golden wool. Her long blond hair shines like satin, and her arms and legs that are not covered by fabric are strong and slender. Mordu was so frightened by the sound that he broke into a cold sweat. He did not predict that anyone would appear nearby, but after finding that the Supreme Mage did not move, he also learned not to act impulsively. My sweet boy has grown up, and I don't know if he will still be obsessed with his mother? The woman answered to herself while stroking the golden wrist armor on her wrist. I think he does, I've never met a kinder person.

If you want to argue with me whose educational achievements are more important, Athena, you should understand who the kindness he showed is for him. He is indeed very kind, but this kindness is too broad and unbearable for ordinary people. . The Supreme Mage didn't even bother to respond to the last sentence. This is the path he must take, the path he has taken as a weapon and as a tool. The ode woven by trillions of threads of fate is singing his destiny. He has been listening to the curtain since he became conscious. The following chants, even if he is not aware of it. Now that he has accepted the fact that he does not have free will, both you and your father will be his enemies, but the Olympus God System is not the only end.

Zeus will not give in, you know him. He would consider it an insult if he was not allowed to call himself a god.

So he will die because of Salomon's arrogance and because of his own arrogance. The Supreme Mage laughed disdainfully, Athena, what is your choice?

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