Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1059 Chapter 1055: Troubled Times (First Update)

Manhattan's nightlife is often synonymous with feasting and entertainment. When Rockefeller donated the land to the United Nations, he had already bought the surrounding land. After the United Nations headquarters was built, the land in the east of Manhattan near the East River became even more valuable. Hilton Millennium Hotel and New York River Club gather a large number of political and business celebrities, celebrities and entertainers every night. But tonight was different. The whole city seemed to be under a huge flashlight, and the night sky dimmed by the city lights suddenly became so bright that it was dazzling. The flash was fleeting, and after that, a whistle sounded in the thick clouds that shocked the whole city, as if it brought people back to the development period of the Wild West when steam trains were still used, and the memories of steel and steam collided fiercely. into people's brains.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the jet engine replaced the whistle. The sound became closer and closer from far away. Countless people took to the streets and looked in horror at the dense black shadows dimly illuminated by thunder and lightning under the clouds - more than ten people. An aircraft that Americans had never seen before swooped down toward Manhattan, dragging its tail flames and hovering over the United Nations Headquarters like fireflies in the bushes on a summer night. Countless drones rushed into the night sky and surrounded Manhattan. Airspace on the east coast. On the concrete square in front of the United Nations Headquarters, two giant bipedal war machines that were half as tall as the building appeared at some unknown time, raised the giant weapons on their arms, and once again erupted with a whistle that could shatter steel.

Tony Stark ignored his fatigue and put on the Iron suit again and flew out of the Avengers Building. He spent several hours crossing the Atlantic to return to New York from Berlin. An hour ago, he dragged his exhausted body to visit a young man in Queens. However, just as he was about to rest, he was immediately awakened by the huge movement. Friday, what happened? He barely blinked his dry eyes, suppressing the anger caused by lack of sleep and Steve Rogers's lack of cooperation, as well as the sudden worry because of the incident, and asked the AI ​​in the steel suit. , Did the Chitauri invade?

A lot has happened, sir, Friday replied in a calm tone. It projects live footage from the United Nations live channel onto the helmet's projection display in real time, followed by Yambol, Plovdiv and Aitos in Bulgaria, Mikhail Kogarnica in Romania, Bydgoszcz in Poland Outdated satellite maps of areas such as Szczecin and Szczecin are reluctantly transmitted via undersea cables to government notices on the other side of the Atlantic. The airport called for emergency help, ordinary people took pictures of the city falling into chaos, and the military base was attacked... Hundreds of different pieces of information were piled up in a short period of time. Tony Stark saw the different information in the video at a quick glance. The same huge explosion of smoke and fire rose over the city. The announcement was in a different language but had the same content. A certain ominous premonition came to mind.

He felt that the last thing he wanted to see happen was that before he could calm down, the Iron Suit relied on the Stark Group's navigation satellite to send him to the airspace near the United Nations Headquarters. As soon as he got close, he received nearly a hundred warnings, asking him not to get any closer. These warnings forcibly occupied his display screen. It took more than ten seconds to clear them completely on Friday, but the warnings of being locked by missiles continued. Tucker felt like he was going crazy from the alarm sound he had set. However, just as he instructed to turn off the alarm on Friday, the war machine standing in the square of the United Nations Headquarters had already aimed its weapons at him. It felt very uncomfortable to be targeted by a total of eight sets of giant weapons from two war machines. Tony Stark tried his best to avoid the fire range.

This is not an alien invasion, this is a war! He looked at the aircraft and huge war machines hovering in the sky, and suddenly felt the blood at the end of his limbs gradually getting colder, while those New York citizens who did not know whether to live or die were still trying to watch nearby. What's the range?

From the Balkans to Eastern Europe, sir, most of them are military bases of NATO members. The interstellar missile trajectories detected by the radar were presented on Friday. The number was jaw-dropping. Stark did not expect that this was a saturation attack. . I can't track the real-time situation. The latest intelligence is already an hour and a half ago, but I can still estimate the approximate number of casualties. Tonight, the United Nations passed a resolution on NATO's intervention in Latvinia, but NATO had already moved it a week ago. Troops have been gathered in military bases in Central and Eastern Europe, which also include a large number of fighter jets and air defense systems. Now all NATO military satellites over Europe are unable to link, and many communication satellites have malfunctioned. The global positioning system has lost contact and signal transmission We can only rely on the Atlantic undersea cable. 85.5% of the possibility of satellite loss of contact is due to the fact that Latovinia’s Satellite Annihilation Operation Declaration has been realized not long ago, and 12.3% is due to an unobserved event. Solar wind, and...

Is it possible for us to break through the defense here? Tony Stark took a deep breath and glanced at the zoomed-in United Nations Security Council live channel in the lower left corner of the screen. In that picture, there was a man in golden armor talking, but he had no intention of listening to the content of the speech. I have to stop this, it's too bad.

I don't understand, sir.

I mean, can we break through the blockade and go to the United Nations headquarters.

There is a lack of corresponding data, sir. Assuming that the armor material of the aircraft is similar to your steel suit, assuming that the drone carries armor-piercing explosives, assuming... Tony Stark stepped back slightly, waiting for the data on Friday. Complete assumptions and calculations if insufficient. He didn't want to try what would come out of the barrel that was as tall as a man. What's more, the maneuverability and firepower displayed by those aircraft hanging high in the sky are even more daunting. Without air defense radar detection, he can only think that there are still some aircraft hidden behind the clouds. This is what he passed through Sa It was inferred from Luo Meng's behavior.

He had no idea how these aircraft belonging to Latvinia broke through the US air defense system and reached Manhattan. At this moment, the US Air Force was trying to dial his phone to find out the situation. After Tony Stark picked up, he had a few words with Colonel Rhodes. He said that he couldn't figure out what the situation was now, and the National Guard's main battle tanks were still blocked on the road, and the F22 fighter jets had not yet taken off from the airport. , all official forces are helpless to deal with the current situation.

There is a problem with the navigation system, Tony. Colonel Rhodes wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The military may temporarily requisition Stark Group's navigation system and network security experts. You must be mentally prepared. Now we I still don’t know what the terrorists who broke into the Security Council want to do... Colonel Rhodes suddenly lowered his voice, Tell me the truth, do you know that person? There are many people on social media who admire that Latvian The king's men, they all recognized that horse, it was the Pegasus that appeared in the Battle of New York. We must solve this matter as soon as possible, the United Nations security forces cannot deal with so many people wearing power armor.


Listen, Tony. You have enough trouble now, don't let others find out that you are connected to Latvinia. Colonel Rhodes said. In fact, the US intelligence agency has begun facial recognition work through the footage shown live at the Security Council, intending to find out the identity of the King of Latvinia through identity tracing. However, until now, U.S. intelligence agencies have still found nothing, and the facial recognition database has not been able to find any accurate similarities. The White House already knows about the United Nations. The Secretary of State and the President will have a call with you later. Tony, you are the nearest Avenger there. Only you can solve this matter without harming the hostages. Remember not to say Too many words, especially about the election and NATO operations... I know you support the Democratic Party, but you don't want to get involved in this war, those arms dealers will not let go of this opportunity...

It could take you hours, sir, and that's not counting collateral damage and energy consumption. Friday calmly showed off the recent sale price of nearby land, interrupting Tony Stark's conversation with Rhodes. The colonel's dialogue. Do you want me to calculate the collateral damage and possible casualties after the war begins? Optimistic estimates should be much lower than the casualties in Manhattan when the Chitauri invaded, but even with the insurance company's compensation, the reconstruction cost may be far more than The market value of Stark Industries is because the other party possesses quite powerful weapons of mass destruction and destruction. The reconstruction payment when the Chitauri invaded will be deducted in four days. Stark Group has insufficient liquidity, so I I don’t recommend you try it lightly.”

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