Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1058: 1054 Eternal Peace (Second Update)

The genetically modified warriors headed by Constantine were divided into many branches, focusing on attacking the NATO Response Force Headquarters in Bydgoszcz, Poland, the NFIU NATO Force Integration Unit, the 3rd NATO Signal Battalion, and the Northeast Multinational Army in Szczecin, Poland, and relied on Weapons of mass destruction and surprise attacks successfully destroyed the Polish 12th Infantry Division's 2nd Army Mechanized Brigade in Zvočenec, the 12th Mechanized Brigade, the Lithuanian Iron Wolf Mechanized Infantry Brigade, the Estonian 1st Infantry Brigade, and other NATO integrated units. , and captured senior generals from multiple NATO countries in the 12th Command Battalion in Szczecin, destroyed a large amount of high-tech equipment, and obtained a lot of NATO military intelligence.

However, this is not all of the battle. His task is to pour out the wrath of the monarch on all those who resist. Those military bases that were only hit by interstellar missiles were lucky because they did not suffer destruction from Constantine himself.

As the country with the largest number of eHP (Forward Defense and Deterrence) units in NATO, Poland is also the focus of this northern battle. Although there are only 3,000 genetically modified warriors under Constantine, under such high-intensity combat Less than ten people were lost, and they were all killed by the opponent's anti-tank weapons or frontal bombardment from the tank's main gun. The Mars Foundry has used all current models of war machines and fortress-type combat robots to support the smaller number of people in the northern front battle. The local people can still see the steel giant in the distance in the dark city. Under the dual constraints of information warfare and electronic warfare, local armed forces that lost command and air force support were wiped out on the spot by war machines that completed their main attack targets. Air weapons such as armed helicopters were unable to resist war machines with ion shields capable of paranoid weapons. , all were shot down easily.

After completing the combat goal, Constantine will command the genetically modified warriors to stuff the valuable officers and strong and aggressive soldiers among the prisoners into the transport aircraft, use the enemy's fuel to replenish it, and then order the assault transport to complete the mission of attacking the airport. The boats poured air-to-surface missiles onto combat targets, completely destroying all traces of the existence of NATO troops.

Part of the genetically modified fighters on the southern front raided Camp Ferizaibendsteel, located in eastern Kosovo, 40 kilometers away from the capital of Kosovo. Here is stationed a Kosovo International Forces unit controlled by the US Army through United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. peacekeeping force. This notorious US military base houses a US Army facility specifically designed to house detainees suspected of terrorism, and this facility has always refused inspection by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT). In November 2005, Council of Europe human rights envoy lvaro Gil-Robles described the camp as a smaller version of Guantanamo after a visit, but the US Army denied the accusation and said there were no secret detention facilities in the camp. This military camp has more than 7,000 soldiers and a helipad that can park 52 helicopters. It is the largest military base of the US military in the Balkans and one of the key targets of this operation.

Coincidentally, most of the genetically modified soldiers sent to attack here were European and American soldiers who were selected by the Immortal City from the battlefield in Afghanistan and then captured and brought back to the Immortal City for transformation. They were also mixed with a quarter of the young men who came from the Afghan jihadist organization. In their prime, the majority were in the U.S. Army, and several of them even served at this military base. Even after genetic modification and thinking adjustment, those soldiers still remember what is in this base.

Led by Malcolm, the commander of the First Legion Hell Angels, this genetically modified warrior with only a thousand people strode into the remains of the Black Hawk helicopter wreckage at Camp Bondsteel. Served on military bases. Now he has a more ambitious goal, which is to serve Unified Truth. He held a spear with flashing lightning in his hand, and a miniaturized nuclear fusion weapon in his other hand. The dazzling flash and scorching backflow from the gun's muzzle did not affect his fighting status, and he still rushed to the front of the team. His standard bearer, Kenneth, held high the monarch's crimson eagle banner and led the warriors forward, pouring out individual missiles, plasma regiments and explosive bombs at all targets in front of them. The U.S. soldiers at Camp Bondsteel hurriedly counterattacked, but with the powerful firepower of genetically modified warriors and the support of heavy vehicles falling from the sky and low-flying anti-gravity vehicles, the army completed the combat objective within twenty minutes. , captured commander Volker Habauer, and rescued several terrorists opposed to Kosovo's independence from CIA agents stranded at the base.

This battle, known as the Silent War by later generations, was repeatedly deduced by military scientists, and they pointed out the consequences if the communication system was targeted by the enemy during combat. The NATO army, which had lost its command and air power, was defeated steadily by the genetically modified warriors relying on their strong armor and powerful firepower. The genetically modified warriors who set out from Latovinia achieved extreme results in a short period of time. He achieved strong results and traveled to multiple battlefields within a given period of time, fighting sleeplessly. The Latvian mainland, commanded by Victor von Doom, suffered sporadic attacks, but these attacks were aided by the anti-aircraft missile laser interception system, the Latvian First Army, the Second Army, and the Wild Chapter. To repel them, Victor von Doom himself prepared an extremely powerful protective spell to deal with all medium and long-range missiles.

More than two hours later, when the emergency situation in Europe was transmitted back to New York through land-based communications and submarine optical cables, the representatives who were voting on the United Nations Security Council unanimously suspended the next round of voting. However, before they could come up with a new resolution, something unexpected happened. Accompanied by the sound of sizzling electricity, the lights illuminating the Security Council Hall began to flash frequently, and then the air exploded, as if something exploded, including the glass on the table and the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The glass wall was also shattered by the sudden loud noise. Before the security personnel could react, hundreds of figures appeared at the entrance of the venue along with the electric current penetrating the air and the diffuse ozone.

The lights were briefly extinguished, but the dazzling light filled the entire venue in the blink of an eye, as if a newborn sun was blooming in the Security Council venue. A huge amount of light and heat rushed in, making people breathless. The moment the transmission ended, fifty genetically modified warriors wearing dark gold power armor were divided into groups to control the entrances and exits of the auditorium. Two men wearing towering baroque-style gold and black mechas, as tall as the Imperial Guards The armed members of the Sisterhood held shields and halberds to guard the conference hall. Other armed members of the Sisterhood wearing conventional force feedback power armor held bolt guns and controlled the auditorium. Hammurabi and Su, who were urgently recalled from South America, Piluliumas walked on both sides holding a halberd, following the steps of the monarch.

Salomon rode Pegasus and slowly walked down the steps from the teleportation point to the round table of the Security Council.

He wore golden power armor and a bloody cape. When Pegasus flapped his huge wings, the strong wind whipping up in the venue made his cape whistle. He didn't look at anyone in the auditorium, nor did he slow down. Instead, he let the giant horse crush the low barrier that separated the auditorium from the conference hall. No lamp could compare with his brilliance, and everyone bowed their heads as he passed. The people sitting around the conference hall did not dare to breathe or move. Some of them had seen Salomon in Vienna, but they had never seen him so angry. This time he showed his true nature. The mortal soul had almost no room to resist under this kind of spiritual pressure. Both his thoughts and body movements seemed to be firmly pressed under the rock. Pegasus finally stopped in front of the circular table in the conference hall. Salomon looked straight at the mural created by Per Kroger to express world peace with his glowing eyes.

Salomon didn’t like the mural. Not only was the art poor, it was also full of white supremacist prejudices. In the middle of the mural, above the couple kneeling opposite each other, there is a boy handing a fruit to a little girl under the tree. The boy is compared to a snake delivering the fruit of wisdom. It has a very strong religious meaning, and it is absolutely impossible for the author, who is a Catholic believer on the surface, to have it. Such blasphemous thoughts, yet the fact that his thoughts reflected in this painting show that he did not believe in God. The impaled evil dragon below the Phoenix reborn from the ashes is based on the image of an Eastern dragon. The two people hiding in the cave in the lower right corner of the painting depict portraits of people from the Qing Dynasty, while the people acting as liberators in the light are not One is not white. Per Kroger thought that others could not see it, but Salomon had browsed all his paintings, including the previous version of this mural. Athena herself was quite proficient in art, and he could easily see the little thoughts and details. Meaning.

A ball of flame ignited on his shoulder, and the real phoenix flew out of the flame and landed on his shoulder armor. He raised the holy sword and swung the sword to split the mural diagonally.

This scene was completely broadcast live without anyone blocking it. Although the satellite communication system in North America has been greatly affected, it can still operate as usual. Many people have seen this scene through news channel reports. Although they cannot intuitively experience the sense of oppression, they still see it through the lens. Find out what the man with the golden light all over his body did.

The only lesson that mankind can learn from history is that mankind never learns any lessons from history. I brought peace and technology, but you abandoned it and turned a blind eye to the coming threats. . He pointed the holy sword at everyone sitting around the round table in the conference hall. The hot blade continued to scorch the air, and the light on the sword seemed to be able to ignite steel. His voice was like thunder, as if it could be heard in heaven. Now I will offer you true peace and everlasting unity. Accept it, it is the only option.

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