Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1054 Chapter 1050 Family Boxing Match (Second Update)

Milia squinted her eyes and watched with a smile the high-speed boxing match in front of her that was beyond the ability of human eyes to see clearly. She stuffed cold jelly into her mouth without any delay. She would only stop when she occasionally cheered. Put it in your mouth and continue eating the cold snack recommended by your dentist. Everything seemed normal except that her cheers were always slow. The entire hall was filled with the sound of wind blowing as limbs and clothes cut through the air. Even the expensive crystal chandelier hanging on the ceiling in the center of the hall was shaking constantly, as if a storm was brewing. This is more of a one-sided attack than a fistfight. The black-haired witch wears a suit and high heels, but this does not prevent her from performing the purest form of physical violence.

Every collision of fists, elbows, and knees will make a dull loud noise, and every blow that is enough to dent the armor plate of a heavy armored vehicle will cause the heels of the magic-reinforced high-heeled shoes to dig into the exquisite and smooth Baroque-style marble floor like steel nails. , but then the scattered stone fragments will quickly return to their original positions as if they were squeezed into the turbulence of time, leaving the marble floor that should have been broken intact.

Under Bayonetta's offensive, which could not be seen with the naked eye, only a crackling sound could be heard in the hall. The opponent in the crimson robe carefully avoided all the furniture, and even had time to lower his head for a kiss. The girl who was given a name not long ago and who today was taken to the dentist made the girl giggle. For this manor in Oxfordshire, there are entertainment activities that can kill ordinary people every day, and the bystanders of this entertainment are naturally not ordinary.

The white-haired witch Joan of Arc has entered the witch's time. In her eyes, the actions of Bayonetta and Salomon are no different from normal. This spell that slows down the passage of time in the senses is the basis of the witch's powerful combat ability; The girl uses her powerful spiritual power to see what has happened in the Akashic records, so her reaction is often slower, but more accurate. As long as she does not break through the rules and use too strong mental power to spy on trillions of destiny threads, her mental condition is quite safe; only Hammurabi standing at the door relies on his genetically modified eyes and brain to follow Taking advantage of the speed of the Witch and Salomon, the outcome will be judged based on their stances and moves. His monarch taught him many martial arts in the gladiatorial arena, and coupled with the knowledge instilled by the brain-computer interface, he could become an extremely powerful martial arts master even if he had not been transformed.

However, until Bayonetta knocked Salomon back to the hall with an iron arm, Hammurabi was still bragging to little Lorna, the only one among the people present who couldn't see the situation clearly, that his monarch was just... Let the witch win, if he wants to win, he can win in the blink of an eye. That's because you don't know how to coax women, big guy. Although she was only as tall as the opponent's waist, little Lorna still patted Hammurabi's golden armor with confidence, Bayonetta is in a very bad mood. Just because of what my brother did.

Vienna International Center? Hammurabi lowered his head and asked, Is it because of this?

Now the whole world thinks that Latvinia is a terrorist organization that uses diplomats from all over the world as hostages, at least that was the case before that video was broadcast, but you have to tune to the Asian TV channel to see it. And it is also in the news Said that many people died in the International Center, so the witch was very unhappy.

Someone's going to die, Lorna Dane, and I don't need to tell you that. Human life is not that valuable, and adding any Enlightenment-born concept to it cannot hide the fact that every person in the world is People die worthless every moment. Life is very fragile, especially the lives of mortals. Even if we don’t do this, many people die every day at the hands of European and American plutocrats and the terrorist organizations they support, or they support them in name Under the gunpoint of the army that is peacefully and secretly carrying out subversive actions. But because those people are Africans and Middle Easterners, subhumans in their eyes, the European and American news media will not care. The Guards said in a disdainful tone, The reason why this incident is so eye-catching is because many white people died this time. My Lord broke the confidence in the hearts of those countries that 'white people will not die'. My Lord made them afraid. If only the King of Wakanda They don't care if they die in a bomb! Human life is not valuable, only the life that can be used to make a fuss is valuable! Only now Latovinia's behavior will make those countries understand, and Latovinia will pay back the blood debt for those people , this is the will of our Lord, he will not allow any waste of human life, only such people can resist the darkness of the future.

Hammurabi stroked the energy switch on the halberd with his thumb, his tone full of reverence. However, this reverence could not compare with the man who pushed open the door and walked into the hall again with a playful smile. There is a huge gap between Salomon's daily life and work. It is difficult for anyone to connect him with the decisive king. The only thing the two have in common is the muscles and full body trained in battle. It’s the scarred body. I know, and the witch also knows, that's why she didn't use weapons. Little Lorna rolled her eyes, many of which were due to the praetorian guards' admiration for her brother. But when women want to vent their frustrations, you'd better not try to reason with them. Don't you know this kind of thing?

I don't feel this way. My only desire is to complete my mission. Hammurabi said bluntly about the current situation. Latovinia does not yet have the hegemony of public opinion. But wait a few more days and wait until all countries After confirming the safety of our diplomats, the information we handed over to those countries will be exposed. Coupled with the ongoing work of the regent, public opinion will soon turn around, unless those countries do not want to get information from Latovinia technology. If my lord wants to win a war, then he will win, whether it is reality or public opinion.

Little Lorna tugged at the red velvet cloak behind Hammurabi. Let's go. It looks like they have to fight for another twenty minutes. It will take another twenty minutes to repair the door. As for whether they will go to the bedroom after the fight... we can take advantage of this time to taste the handmade work of Ms. Minerva. Yogurt, Ms. Maximov will be here later. Ms. Dinah has prepared dinner in advance, so we won’t starve.

Your nails can be compared with the blade of a sword, my dear. That night, Salomon sat in front of the crimson tent bed filled with moonlight, using the little magic lingering on his fingers to heal the scratches on his back. He said to Bayonetta, who was leaning on the pillow with her face flushed, I understand why you are unhappy, but I assure you, this is the least casualty way. I must unite the human race, we There is no time. I also promise you that I will return to my beautiful wife as a hound returns to his master.

No, you don't understand. The black-haired witch lay on the bed, picked up the pillow and gently threw it at his head. The cold bedside lamp dimmed her body, outlining her beautiful figure in the air, like an ethereal snake immersed in the darkness. The reason I'm angry is because you're not taking the crown for yourself, you're taking the crown for everyone. Not everyone understands how to use their power as carefully as you do, and not everyone has your wisdom and Foresight, mortals can never get rid of the dark ambitions in human nature, and all the setbacks you encounter will come from this. Your Praetorian Guards are perfect, but I don’t think everyone can be as rational as them. You are Destroy your own power, I’m angry because you know what you’re doing.”

When did you become a witch?

I am. I don't need to brew potions to see the future. Salomon, this road is too difficult, and almost everyone will be your enemy. Bayonetta reached out and picked up the long hair on the bedside. Lit the pipe and spit out a stream of incense from the burning secret medicine of the witch clan. This alchemical ointment is extremely effective in restoring energy, but like almost all alchemical products of the witch clan, it can only be used on women. Have you ever considered stopping?

This war is a war that I am destined to participate in. If I don't fight this war, no one will be able to fight it. I have already been prepared and prepared until the moment of victory arrives.

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