Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1053 Chapter 1049 The Revenge Prince (First update)

Now this almost kidnapping, mafia-style method is the cheapest and most peaceful solution that Salomon can think of. Other solutions are either to launch weapons of mass destruction or genocide, all of which will result in mass casualties. , the current Eternal City has no time to do these things. Negotiations and cooperation will be left to Victor von Doom. Salomon is quite confident in the regent's internal affairs capabilities. He himself needs to return to Latovinia to carry out defense work to prevent NATO from jumping over the wall and attacking Latovinia. Launch weapons of mass destruction.

As for the explosion tragedy that occurred at the Vienna International Center, Latovinia has obtained evidence proving that it was carried out by the remnants of Hydra. The Sisters will forward it to all news media and release it in advance to render it an irreversible fact. , to prevent those news media from making some conspiracy theories. In European and American political circles, King T'Chaka of Wakanda is just a black dictator of an African country. They will only express condolences and then forget about him completely. For those politicians, King T'Chaka of Wakanda does not have those The families of the dead security personnel can conveniently use it to make a fuss.

From the beginning to the end, Wakanda, which has exhausted vibranium mining, has never been important. What King T'Chaka did was just wishful thinking. If it weren't for the Wakandans who died in Nigeria, they would not be interested in the Sokovia Accords It's beneficial. He won't get the opportunity to speak at all, and he won't die under a bomb because of this opportunity. Although T'Chaka is destined to die, it won't be such a miserable death.

After Prince T'Challa of Wakanda handed over the king's body in a super-heavy shuttle and a Wakanda Guard aircraft, he completely ignored Salomon's persuasion and resolutely refused to return to Wakanda to succeed the king. He had seen the evidence and fully expressed his desire to stay in Vienna to track down the murderer. The derelict King's Guard could not force the future king to veto this decision, but because they had to return to Wakanda, only a few people could be left to help Wakanda Prince T'Challa's journey of revenge until Wakanda's death Follow-up troop reinforcements.

The captain of the King's Guard told Constantine the Praetorian Guard that after the bombing, she fully realized that their protection of the King was completely insufficient. She hoped that the Eternal City, as an ally, could provide a batch of weapons and equipment to arm the people who remained in Vienna. A member of the Guard, Wakanda must not lose its future king. This request was agreed, and Constantine gave the Wakanda King's Guard a batch of laser weapons and plasma weapons. The initial development of these weapons had the shadow of the Wakanda research department. These two weapons are most familiar to the Wakanda people. The equipment does not require too much learning to operate. The captain of the Wakanda King's Guard hurriedly thanked Constantine, and then led the frustrated King's Guard aboard the Wakanda aircraft.

Whether it is the Eternal City or Wakanda, they all ignore the local air defense capabilities and sovereignty issues.

I want me to convey his apology on my behalf. He must return to Latvinia to prevent intercontinental missile attacks. Constantine said to T'Challa who stayed where he was. Salomon is unwilling to face anyone in Wakanda, not even the reasonable prince T'Challa. When T'Challa said that he could understand Salomon protecting others but not saving his father, Salomon turned pale as if a sharp sword had penetrated his heart. Even though he did not regret what he did, he still sent Constantine to face T'Challa and returned to Latovinia to deploy anti-aircraft firepower. But before leaving, our Lord gave us an order. The Eternal City will support all your actions, including intelligence collection and large-scale armed personnel delivery.

Thank you, but this matter must be resolved by me personally. T'Challa pursed his lips and touched the bloody ring on his finger, which was the symbol of the King of Wakanda. He did not blame Salomon at all for his seemingly premeditated behavior, nor did he blame Salomon for failing to save his father when he protected all the important political figures, because he had always known the rules of conduct of the Eternal City. It’s “let the most people live.” But he had to make a choice. Wakanda's political system could not 100% guarantee his succession. Princess Shuri, who called from the Eternal City, also strongly suggested that he stay in Vienna to track down the murderer. But I do need help, I need information. They won't agree. They will use this matter as... a political bargaining chip.

Of course, the Immortal City will do its best to support it. Constantine nodded thoughtfully and returned to the super-heavy shuttle. The judgment of Prince T'Challa of Wakanda is almost the same as that of the monarch, that is, King T'Chaka of Wakanda will be used to make a fuss, which T'Challa will never tolerate. Compared with European and American politicians, T'Challa is still a bit thin-skinned. He believes that if Wakanda wants to gain international status, it cannot rely on the king who was unfortunately killed in this attack. Constantine knew that the monarch admired the Wakanda prince very much, but he also knew that the monarch felt uncomfortable now, but all this was for a certain ambitious goal, and anyone could be sacrificed for this goal. Constantine, Hammurabi, Victoria Hand, Stephanie Malick, Tita, Dinah... even the monarch herself.

Constantine watched Prince T'Challa of Wakanda get into the car, and then he called the technicians who were still obsessed with the fortress-type battle robots to move the weapons off the shuttle and hand them over to the King's Guards, and then left with a group of people. Earth, go to the Tianjian Bureau Space Station. His next job is to ensure that when the group of political dignitaries visit the space station and the Martian foundry, they will not kill themselves to death, or to order the execution of a few of the idiots who try to steal secrets. In addition, his most important job is to attack locked NATO satellites. He is the commander of this battle. The monarch has made the decision to return NATO to the communication method during World War II and completely paralyze its missile navigation system.

After returning to Latvinia's office through the portal in advance, Salomon continued to deduce what happened next while arranging defense. Seven days later, he will go to the United Nations Security Council to ask for answers. Cooperation or destruction. This is a simple option, but the process of reaching this conclusion is destined to be impossible to be peaceful. Diana List had just gone to Latvinia's official television station and arranged for the video of his speech in Vienna to be broadcast during prime time. Then Salomon asked her to pass through the teleportation room built under the castle. Return to the Eternal City and get the latest local arms production list and next week's food consumption list from Stephanie. After finishing the work at hand, he listened to the report from the head of the military and police department, and then talked with the interior department personnel and Mars technicians responsible for establishing the factory and coordinating production.

Diana Lister had moved the throne that originally belonged to Latvinia to this room that originally belonged to the royal hall, and also hung a bearskin blanket behind the throne. Sitting on the throne wearing power armor was quite uncomfortable, partly because the chair was not too big, and partly because he had always felt that the throne was a bit tacky, and the bearskin blanket made his neck itchy. When Diana List removed the table, he couldn't even secretly eat yogurt. He could only lean on the throne with his hands spread out and face the empty hall alone. Except for the people sitting on the throne, everyone was very happy, including Diana Lister who was behind the clerk's desk. She thought this was very impressive and in line with the status of the King of the Eternal City and Latvinia.

My lord. Hammurabi opened the door, Would you like some tea?

Of course, Baldrick, what a brilliant idea. Salomon tilted his head and used a reference to the very old British TV series Blackadder. He compared himself to Blackadder and Hammurabi to Baldrick, the silly, dirty follower whose IQ and personal hygiene standards always declined as his master's IQ increased. However, Hammurabi thought this was a compliment, so he pretended to bow, because Baldrick was always loyal, even in the face of harsh words from his master, which was the highest compliment for the Praetorian Guard. Hammurabi's sense of humor made Salomon wonder more than once whether the mental adjustment given to Constantine was too strict. Even Hammurabi, a latecomer, began to have his own emotions, while Constantine remained the same. Cold as steel. I think it's time for me to go home from get off work, what do you think? Salomon asked. I can just imagine today's dishes.

I wish I could have spaghetti with meatballs tonight instead of purée, that's all Supiluliumas can eat right now.

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