Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1042 Chapter 1038 Wild Battle Group (Second Update)

Equipment. Silver Sablinova, who was wearing a silver-white tight-fitting combat uniform, dragged the chair and sat on it comfortably. He faced the desk with lazy body language and faced himself behind the desk. immediate boss.

Although the language of Silkaria is somewhat different from that of Latvinia, she did not turn on the communication headset in her ear for real-time translation, because Latin is used in the administrative department. Salomon had never faced the leader of the Wild Chapter in anything other than an administrative capacity. This was perhaps the only reason why she could relax in front of him. Silver Sablinova had never faced that head-on. The terrible pressure caused by physical power armor.

In the eyes of Silver Sablinova, the person sitting behind the desk now is a tall and strong scholar with glasses and calloused hands. This is also what Latvian people see Sabrinova in daily life. The most common image of Lomon.

A somewhat strict teacher.

There are few leaders in this world who are as close to the people as Victor von Doom and Salomon, because they will actually go to the streets and slap the butts of those who make trouble, and share dinner with the workers who are building the star port. , explain to them why the Unified Truth spoken by the preacher during the day actually means anything.

The Eternal City has made Latovinians full, and folk business activities have spontaneously resumed. This is a good time for Latovinians to fully accept the Unified Truth, Salomon and Victor Go to the people in person to observe how well the people accept the preacher and the Unified Truth. Perhaps because of the experience of the war, the acceptance of the Latvian people is generally good, especially in the capital and surrounding areas. Most of these civilians have witnessed Salomon with their own eyes - but not everyone can understand the Unified Truth Meaning, the minds of many people outside the capital are still imprisoned in religious superstition and ignorant customs, especially in Transylvania, which was merged without experiencing a war. The Eternal City even had to go deep into Transylvania. Evangelists and teachers in rural areas of Niya were provided with armed protection.

These invisible enemies cannot be eliminated at once with artillery and laser guns. Since the end of the civil war, new codes have been promulgated every day, and these enemies have to be fought on paper and pen as well as in words. With the gradual recovery of broadcast communication equipment in Latovinia, the Eternal City, which has completely controlled the propaganda channels, has basically won a complete victory in the propaganda war. However, this situation is not smooth sailing now, but it suddenly turns around after a certain point in time - the reason is that a teacher who was sent to the countryside to expropriate churches to build schools was brutally murdered, and the locals also started a small-scale uprising Rebellion, Victor von Doom immediately sent fifty genetically modified warriors there to carry out a massacre without leaving any survivors. Those cold-blooded warriors completed their mission faithfully, and all traces of the village were erased.

Since then, even the remote villages with the most stubborn religious forces have become quieter. The work of preachers and teachers has gone much more smoothly. Victor von Doom has also become the toughest and most powerful figure in the hearts of the common people. A ruler whom people fear. But most people don’t know that this order actually came from the highest office in the Immortal City. The person who made this decision was not Victor von Doom, because the command of all genetically modified warriors is only reserved in the hands of one person. , even he does not have direct command authority.

I'm not saying that you don't give us good equipment. In fact, you give us helicopters and armored vehicles. It's enough, but it takes time to learn to use these ordnance. If we don't know the range, accuracy and explosion radius of artillery, how are we going to carry out a strike? I'm not a military student, so I can only learn by reading the instructions and using them. There are also laser guns. Although those weapons are very useful, my friends prefer live ammunition weapons like bolt guns. Silver Sa What Blinova said was completely unconvincing, as if others didn't know that she came here in a light armored vehicle, her favorite car Legislator, even the snot-nosed kid playing at the door of the administrative building Everyone knows who the armored car with the silver ferret crest belongs to.

While other girls were worrying about acne and exams, Silver Sablinova was playing with guns in war-torn areas. She has a natural affinity for many weapons, and under the guidance of her father, she learned many extremely destructive professional skills, including but not limited to piloting aircraft and armored vehicles, latent assassination, ultra-long-range sniping, and simple manufacturing. Bombs, etc., the equipment provided by the Immortal City has revolutionized her skills.

She likes the current atmosphere in Latovinia. Everything is full of energy and everyone has expectations for tomorrow's life. The same goes for her comrades-in-arms. Being a mercenary who doesn't do dirty work in Europe and the United States is not a pleasant job. In order to adhere to the principles of her father's establishment of the wild war group, she must work hard to feed everyone. The contact between the Immortal City and the Wild Chapter began in the Eastern Ukraine. The reason why Silver Sablinova agreed to accept the conditions of the Immortal City was because she saw that what the Immortal City did really helped. many people.

It was not until the outbreak of the Latvian Civil War that Silver Sablinova realized that the power displayed by the Eternal City in Eastern Europe was just the tip of the iceberg. Although facing the complete surrender of the Chapter's economic structure to the Eternal City, facing such a large number of advanced equipment, the Wild Chapter has no resistance to a comprehensive change of equipment, and they are very happy to accept it. Before joining Latvinia, the weapons Silver Sablinova carried were pistols, frag grenades and sniper rifles. However, these equipment are now replaced by laser pistols, monomolecular combat knives, plasma grenades and precision shooter lasers. rifle. The scientific research department of the Immortal City also specially manufactured this improved silver-white battle suit just for her. When the combat mode is turned on, this silver-white battle suit can provide excellent optical camouflage and concealment effects. This is A treatment that very few people have.

It's all worth it, the Wild Chapter deserves to have those equipment, and the scientific research department doesn't even worry about traitors selling weapons and equipment to foreign countries. Not only because the equipment’s technical content is too high for other countries to imitate, but also because the Wild Battle Group is trustworthy. Restoring order requires a lot of energy and cost. As one of the few armed forces with rich combat experience in Latovinia, the Wild Legion has advanced weapons and equipment equipped by the Immortal City that can eliminate Latovinia extremely effectively. The rebel forces and armed gangs in Asia are freed up to free up the administrative departments to improve people's livelihood and send people to build public infrastructure and various factories around the city.

The Wild Chapter also cooperated with the Latvian regular army to move residents out of those war zones in batches. The administrative department would build houses for them near the selected star port construction site and distribute daily necessities and communication equipment to them. However, due to the fact that the number of Latvian regular troops is too small and the combat experience is uneven, the main bearer of this work is still the wild battle group. It would be absolutely irresponsible if recruits who have undergone short-term training are really allowed to clear landmines. the behavior of.

Ordinary people can only use the M50 type. The medical department will not treat comminuted fractures of the whole body caused by stupidity and overestimation for free. The Principles of Biochemical Prosthetic Transplantation clearly states that if your friend wants to use this method for free Replacing body parts will never work. Salomon put down his fork, picked up his pen and signed an application from the Eternal City. Except he signed it with the name of Victor von Doom, whose ability at imitating handwriting was undoubted. In fact, he once had the idea of ​​imitating the auction of fake famous paintings to earn funds for the Eternal City, but he gave up in the end. That was really embarrassing.

The teaching of the next batch of new equipment will be put on the training list in five days. It is an individual nuclear fusion weapon with anti-armor capabilities, which can meet the needs of the military and police departments.

Are there new equipment? The sudden surprise made Silver Sablinova smile.

To be precise, it is a miniaturized industrial equipment. Salomon was also very happy. The next order will not be written on paper, but you need to remember it. Latovinia does not need any superheroes. If superheroes enter the border in the name of maintaining peace, then use fusion weapons to deal with them.

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