Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1041 Chapter 1037 Diplomatic Mission (First Update)

Even Steve Rogers doesn't think he belongs to ordinary people because of his specialness. Only Salomon can get along well with ordinary people, as if there is no difference between him and them. There are few people in this world who care about others with real actions like him, and there are few people who will sacrifice many lives without hesitation just to achieve a greater goal like him. No one knows what the truth is, because he refused all psychological counseling. This is also the most regretful thing in Nick Fury's life. Natasha Romanoff suddenly recalled how she became familiar with this young man. Perhaps it was this fiery heart hidden under the cold behavior that made him so fascinating.

The reason why I arranged to meet here is because they have the best pasta in New York. The dessert making skills of the eldest son of the Bernardello family were inherited from the previous generation of Mrs. Bernardello. It is also something that cannot be missed. Delicious Italian food. Bayonetta really wanted to taste the taste of her hometown, so I came to them. Take one and try it. You must have not eaten. I will send you to the hotel to have a good rest. Next, you have to set off. Going to England!

Why should I go to England?

Oh, you'll find out soon. Please pass on my regards. I'm sorry I can't go in person.

Twenty-two hours after the attack on the aircraft carrier battle group, Victor von Doom, who was originally stationed in the capital of Latovinia (now the merged territory of Silkaria and Transylvania), left In the tightly guarded administrative department, after conducting routine inspections of public infrastructure construction sites, helping farmers catch sheep at newly built farms, and driving naughty children out of collapsed buildings, Victor von Doom went to Fly diplomatic tours from a military airport built during the Civil War.

Victor von Doom's first stop was neighboring Serbia.

Only two other countries in the world know about the Mediterranean battle group, and Serbia will be the third. Just as planned, Salomon was responsible for demonstrating extremely powerful personal force, while Victor von Doom used political means to persuade and coerce neighboring countries to unite, and promised to establish a joint defense system and share advanced air defense systems. Maintain the stability of Eastern Europe at all costs - the first thing to achieve unity is mutual compromise. The advanced technology of the Eternal City is an extremely important bargaining chip, and the Unified Truth is another bargaining chip and action plan.

If the surrounding countries do not recognize the United Truth after forming an alliance, then there will be far more troubles than imagined in the future. Especially countries like Serbia that are moving towards a nation of classical values ​​need to be treated with caution and can be integrated through a variety of means. . Now that the U.S. military's Mediterranean aircraft carrier battle group has disappeared, the NATO power in Southeast Europe is almost negligible. Victor secretly revealed the news and immediately received a diplomatic application. He believed that the news could make neighboring countries think about themselves. Where to stand. Latvinia is much closer than the United States and Western Europe. Accepting the Unified Truth or accepting missiles is a very easy choice to make.

Victor's trip also has another purpose, which is to target Albania and Kosovo.

The former is a NATO member in southeastern Europe, while the latter has become semi-independent and is moving further and further with NATO support. This is something that the Eternal City cannot tolerate under any circumstances. It is left to the local people to elect a ruling party that colludes with the plutocrats and wishfully believes that life will be better in the future. This will only lead to the current situation of gangs, drugs and overpopulation. Rampant buying and selling is even more serious. These two countries, composed of Ilians and Thracians, will be an important part of Latvinia's next plan to suppress NATO in Southeast Europe. Serbia will be the largest contributor to sharing the administrative costs of Kosovo. The best option is to unite with neighboring countries through political means to completely eradicate this chaos.

Since the establishment of the Eternal City, Salomon has set his sights on chaotic places such as Africa, Afghanistan, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. The first battle after the Sisterhood was established was in Eastern Europe. They use heavy firepower to fundamentally attack the human smuggling chain in Eastern European countries such as Albania, and abruptly cut off the economic income of monopoly pharmaceutical giants, organ transplantation and other underground industries. Today, there are many young Eastern European girls in the college who are learning to join sororities. necessary skills. This forward-looking mission is working now. The civil forces that have been bribed, coerced, and influenced in the Balkans for so many years will become another force in this diplomatic operation.

Even before Viktor von Doom set off, Latvinia had taken over the television broadcasting systems in Albania and Kosovo, restoring its Cold War-era television broadcasts and One Truth in a way that could not be denied , awakening the country’s past ideologies. At the same time, the Immortal City also broadcast specially produced and highly inflammatory TV programs, which contained dirty information about almost all officials, including but not limited to profiting from human trafficking and gangs, chaotic private lives, etc. Although the Eternal City focuses on the former and the local people focus on the latter, this does not prevent the Eternal City from giving everything to them and letting them take it all.

The only one who feels ambivalent about this is Stephanie Malik, for whom the restoration of order represents a further expansion of the scope of her power, which is tantamount to the best compliment. But it also means that she will have a large amount of administrative data waiting to be processed, and she will always face the increasing threat of murdering her and her subordinates from the papers placed on the table and the endless data in the computer. Whenever progress was made, Latovinia's administrative and military structures were once again overwhelmed with activity. The leader of the Wild Chapter, Silver Silver Sablinova, was summoned back from the stable order of the countryside by the administration.

The administrative headquarters of Latvinia is located in a castle originally owned by the royal family. This towering historical building is a fortress and palace made of gray stone. After the destruction of the Civil War, engineers tried their best to retain its original appearance during reconstruction and added many fortifications to its foundation. Two bipedal war machines patrolled the ravines of the bastion constantly, working with gun-toting genetically modified warriors to ensure the safety of the internal office staff, to be precise, the monarch of the Eternal City and Victor von Du. Mu's safety, although they don't care much about these measures.

Silver Sablinova handed the weapon to the caretaker at the gate guarded by the genetically modified warriors, and squeezed past the clerks wearing red and black uniforms of the interior department and speaking Latin with different regional accents, belonging to various departments under the War Council. Similar to the military department, soldiers wearing gray military uniforms came and went, passing through tall and wide passages and hundreds of rooms, arriving at the highest level that originally belonged to the Grand Duke and was guarded by the Praetorian Guards. To date, the Royal Guards have prevented two royalist assassinations against the monarch. Although their methods were clumsy and ridiculous, Hammurabi did not dare to relax at all, because these separatist forces were very likely to be assassinated by the CIA and other foreign countries. Exploited by intelligence organizations. Therefore, after discussing with Constantine, Hammurabi formulated a set of security measures and required all administrative staff to implement them and provide 24-hour personal protection to ensure the monarch's safety in this castle to the greatest extent.

As soon as she entered the surprisingly spacious Latovinia administrative office, she immediately smelled the delicious smell of pasta and sweet cream. The tall female mercenary shook her long snow-white hair and sniffed around until she found Diana Lister sitting behind her desk in the corner of the office, surrounded by piles of data storage devices and files. He looked quite happy as he ate the mountain of desserts on his plate while shaking his head. There is a huge oak desk in the most conspicuous position of the office. The person sitting behind this desk is also enjoying the delicious food, but this person is still writing something on his hand, not because of ingestion of food. And give up work.

This was not her first time here. Where is the regent?

Didn't you receive the notice? Salomon stuffed the rolled noodles into his mouth and put down the production estimate report of the recently established biochemical farm. In order to feed everyone, the food reserves in the Eternal City have been emptied, but this is far from enough. The regent must find ways to build a food trade route to alleviate the predicament. As soon as she saw Silver arriving, Diana Lister quickly stood up and pushed out a wing chair from her side. The former mercenary smiled kindly, and although she was much younger than Diana, her attitude made one think she was the older one.

Victor has gone to participate in secret diplomacy. We have to have someone guard Latvinia until you and your wild war group complete the mission that should have been completed a few days ago. Salomon said, What do you think about this? What’s the explanation?”

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