“Let’s go here!”

While saying Tony, he pointed to the location of this planet and said to everyone.

And the crowd does not understand and does not understand, ignorant ignorance. All nodded silently.

What do you say is ha!

Who makes you intellectually responsible!

After Mo Yu saw everyone’s appearance, he also directly dragged this position directly into the navigation system.

Let’s go!

In Mo Yu’s cheerful expression, everyone advanced towards the planet where Nagama Shinzo was bound to come!

“News of the discovery of the Infinity Stones!”


“The Outlaw Land of the Shattered Star Zone!”

“Who’s going?”

“I’ll go! Father! ”

In the midst of Thanos’ fleet, a green girl bowed down respectfully to Thanos.

In front of this green girl’s eyes, there is this other girl. A girl with light blue skin.

These two women. Treated by Thanos as a wolf cub who hates each other. Hostile to each other!

For Thanos, this kind of thing can be said to be created by him!

“Go ahead. Bring me the Infinity Stones! ”

I looked at the green-skinned woman. Thanos nodded slightly.

In Thanos’ heart, annihilating half of the living beings in the universe is his lifelong pursuit.

It was also a gift he gave to the goddess of death.

No one can covet the goddess of death. No one!

“Yes. Father! ”

Hearing Thanos’ instructions, the green-skinned woman rushed directly and alone towards the lawless place in the Broken Star Zone.

And with the departure of this green-skinned woman.

The corner of the pale blue skin’s mouth slightly hooked a smile.

Go ahead!

Go, don’t come back!

“Where is Ronan?”

With the departure of this pale green-skinned girl. Thanos suddenly questioned the five generals under his command!

“My lord. Ronan is about to arrive at the outlaw of the Shattered Star Zone! ”

With a humble face, he respectfully bent over in front of Thanos and whispered in response.

For such operations by Thanos. Ebony throat does not understand. But it is not needed either

Obviously asked Ronan to bring back the Infinity Stones. Now it’s time for one of my adopted daughters to bring the Infinity Stones back!

And hear this of ebony throat

The light blue-skinned girl’s eyes trembled slightly.

This is, I want my own sister to be bait.

“This place is really not ordinary lively!”

As the ship descends on the harbor of the planet Kanda.

Jin Chen’s eyebrows raised slightly.

It is a mature and modern city.

It is also a modern interstellar city, an interstellar planet.

It is completely different from the technological planet similar to the feudal dynasty of Esia before.

In the sky above this planet, Jin Chen saw a vibrant atmosphere. In the sky above the planet Naesia, the knowledge that Jin Chen saw was lifeless.

Of course. It’s no match for your own Red Alert planet!

After all, the Red Alert planet has a lot of green vegetation. From a distance, it looks like a planet wrapped in a forest.

Among them, there are large and small technologies to continuously beautify and restore the Red Alert planet.

Wang Wei had already given instructions. No matter how much resources are wasted on the planet. It is extremely necessary to restore this Red Alert Planet.

After all, in Wang Wei’s heart, the Red Alert Planet was his first planet.

The significance of this value is far beyond the ordinary!

“Hmm. The Shankanda people are a peace-loving race in the universe! ”

“Of course. If only they could revoke my wanted warrant! ”

While speaking, the rocket played with his tablet to kill directly according to the network coordinates given by Wang Wei.

Infinity Stones. Your own boss wants it.

Then you must work hard to get him a hand.

After all, his boss is the Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms.

Is this status worthy of the Infinity Stones? Joke!

“It will!”

For such a whisper of the rocket. Wang Wei just laughed it off.

A wanted warrant or something, dispensable.

After all, his identity is that of the Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms!

“It’s just ahead!”

While speaking, the rocket directly led Wang Wei towards a city on the planet of Kanda.

This city is the capital of the planet Shankanda.

A famous civil official, walking back and forth in this mountain Kanda interstellar defense center!



“According to the report of the inbound officer. Suspected to be the Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms. Lord of the world of Umbrella. Wang Wei, Mr. Wang arrived on our mountain Kanda planet. ”

With the debriefing of this clerk.

The lady who was the commander of the interstellar defense center of the planet Shankanda raised her eyebrows slightly.

“The Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms. Lord of the world of Umbrella. Wang wei? ”

“Are you sure?”

The eyebrows were slightly raised. The commanders of this interstellar defense center directly asked back.

After all, this kind of thing is not small.

Nine Realms. It has a lot of status in this Marvel Universe.

If the Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms arrived, they did not entertain them properly.

That’s a bit too much!

At that time, the issue of establishing diplomatic relations with the Nine Realms may have some twists and turns!

“That’s how the immigration officer reports!”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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