


At this moment, Mo Yu was like a racing car that had been blessed with phlegm charge, and directly began to play extreme drift in this encirclement.

And those intelligent AIs use their own skillful fire control operating system. In this extreme drift, he inflicted fatal damage on the other side.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Brilliant fireworks. It exploded directly in the air!

Moreover, a lot of artillery fire was poured directly onto the earth.

Outlaws. This time, he was directly slaughtered by Mo Yu.

These dozens of those that took off from the air. Hundreds of spaceships, warships, all treated as shooting stars. Fall straight down.

And those places above the ground are even more devastated by artillery fire!

“Hey, hey. It’s all done! Let’s go! ”

Look at this neighborhood after there are no opponents capable of fighting. Mo Yu patted his little hands and looked at these guys around him with an innocent face.

And the members of the Avengers also saw Mo Yu’s terrifying combat ability at this moment.

Strong, really too strong!

“So, where do we go next?”

Stephen, who swallowed his spit a little, asked directly to Mo Yu.

A battleship, lying down abruptly, dozens of spaceship warships with nearly a hundred on the opposite side.

And that’s not even late!

The ground was even more shattered.

No wonder the old man once said. There are three kinds of people in this world that cannot be messed with. Old people, women, and children!

Unfortunately, there are two kinds of ink jade. Women, and children!

“I don’t know! The Governor didn’t tell me where to go! ”

Saying this, Mo Yu’s whole brow furrowed a little.

After all, Wang Weike left on the little raccoon, rocket spaceship.

I haven’t had time to explain where these guys are going.

Just tell Mo Yu to take care of the safety of Tony and the others!

“So where are we going?”

Dumbfounded. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Where are we going?

It’s impossible to stay here.

After all, we demolished each other’s hometowns.

If you’re staying here. Refers to domestic violence walking up. Will it pour out directly.

After fighting, I ran.

Don’t show off on this, wait for the time to give us a shuttle.

“I don’t know!”

Look at the crowd. Tony couldn’t help but cover his face.

How can I be partners with these guys!

One by one, can’t you worry about it?

“Well, if I’m not mistaken. When we left, General Ling Liang said that he would send Nagama Shinzo to this place! ”

“It stands to reason that we have been here for such a long time, and this long time Jinzo is almost here!”

“Let’s go find him!”

While speaking, Tony thought slightly.

After all, Shinzo Nagama’s task arrangement, Tony still knows a little.

It seems that it is necessary to arrange for Shinzo Nagama to act as a pirate in this pirate camp.

In this way, they can also mix military merits to some extent.

After all, the Avengers have the external composition of the Umbrella Army!

When the time comes, the military merit will be in hand. Redeem a little tech tree on your way to Umbrella. Conducted an understanding.

If nothing else, Umbrella’s tech tree. It really made Tony a little envious.

After all, that amount of knowledge is no longer something that an ordinary person can accomplish.


“That’s all it takes!”

Hearing Tony’s words, everyone couldn’t help but nod slightly.


“But I don’t know where General Nagama Shinzo is!”

After everyone discussed it. Mo Yu suddenly spoke to everyone!

“Isn’t it?”

Hearing this response from Mo Yu. Tony’s whole body felt a little bad.

I don’t know where Shinzo Nagama is. That’s a hammer!

“Contact information? Is there any contact information? ”


Under Tony’s nervous expression, Mo Yu said very calmly!

“So whose contact information do you have?”

Tony, who couldn’t help but cover his face a little, said to Mo Yu!

“I have the contact information of Lord Nanfang, the general flagship of the Southern Deep Sea Fleet!”

“I still have contact information from the Star Fortress!”

“And the contact information of Umbrella World!”

“And the contact information of the Red Alert Planet!”

“And the contact information of the Broken Star Passage!”

“And the contact information above Blue Star!”

“Oh, right. I still have the contact information of the Governor! ”

“And then it’s gone!”

It’s like a few family treasures. Mo Yu twisted his fingers while explaining to Tony, Stephen and the others!

“It’s a little uncomfortable right now!”

“Star map, is there a star map?”

Tony, who had a slight toothache, asked directly to Mo Yu!

“Star map? Yes, can you read the star map? ”

As soon as you hear the star map, there are cases. Tony’s whole body couldn’t help but breathe a slight sigh of relief.

OK. It’s good that the star map has it.

Otherwise, you really want to cry!

“Mo Yu. Then you open the star map, I’ll take a look! ”

Be an intellectual responsibility in this small team.

Tony directly asked Mo Yu to open the star map.

With the ink jade will open the star map. Tony made a comparison and was making an estimate. Decide their destination in the end! _

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