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Worth a punch from you?

I’m Thor, not Sandbag, not my daddy Odin!

I can’t beat you at all!

Thor, the god of thunder who was roaring madly in his heart, did not dare to resist at all!

And everyone in the Avengers also silently looked at Wang Wei’s weiwei!

The world of the big guys. These weak chickens can only shiver!

“My dad has been saying in front of me and my brother about your various excellence!”

“I’m about to be hit by my daddy, what is the use of this Mjolnir!”

As if cathartically. It’s as if it doesn’t matter.

Thor directly told Wang Wei powerlessly about his tragic experience.

Hear this rhetoric from Thor. Most of these Avengers, who had not felt the love of their parents, fell silent.

Even Wang Wei himself was a little confused.

When did you become someone else’s child?

This kind of comparison, hey, don’t say. Listen with feeling!

“Be strong. Brothers! ”

Not much to say. People who are said that. Thunderfire Johnny stood up and sent a strong message to Thor.

And everyone looked at this quite understanding look, and they followed suit!

“Be strong, brother!”

“Be strong, brother!”

“Be strong, brother!”

Looking at this piece of data is like a repeater.

Thor wanted to lift the table.

I’m strong your sister! I am strong of your second uncle!

Fuck you!

Co-authorship, you guys are not educated, are you?

For the behavior of this group of damaged friends, Thor just wants to knock them down and beat them violently!

“Okay! I’ll take you to the universe to play! ”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, smiled at these guys and said.

It’s not so much about playing with these guys!

Rather, it is Wang Wei who is ready to visit those large and small civilizations attached to the Nine Realms one by one in the follow-up.

Anyway, he is also one of the nine lords of these nine realms!

Go over and visit yourself. Take a look at what other civilizations are like. How can you refuse?

Saying that, Wang Wei directly closed the chat channel!

“It should be offline now, right?”

Seeing that Wang Wei’s avatar dimmed again, this thunderbolt asked a little weakly!

“What’s the use of going offline?”

“Waiting to continue to be beaten?”

“Silly child!”


These guys went offline one by one, leaving only the ignorant Johnny a little chaotic in the chat channel!


“I, on behalf of the Umbrella world. Exactly you are welcome! ”

In the exclusive conference building on the ground floor of this umbrella building.

Wang Wei looked at the many leaders who had already been sitting in the meeting and waiting.

The corners of Wang Wei’s mouth couldn’t help but raise a slight smile.

You know, this time they can let them come, but they themselves have made a lot of determination!

Don’t come on. Missing the way to the universe.

Come on, there is a risk of being assassinated, you must know how many terrorist organizations these guys have fought in the recent period.

Directly cleared a piece of the sky.

In this case, if the news is learned. How could it not have been assassinated!

Under this difficult determination. These leaders have made new preparations to take over the throne and came directly to Umbrella.

Even if you want to gamble, gamble!

“You’re welcome, sir!”

“Where did the gentleman say!”

“Sir, how can you not come?”

Everyone present was an old and cunning fox, and they all responded to Wang Wei with the greatest kindness.

Everyone respectfully addressed Wang Weiwei as Mr.

This gentleman is a kind of honorific title!

“Okay. Without further ado, I also know why you are here! ”

“You also know what your hearts desire!”

Looking at everyone’s longing eyes staring at him, Wang Wei shrugged his shoulders and responded with a smile to these guys.

Hearing Wang Wei’s response, everyone present couldn’t help but smile awkwardly.

No way, who let Wang Wei say this kind of thing is a factual problem?

All of them are indeed longing, keeping up with the footsteps of the Umbrella world, and conquering the universe!

“I, Wang Wei. It is here that the Lord of the Umbrella World, the Lord of the Nine Realms, invites you! ”

“Would you like to be part of my Umbrella Trail?” Embark on the road of the sea of stars together? ”

A look of righteous speech. Wang Wei said seriously to these leaders!

“My side is willing!”

“My side is also willing!”

“My side is also willing!”

As Wang Wei’s words fell. Everyone did not wait to discuss the detailed conditions with Ben, and directly agreed to Wang Wei.

No matter how big the problem. It’s not as good as being able to step on the road to the sea of stars!

“Good. Now that you’ve all agreed, let’s go into some detailed arrangements. Let my assistant talk to you! ”

After no Avengers members appeared. Wang Wei felt that he was very unhappy with this pretense.

There are no spectators!

There is no one who can shout 666!


Don’t want to talk to these guys anymore!

With this thought, Wang Wei directly pushed Wang Yuyan to the foreground.

“Hello everyone. You all know me! That being the case, let’s make a long story short! ”

As Umbrella, he is second only to Wang Wei in terms of voice with Blue Star.

Wang Yuyan can be said to be a household name!

Although Wang Yuyan’s does not have a trace of strength.

But the security forces around them are definitely no less than the protective power of these people present, or even more so.

Some big hooligans even sent groups of excellent personnel to secretly protect Wang Yuyan at close range! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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