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It is still a little short of his own forces being able to resist the purple sweet potato essence. It’s a lot worse!

The corners of his mouth pursed slightly, and Wang Wei walked directly towards the direction of the umbrella building!

After all, I haven’t been back in this umbrella building for a long time!

Wang Wei, who was riding on the thunderstorm, looked at the lively street in front of this umbrella building.

Wang Wei’s face couldn’t help but look strange.

On this street, the previous large and small companies, buildings have been bought away.

And these acquirers have re-hung up one brand after another.

If you see these brands, at most, you think they are very serious company brands.

But Wang Wei said with certainty. The owner behind these brands. All of them are those thirty or so leaders.

An alternative approach to Umbrella’s behavior.

Look, what tobacco group, what construction group, what ordnance group, what energy group.

Your sister!

These standard groups, Wang Wei couldn’t complain!


As that Wang Wei drove the thunderstorm to this gate.

Several security members standing guard at this gate said directly to Wang Wei.

As for the thunderstorm, he consciously drove towards his parking space.

“Are you all there?”

Taking off the sunglasses on his face, Wang Wei smiled slightly and asked about it!

“Back to the boss. All in! ”

The security captain also received orders from Wang Wei.

For those whom Wang Wei is going to invite. Keep it all in mind!

“Hmm! Just get there! ”

My eyes looked at the many conglomerate buildings outside. A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Wei’s mouth.

This time the invitation can be regarded as Wang Weizheng’s return with these leaders of Lanxing.

All of these leaders secretly came to this umbrella building of Umbrella.

In Wang Wei’s perception, there were unknown amounts of armed forces hidden in the surrounding large and small group companies.

Umbrella Group does not intimidate these guys at all!

“What are you doing?”

In the Avengers’ dedicated chat channel, Wang Wei directly gave a question mark to the Avengers.

Day by day, I don’t know what these guys are doing.

“Busy researching things!”

“Busy fighting criminals!”

“Busy catching fugitives!”

“Busy shopping!”

“Busy carrying bags!”

With Wang Wei’s inquiry, the feedback was directly fed back to Wang Wei.

See these antis above. A trace of black lines appeared directly on Wang Wei’s face.

These guys. It really is…..

“I asked the leaders to come over, do you want to come and eat melons?”

Resisting the urge to beat these guys up.

Wang Wei spoke directly to these people!

“Don’t go, busy!”

“Don’t go, busy!”

“Don’t go, busy!”

“Don’t go, busy!”

Seeing that these guys were like repeaters, they directly began to respond to Wang Wei lightly.

Wang Wei directly interrupted his way of chatting!

“Are you a repeater? I rub. You guys! ”

With eyelids, Wang Wei directly closed the chat channel.

These guys, but come, who is Lao Tzu pretending to show it?

What a helplessness!

I’m so unwilling!

If not, pretend to show these people. How about I bring those thirty or so heads of state?

“In other words, is it really okay if we don’t go like this?”

Seeing Wang Wei’s avatar darkened.

Dr. Banner, who is an honest man, asked everyone weakly in this chat channel!

“Okay? I don’t know. It’s better than we being hit anyway! ”

As one of the few people in the Avengers who can joke with Wang Wei and have a hippie smile. Tony directly rolled his eyes, indicating that Lao Tzu would not go over and get hit!

“If you want to go, you go. I’m not going anyway! I went to see him pretending again! ”

Nothing to say. Tony’s words were deeply recognized by everyone.

This will be hit by Wang Wei’s pretense.

You say angry people are not angry.

Might as well not go!

“It would have been. I don’t want to be hit by Wang Wei!” That feeling, it’s so painful! ”

While speaking, Thor’s whole person cried slightly.

A thunder god in the hall was actually hit by Wang Wei to become like this.

I can’t say that!

“When did I hit you?”

Suddenly, Wang Wei, who went online, directly ate the thunder god Sol.

This foolish son of the landlord’s family, spread rumors for me. This is rumor-mongering! I’m going to be caught!

After seeing Wang Wei’s appearance. Everyone shut up.

Mom sells lots. Didn’t you say you were busy?

Aren’t you offline? Why did you suddenly appear?

“Aren’t you offline?”

In a villa, Thor, the god of thunder, couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

This is a latent fear. Probably?

“I made this chat channel. What do you think is the difference between me being offline and not going offline? ”

“Or do you think there are some chat channels that can block my entry?”

As if questioning. Wang Wei asked this Thunder God Sol!

“Don’t digress. Tell me, when did I hit you? Don’t make it clear. I’ll look for you when I turn back!” ”

As if not figuring it out. Wang Wei will definitely have a solo practice with Sol afterwards.

“…. Can you not say no?”

The silent Thor God Thor asked weakly with some hesitation!


Before Thor was ecstatic, Wang Wei’s next sentence was directly thrown over!

“As long as you can withstand my violent beating!”

As Wang Wei’s words fell. Thor was stunned. _

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