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Like a weak woman. Su responded to Wang Wei a little delicately behind Wang Wei.

And hearing Su’s words, Nanatasha and Wanda, who were on the left and right sides of Wang Wei, couldn’t help but grasp their hands for a while.

A painful feeling caused by the woman’s inner jealousy deeply stimulated Wang Wei’s scalp.

To suffer!


At this moment, the hull of the Dingyuan ship, which was the flagship, trembled, and an enamel giant cannon fired directly outside the window in front of Wang Wei’s conference room.

A meteorite outside this window was directly shattered by the enamel giant cannon of the Dingyuan ship in an instant.


That’s a proper threat!

“Don’t be calm, this time the gun is a dingyuan ship to check its own fire devices.”

“Don’t be calm, this time the gun is a dingyuan ship to check its own fire devices.”

As if in response to the scene of some slight commotion on the Dingyuan ship, and as if in response to the three women.

Dingyuan’s voice has a hint of incomprehensible taste!

It’s like being jealous.

And after Wang Wei heard Dingyuan’s voice, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but split.

I’m going, is this being caught in the house?

And hearing this voice of Dingyuan,

Whether it’s Sue, or Wanda, or Natasha. I couldn’t help but snort slightly coldly in my heart.


One more opponent.

In the hearts of these people, they do not regard Dingyuan and other ship girls as war weapons, or intelligent AI and the like.

Instead, it was treated as a completely new race.

There is no way around things.

Who makes the ship girls have rich feelings and good abilities?

“What a trouble! Good trouble. What a hassle! ”

Su, who was behind Wang Wei, couldn’t help but mutter.

This is the case, unless it is back to the blue star.

Otherwise, on this Dingyuan ship, Dingyuan would not let Su and Wang Wei sing a big chorus no matter what!

“Whew, this can’t make a fuss, right?”

“Should it be?”

“It’s so hanging!”

After Quicksilver and Johnny behind the bar couldn’t help but glance at each other, they both saw a look of relief in each other’s eyes.

This feeling is really hanging in the air!

“Okay, don’t make trouble!”

“Give you what is right! As for Sue, your words. I’ll go back and use the Magical Crystal to see if I can let you improve your stealth ability!” ”

Under the guns of Dingyuan’s ships. Wang Wei directly left the clutches of these three crazy women.

Said with a smile to Su behind him!


Su, who was not very satisfied, could only nod helplessly.

In the case of a definite distance? Want a chorus? Believe it or not, give you a battleship shake in minutes? Or the threat of artillery fire from outside?

Or maybe it’s a rushing ringtone? Anyway, the mess can block Suhe’s means of singing a chorus. This will definitely not come very little!

“As for you. The punishment task for the last three is simple! ”

“After returning to Blue Star, pay close attention to some things on Blue Star. I don’t want to be away from Bluestar for a while. Something strange happened on the blue star to come out! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei looked at the remaining members of the Avengers.

“Leave Bluestar?”

These Avengers members who heard the meaning of Wang Wei’s words couldn’t help but raise their heads and look at Wang Wei!

“Well, almost!”

“I’m going to hurry up and get something out lately. Then find someone to open the film! ”

For the members of the Avengers, Wang Wei still did not have reservations, and thought about it a little.

Speak some of your inner thoughts to these guys!

“Looking for someone to open the film? Who to find? Will you be able to take us then? ”

As soon as you hear it, you have a chance to fight.

These guys won’t give up easily!

Directly asked Wang Wei!

“I found this opponent, you should all know!”

“Actually, it’s Kerry and the people of the Empire!”

“These guys have come to us again and again for trouble. I’m going to destroy these guys! ”

There was a pause. Wang Wei said slowly to the Avengers guys!

Wang Wei’s personal strength, although not reaching the level of the Heavenly Father.

However, Wang Wei is ready to take the lead.

Wait until you come up with enough fleet. After being able to liberate the First Capital Fleet and the First Exploration Fleet.

Wang Wei directly sent a large army to attack the Narri and Empire.

It’s not polite to come and go.

These guys have come to this blue star again and again to find things.

Don’t call back yourself. It’s too much to say, isn’t it?

“Kerry and the Empire? If it’s a battle with Kerry and the Empire. Be sure to bring us! ”

Mention this Kerry and the Empire.

The Avengers members present were all holding a cloud of anger in their hearts.

For Kerry and the Empire eyeing what is on the Blue Star.

After this estimate of Thor God, everyone also had a little understanding in their hearts.

These guys are greedy for space gems!

And the space gem, although it is now in Wang Wei’s hands.

It’s the equivalent of the Avengers.

Special lady’s, this snatched something from the hands of the Avengers. Don’t go back. Avengers or Avengers?

No, this kind of grievance cannot be endured.

With such an idea, these guys said that they would definitely fight with Kerry and the people of the Empire!

The most important thing is that Kerry and the Empire sent warships to Blue Star for the first time, wanting to do something for Blue Star, which came to give them a backstab when they were crusading against the Escia civilization.

Although this blow was backstabbed, it was suppressed by Wang Wei alone.

But grievances can’t be endured!

“Okay, if you’re going to participate. I can take you with me then! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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