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Endure the feeling of tingling in the scalp. Wang Wei can only honestly say what this first place wants.

After all, it was said that the reward for the first place was raised by the first place himself!

Moreover, among this, Wang Wei is sure, Wanda. Sue, and the uncertain Natasha Dut, wanted to sing a chorus with herself.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei was a little puzzled.

Why is a person whose appearance is not very good among their Western faces, so sought after?

Weird, making Wang Wei a little weird!

“Is what you said true?”

Hearing this first condition, really let yourself mention it casually.

Su stared straight at Wang Wei. There is some brilliance shining above those eyes.

Seeing Sue’s appearance, Wanda’s heart clicked.

If you want to, this little really wants to have a chorus with Wang Wei, right?

You know, Wang Wei has no objects, has he ever sung with people. They’re also a little clear.

After all, such an excellent person. So far, I am single.

You said that it is particularly fascinating.

On the side, Natasha gently narrowed her eyes.

What is it like to feel like a lioness patrolling her prey!

As for Su, she simply ignored the gazes of these two women.

Two little smashed, to see the operation of the sisters. You guys wait to eat fart behind your sisters!

It is said that three women are one play. But these three women are a war!

On one side, Tony, Stephen, Saul, Barton, Dr. Reed, Dr. Banner, Ben and others silently gave the stage to Wang Wei and the three women.

As for Quicksilver and Thunderfire Johnny, they silently retreated behind the bar on that side.

As the older brother or younger brother of two of these three women, they knew it very well in their hearts.

If you don’t get it right, it’s a battle.

Find a place to hide!

“I said a few of you. Get me back! ”

Watching Tony and the others retreat to the door without the slightest righteousness.

Wang Wei’s whole face darkened.

These guys, really too…. It’s not interesting!

It seems that these guys have been thrown into battle to temper three hundred times. Three hundred times!

“It’s not about talking about them now. How about you listen first? ”

Wanda, who was smiling, came directly to Wei’s right hand and gently pressed one of her hands on Wang Wei’s shoulder!

“Yes. Now the question is the reward of one person! ”

Natasha, who was also smiling, came to Wang Wei’s left.

Of the three women, the least confident to compete is probably Natasha.

But again, it is precisely because of the least confidence to carry out normal. Natasha’s emotional factor is the person buried deep in her heart.

At this time, it is said that it is a kind of small violent walk in his heart. Don’t call it too much!

“So, can you listen to my request first?”

Su, who slowly came behind Wang Wei, gently put his hands on Wang Wei’s cheapness.

Feeling the three women behind her left and right.

Even if Wang Wei himself has good combat power. At this moment, I couldn’t help but sweat a little.

This feeling is going to suffer!

“You talk first. Sue. If only I could do it. I’ll be able to do it! ”

Wang Wei, who swallowed his saliva, said softly to Su behind him with a trembling voice!

“Sa, this request of mine is very simple!”

“I think you, as the master of the Umbrella Army, must be able to do it, right?”

Like a sultry leprechaun. A cloud of hot air slowly spurted out on the neck behind Wang Wei!

And Wang Wei, who felt this heat, couldn’t help but feel a tingling in his scalp!

Why is this feeling getting worse and worse!

“You talk first. After all, sometimes even I can do it. Even if it causes great losses to Umbrella, I will definitely do my best to satisfy you. A man’s promise can’t say no! ”

Wang Wei, who tightened his neck, changed the direction of the topic very bluntly.

After all, as long as the topic of Su is diverted to being able to use the energy of the Umbrella Army to meet Su’s requirements, he can escape.

At this moment, Wang Wei really regretted a little.

Why did I owe so much in the first place? Say whatever you want. As long as you can do it!

In just such a short period of effort, Wang Wei felt that facing the pressure of these three women was no more terrifying than Wang Wei facing the fleet of Kerry and the empire alone.

“Peace of mind. The Umbrella Army is your foothold. I won’t make your Umbrella Army pay a high price. Because of this, I will feel bad! ”

“After all, you’re a man I approve!”

Like a succubus. This Su gently expounded a fact behind Wang Wei.

It is obviously a very factual answer.

Why did Wang Wei feel that his scalp was numb!

Because, on the left and right sides of Wang Wei, Wanda and Natasha, who put their hands on Wang Wei’s shoulders and arms, squeezed Wang Wei’s arms in unison.

This sudden increase in power. How could Wang Wei not feel it!

Can’t call.

Never shout out about pain!


While Wang Weiqiang was enduring the manpower, Tony, who was near the door, laughed out loud.

As Tony laughed, the Avengers members who retreated to the door to watch the play also couldn’t help but laugh one by one.

This kind of scene really makes people want to burst the dog heads of these guys!

“My request is simple!”

“I was just thinking, Wang Wei, when will you be able to teach me in private? After all, people’s strength is very weak! “_

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