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While saying. Wang Wei said directly and unceremoniously to the last three guys.

“Not reconciled. I didn’t expect that I didn’t even get into the top three! ”

Hearing this announcement from Wang Wei.

Wanda’s whole person is a little bad.

This situation is too unwilling.

One is Thor, the god of thunder with a humanoid plugin.

One is Wang Wei, who controls the whole scene. Plus this Su who doesn’t know what luck he went.

Wanda is citrus at this moment to the point that life is hopeless!

“Can you not participate next?”

Natasha, who was also a little unwilling, asked Wang Wei directly!

“Not participating?”

Hearing Natasha’s inquiry, Wang Wei began to think slightly.

This thing is dispensable!

After all, it doesn’t really matter if you participate or not. But I want to see the whole picture!

“So be it! I will not take the initiative. But if there is a similar situation again. I will inform all of you! ”

“If you can solve it, the points will be yours.” If you can’t solve it at the last minute! ”

“Then the points are mine. You’re at most getting a support point.”


After thinking about it a little. Wang Wei directly came up with such a compromise method.

After all, you still need to take care of the big picture. If it’s because of small bets, you don’t even take into account the big picture, what is it?

“This one can have!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, everyone present instantly raised a trace of fighting spirit.

After all, in this case, it is better to kick out the person who threw them out the farthest first. They can have fun!

“By the way, another friendship point. After this time, you can team up. But at most, it’s a two-person team! You can also go it alone! ”

“But there is a premise, that is, when you form a team, the ratio of battle losses is doubled. There are no changes to going it alone, and the points obtained outside the non-battle loss ratio are automatically increased by 20%! ”

“But one thing, the team can’t find me. I don’t participate in teaming! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei smiled at everyone and opened a new game rule.

You don’t want me to play. Then accept my rules of the game!

Otherwise, hum!

“This is indeed a pro and con!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, Tony nodded slightly.

But before Tony nodded to finish. Sue came directly to Thor and said to Thor! “Thor, can you easily form a team?”

And Sol, who was drinking the happy water of the fat house, was confused.

What’s the situation? This found me!

“Aang. Oh! ”

Some unknown Thor Thor teamed up with Su in such a confused way!

“Tony, do you want to team up?”

After Sue is Wanda!

And look at Wanda, who is in front of him and invites himself to form a team!

Tony just hesitated for half a second and said with a straight smile: “Yes!” Hope we can be the best teammates we can be! ”

For Tony, Wanda’s combat effectiveness is second only to Thor.

Although the Hulk has a rhetoric with no limit to anger and unlimited power.

But rhetoric is, after all, rhetoric. Team up with a reckless man like the Hulk, forget it!

“Team up! Stephen! Natasha’s movements didn’t lag behind.

With the two squads assembling, Natasha went straight to Stephen.

And Stephen smiled and nodded. Agreed to the team mode!

“I’m Cao, my sister just abandoned me like that?”

At this time, looking at Thunderbolt Johnny, who was directly looking for Thor to form a team, he was at a loss.

Who am I? Where am I. Why am I here?

“It’s unfortunate. Me too! My dear sister also abandoned her brother! ”

Empathetic Quicksilver shrugged his shoulders at Thunderfire.

These two guys have a feeling of being in the same way at this moment!

“Teaming up?”


After glancing at each other, Thunderfire Johnny directly met Quicksilver!

With the movements of these guys. Small teams were directly formed.

Even the stone man Ben teamed up directly with the Hulk.

These two guys, Ben is good at protection. The Hulk is good at destruction.

It’s really a really great power squad. In the end, Barton teamed up with Dr. Reed.

But it doesn’t matter. Both guys are unusually calm people.

As for going it alone? No, no, no, going it alone will never have a future!

Only teaming up is the most promising!

“Well, since you all have favorite teammates! Let’s go to the party!! ”

“After all, it will take some time before the next battle!”

While speaking, Wang Wei led everyone directly towards one direction of the restaurant!

At this moment, those generals on this Dingyuan ship are a battle video for everyone, and they begin to watch this way of fighting in the universe with taste.

And they all discussed each other.

Even the food sent by some orderlies, no one moved!


At this moment, I don’t know how far away from these nine realms.

A space warship with nearly three thousand ships slowly pulled out directly from the depths of the universe.

When this space battleship appeared, the merchant ships of large and small syndicates mixed in the universe, or some space pirates for the purpose of raiding homes, or some small wandering forces.

At this moment, they all retreated.

This fleet is no stranger to all of them.

It’s even a bit of a thunderbolt.

This fleet is none other than the notorious Kerry fleet in the universe.

Let these people who watched this 3,000 Kerry and the fleet sail in the direction of the Nine Realms couldn’t help but wonder in their hearts. _

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