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“Not much, but it shouldn’t be the last place. First place is also unlikely! ”

Tony, who was drinking champagne, shrugged at Stephen.

I know the elite of which special attack marines are.

Tony is also a member of the Marine Corps, intentionally or unintentionally.

“Alas, it seems that we can only be bastards. Are women so scary now? ”

“But who will be the first place?”

Stephen, who shrugged his shoulders, was a little helpless.

Originally, I thought that this old bird in the war could get a good ranking.

Who would have thought that he could only be a bastard.

It’s really a day, dog!

“Talk about it. Who is number one? ”

Hearing Sue and Wanda’s words, Natasha, who had a little hope on the side, directly decayed.

The results of their own battles are nothing in front of these two people.

Really, the slag is in the sky.

Aaaah! It’s so annoying!

But what happens if you pull Hill over?

Natasha, who didn’t know what to think in her head, suddenly wanted to pull her best friend Hill over.

Hehe, think about it!

“Want to know who the number one is?”

Look at everyone looking at themselves expectantly!

The corner of Wang Wei’s mouth slowly evoked a smile.

This look, how much to scream!

“Wait, wait. Don’t tell me it’s you who came first? ”

It is worthy of being the person who knows Wang Wei best.

Tony suddenly put down the champagne in his hand and looked up at Wang Wei to ask!

Hearing this inquiry from Tony. How many question marks flashed on everyone’s foreheads?

Can you still play like this?

Are you still not a human being? Wang wei!

“Hehe, we were talking about members of this Avengers earlier! I’m sitting on the farm. But I’m one of the candidates! ”

Shrugging, Wang Wei explained directly to everyone with a smile!

Upon hearing this explanation, everyone couldn’t help but cover their faces.

Nima yo.

You play like this. Isn’t that too much to be true?

“Wait, I have a question?”

With a thick and honest face, suddenly Wang Wei asked!

Look at this honest Ben. People didn’t know what Ben was trying to do. I don’t know what this stone man wants to do!

“What do you want to ask?”

Looking at the stone man, Ben asked. Wang Wei was a little puzzled.

“If you are also a participant, what about the damage of the special attack marines you brought with you?”

After thinking about it, the stone man asked directly to Wang Wei.

What about your special attack marines?

You know, the Special Attack Marines are standard for all of us.

There are no special attack marines, you play with a hammer!

“My Special Attack Marines?”

“Oh, let’s put it this way. Except for the people assigned to you, the remaining troops are all considered mine! ”

Shrugging, Wang Wei directly followed everyone and explained with a smile!

“Isn’t that a little too unfair? Even if there is a battle loss ratio to shorten the gap, but everyone is yours, then your points are too high! ”

Johnny, who was on the side, couldn’t help but complain directly.

After all, even the loss of those troops was counted on Wang Wei’s head, but after these troops attacked so many places, the point value brought by them was also a lot!

“What they get doesn’t count my point value. I just counted myself to get it! And the proportion of their battle losses on their backs! ”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, explained directly to everyone!

After all, the members of the special attack marines under these people’s command will also have some military merits and transform into corresponding points, which will be classified under the names of these Avengers members!

“So what did you do? I killed five of the other side’s warships!” ”

Silent, Thunder God Sol, who had not spoken for a long time, asked Wang Wei directly.

After all, Thor alone took out five of the opponent’s warships.

If you really talk about points, only Su can look at herself. But they can’t compete with themselves.

Five battleships are a lot of points!

“Me! Saved all of you, does it count? ”

While speaking, Wang Wei snapped his fingers.

With the ringing of Wang Wei’s fingers, the film and television information of Wang Wei fighting with some people in those underground ports directly appeared on the screen in front of him.

Plus the bombs of the gas series that can be seen everywhere!

The scalps of everyone who watched directly became numb!

“These things, exploded, can send all three military ports into the sky?”

Tony, who had a numb scalp, asked Wang Wei directly.

The effect of these bombs is also too strong, right?

This is more ferocious than the explosion of a mushroom egg!

“Although I don’t want to admit it, these bombs can indeed send the entire military port to the sky.”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, said indifferently.

You know, this kind of sending to the sky did not explode directly above the military port. Instead, the explosion was carried out in an underground base hundreds of meters below the military port.

Even if it is like this, it still has the ability to send the military port on the ground to the sky.

The special lady’s is too scary, right?

“Alright, alright! The first place in this round is you! ”

Hearing this explanation, everyone was convinced.

Even Wang Wei alone carried all the battle losses except them. The point effect brought by this action alone far exceeds the sum of everyone!

It’s not fun.

I really can’t play!

“First place in this first game. I’m sorry it’s me! ”

“The second place is our hammer brother. Thor! ”

“The third place is our little clever ghost, Sue!”

“As for the countdown, I won’t nominate now, you guys cheer yourselves.” Don’t wait until the end of the Esia Crusade and you will still be the last, then it will be a little laughing, work hard! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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