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Want to eat.

Such a thought emerged, instantly. Wang Wei came to feel.

Feeling Wang Wei’s hand on his waist, he suddenly wiped away the non-existent tears.

He chuckled with a hint of charm in his eyes! “Little Vivi wants to either?”

The steaming breath slowly blew on Wang Wei’s cheeks.

Feel the leprechaun-like rhetoric of Shino’s bun-no-bun.

Wang Wei really felt that he couldn’t go on like this.

Otherwise, it’s really good!

“You little goblin! , where did so many flowery intestines come from? ”

Close your eyes. Wang Wei slapped the jelly under the waist of Shino’s bundle!

“Ah~” With Wang Wei’s slap down. Shino’s whole appearance feels a little bad!

“Don’t make trouble!” I was played like this little goblin by Shino-no-bun.

Wang Wei directly mentioned it.

This guy, really give some color, just go straight to the room!

“Doesn’t Xiao Weiwei like Xiao Weiwei?” The endless memories of the Xiaozhi Bundle that he had just touched said to Wang Wei while throwing his wink.

“Don’t make trouble. Let me ask you something first. “Look at Shino-no-bun like this. Wang Wei really said that he was hanging.

This guy, if placed in front of an ordinary person. Absolutely uncontrollable.

It’s also thanks to me that I am a person with a bit of conscience, otherwise this has just been recruited, and I am too scum, right?

Feelings need to be cultivated in both directions!

Wang Wei admitted that he had a good impression of Shinozhishu, but this good feeling was far from the point of being able to be a scumbag!

“What does little Vivi want to ask? Is it three-dimensional? This person is very shy! ”

“How about you measure it yourself, Xiao Weiwei?” A leprechaun like a vampire.

Xiao Zhishu gently covered his face in front of Wang Wei and said shyly.

But although this is a little shy, what is the provocative look on your face?

Wang Wei, whose black lines flashed on his eyebrows, directly faced the bundle of Shinozhi, and it was a brain collapse.

“Woohoo! ﹏”

After suffering a brain breakdown, Shinono Shu began to hold his head and squat up.

“Questions about the IS mech. What I want to know is to fight in the universe? ”

I didn’t take care of this malicious seller.

Wang Wei asked directly to Shinozhishu.

After all, in the one he has browsed, IS mecha needs several points to form combat power.

And these points appear in the original work.

The first point is that the activation of the IS mech requires the IS core. If there is no core, then this IS mech is a existence like scrap iron.

Second, regarding this second point, Wang Wei really doubted whether this was the evil taste of Shino’s bundle. After all, this entire i system was established by Shinono Shu alone.

The second problem is that women need to try to activate. This looks like a lot of randomness.

It is possible that Wang Wei has recruited a thousand customized female soldiers, and none of them will be able to activate. It may also be that a random Marvel person can be directly activated.

On the second point, this gender question. Wang Wei does not intend to change. But this activation problem. It has to be changed!

Absolute change!

The third aspect is the combat problem of IS mechs. In the original work, Wang Wei seems to vaguely remember that the strongest IS mecha can directly push an aircraft carrier battle group.

Although this aircraft carrier battle group is the power system of the surface civilization.

But in the universe, it is almost equivalent to the level of a space battleship.

From this, it can be inferred from the side that the combat level of IS mecha is definitely not weak. Even said, able to hang Tony.

Poor Tony, here in Wang Wei, has become a combat measurement unit.

And for Wang Wei, who regarded Tony as a unit of measurement of combat effectiveness, he didn’t care at all!

From this, it can be seen that the combat potential of this IS mecha is above the Horse Riding Legion. There is even hope of becoming the presence of special forces to storm fortifications!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei directly turned his thinking to the cosmic aspect.

After all, for Wang Wei, space combat is the most real problem.

“Cosmic combat?” Hearing Wang Wei’s kind of inquiry. Shino’s bundle was a little confused.

To be honest, Shinono Shu, who is the founder of this IS mecha power system, has never considered the issue of space combat!

“Can you tell me about it? Little Vivie! ”

The face gradually eased and the bundle of Shinono threw himself into Wang Wei’s arms again. Just sat on Wang Wei’s lap, put his arm around Wang Wei’s neck, and said very intimately!

For this kind of intimate action, but not too bad behavior. Wang Wei acquiesced for the time being!

With Wang Wei’s tacit consent, Xiaozhishu got even more carried away.

And in this process, Wang Wei also began to slowly explain to Xiaozhizhi.

Anyway, Wang Wei and Xiao Zhishu said a lot.

Biochemical power system, supernatural power system, Transformers power system, and the unformed Zhenshoufu space ship girl system, as well as the intelligent angel power system, etc.

Wang Wei basically said the power in his hand.

After all, Shinono Shu can be regarded as the only person recruited by Wang Wei who can support a power system alone.

It is also a very excellent scientific research talent.

Such a person, how can Wang Wei not be at ease? Not to mention a girl! Soft cute and cute girl!

Ahem ahem….

“Wow! Little Vivie, you are so good! Little Vivi, come and kiss! ”

When the power system held by Wang Wei was filtered out of his head.

Shino’s Bundle once again transformed into an idiot girl, directly facing Wang Wei is to kiss! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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