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Everyone nodded!

“Now, this peacekeeping plan is currently chaired by me, assisted by Dr. Banner, and Wang Wei is temporary in nature!”

“He has a lot of things to worry about, and he doesn’t have much experience to worry about it. So I wanted to ask if anyone of you were involved? ”

For this peacekeeping plan, Tony has poured a lot of effort into it.

A city developed with the assistance of robots and super-intelligent AI terminals.

It represents a change in science and technology.

“Can we get involved?” The two brothers and sisters of Kuaiyin, who were idle and panicked, directly raised their hands.

After all, the two of them really have nothing to do!

Since you have joined this Avengers, let’s do something!

“Yes!” At a glance, the two Tony brothers and sisters nodded slightly in agreement.

“Huh?” Nimufu, who was beside Wang Wei, quietly flipped through the plan with it.

After seeing some of the things on the proposal and the settings. Nimfu seemed to be interested.

“What’s wrong? Hot? “Wang Wei is not much interested in this peacekeeping plan!

But seeing Nimfu like this. Wang Wei estimated that Nimufu was also a little interested!

“Hmm! A little interested. Brother! Nimfu, who had roughly flipped through the peacekeeping plan, nodded slightly.

In front of outsiders, whether it was Icarus, Nimufu and others, they all called Wang Wei his brother!

“Good!” Since you are interested, it is easy to say.

Wang Wei directly stood up in this group of people and announced!

“My sister, Nimfu, is also very interested in this peacekeeping plan!”

“So, let her participate too!”

While speaking, Wang Wei pushed Nimufu out!

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, everyone present turned their gazes to Nimufu.

“She? OK? “For Wang Wei’s sisters to have good combat effectiveness, Tony also knows.

But know the hell knows.

This is related to the field of science.

If only he could still have a lot of ability in this.

That Tony is really a little self-contained.

“Nimfu is not good at fighting. It’s an electronic offensive and defensive war! While saying, Wang Wei pushed Nimfu out!

Pushed out by Wang Wei like this, Nimfu, who was originally a little shy, began to calm down!

“I have some level in network programming and electronics!” Without the slightest stage fright, Nimuv said seriously to everyone.

“Okay then! Since Nimfu Jr. has joined, then join in! “For Wang Wei’s sake.

Tony is still very faceful. Directly accepted Nimfu into this peacekeeping plan.

Even if Nimfu is not good at anything, if you want to join, you have to give people a face, right?

“Then that’s it!” Look at this, everyone present is basically finalized.

Wang Wei directly returned to the villa with Nimufu, Icarus and the others.

There is nothing left to stay in this Stark Group!

“In other words, how long has it been since I checked in!”

Back in the villa, Wang Wei’s hands itched!

It’s been a few months.

I’ve accumulated seven check-ins.

“Let’s test the water first!”

Wang Wei, who was rubbing his hands in the villa, whispered directly to the moon signing system.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully: get an IS mecha technology tree. Get an exclusive character: Shino-no-bun! ”

As the sound of this month-signing system fell.

Another technology tree sits directly in Wang Wei’s head.

At this point, in Wang Wei’s head, there are now two science and technology trees and three knowledge treasures.

“Muggle! Fortunately. I am used to the opening of the spiritual world! Otherwise, this time it will be unbearable to die again! ”

Wang Wei, who was slightly raised, said that he was still a little uncomfortable with this large amount of knowledge directly connected into his head.

“Little Vivi ~”

When Wang Wei was sitting on the balcony to receive information, I don’t know if Wang Wei picked it up by hand.

A full of vitality, but with a crazy girl-like voice, directly pounced from far and near!

Before Wang Wei could react.

A sweet and delicious delicacy…. Ahhhhh

It was a young girl wearing light purple pink clothes who rushed directly into Wang Wei’s arms.

“Little Weiwei, come to kiss~”

A small and cute face, that mischievous face, and the look that holds Wang Wei’s face and wants to kiss it directly!

Wang Wei was so frightened on the spot that he threw it out!

Wang Wei, who reacted for a while, looked at the bundle of Shinozhi who unceremoniously threw himself into his arms to kiss.

A burst of black lines floated over the entire forehead!

“Bundle! Can you be more reserved? ”

Looking at the slightest bit of a woman’s reserved Shinono Shu. Wang Wei’s eyebrows jumped wildly, and he directly pressed a hand on the brain door of Xiaozhi’s bundle.

The bundle of Xiaozhi, who was held by Wang Wei, directly cried a face, and some tears seemed to flash in these eyes.

The teary-eyed Xiaozhishu sat in Wang Wei’s arms.

With a crying face, he said: “Xiao Weiwei hates Xiao Shu. Xiao Shu is so sad! The small bundle is so sad. Xiao Shu really wants to leave the world. Woooo

If you don’t coax me, I will continue to cry to you, Shino’s bundle is really not a dramatist.

“You fellow….”

Seeing the shōno-bun crying in his arms, Wang Wei’s eyebrows jumped wildly.

Don’t say, it’s sweet and delicious…. Wrong. This soft and creamy body. In Wang Wei’s arms.

Although separated by a few silk-like clothes. But Wang Wei obviously felt that this dress was a pit, right?

When the big hand lightly rested on that waist, Wang Wei’s fingers jumped a little.

PS: I recommend a new book [Marvel: Abomination] whose writing is much better than mine. This is a big guy. It’s true!

PS: In recommending a new book is about to hit the shelves. Well, this brother is really powerful. Others write that the Great Tang is all provoking Princess Changle and the like, and he provokes Empress Changsun. [Datang: I brush my reputation in Datang]_

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