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But when these flying ant monsters were hunted, they found that it was just that!

The situation came directly to a 180-degree turn.

In turn, chase and kill these flying ant troops!

“These guys’ combat ability doesn’t seem to be particularly strong! Could it be that this dark elf world was almost devoured, so it had to shrink? Degrading the population? ”

After seeing these ant monster-like battle intuitive effects.

Wang Wei couldn’t help but start thinking slightly.

This situation is really like a reaction after degeneration.

“Perhaps, these guys can become the training targets of a new generation!”

I thought about it a little.

Wang Wei opened any door directly above this ground.

If nothing else, Odin, this old guy is at least interesting enough!

After giving himself the wanted directory, he also gave himself a star map by the way.

The scope of this star map probably covers the ruling range of the Nine Realms.

As for how large this Asgard’s rule is in the universe, Wang Wei does not know. But Wang Wei knows one thing, that is, the civilized planet protected by Asgard, thousands of them!

Damn it. In this case, Asgard is simply rich.

No wonder for forsaken a dark elven world. Whether it is Thor, the god of thunder, or the third princess Loki, they all said that it didn’t matter much.

Left Icarus and the others behind the dark elven world.

Wang Wei directly opened this arbitrary door on the experimental number that dragged Kerry and the battleship back to the Red Alert Planet!

Wang Wei directly found this General Ling Liang on this experiment!

“Commander, you occupy a world. And then the world has monsters like this race. Thinking of using these monsters to hone recruits? ”

After listening carefully to Wang Wei’s statement. Ling Liang couldn’t help but start thinking slightly!

If you use these monsters to temper recruits, it is not a practice!

After all, although the soldiers recruited from this barracks are all brave and fierce, once they come to this world, they basically have to suffer a special enhancement.

These powers are enhanced and do not actually train in combat. That’s not much effect.

It can be said that the powerful soldiers on this experimental number are already some of the people with combat effectiveness that they can extract.

More powerful soldiers are really not ideal for the degree to which they use their powers!

“That’s right. The dark elven world, though desolate. But it is very suitable for resource extraction, military training, military stockpiling, and some dangerous scientific and technological experiments! ”

“Red alert planet, the environment is very good. I’m ready to make the star our back garden! ”

“Since it’s the back garden, then cherish it!”

As soon as he said this, Wang Wei felt a little heartache.

On the Red Alert Planet, there are now two continents, because they need a lot of resources, they are overexploited in various ways.

The whole thing was a mess.

These places will have to be renovated at that time!

“I agree with this too!”

Ling Liang also agreed with Wang Wei’s plan to build the Red Police Planet into a back garden.

After all, the environment is such a good planet. Can’t it be directly destroyed just because of the development of armed forces, can it?

“Then, General Liang, trouble you now, now rule that dark elf world!”

“At the very least, get a foothold in the Dark Elf World first. Don’t be repelled by those ants! ”

Look at this heroic female general in front of her!

Wang Wei directly put his hands on Ling Liang’s shoulders.

I look optimistic about you, and directly entrusted Ling Liang with a heavy responsibility again!


At this time, Ling Liang was really confused!

Commander, are you afraid that you are not looking for excitement?

The military and political affairs on the Red Alert Planet are my sole responsibility.

Now let me take on all the military and political affairs of this dark elf world!”

I, the commander of the space fleet, can’t do it yet!

People want to be fleet commanders. I don’t want to sit in the rear!

Looking at Wang Wei’s face, I am optimistic about you. I trust your gaze.

These words in Ling Liang’s heart were directly swallowed.

What can I do? I’m the only one who can provoke the girder here. What can I do

“Yes! Sir! ”

The pouting Ling Liang eventually accepted Wang Wei’s appointment.

And Ling Liang, who accepted Wang Wei’s appointment, was directly thrown back to the Red Police Planet by Wang Wei through any door.

In Wang Wei’s words, now the dark elf world has opened. There is not a lot of combat effectiveness over there.

You will still deploy troops from the Red Alert Planet, and directly carry out large-scale troop transportation through that space-time transfer device!

After Wang Wei threw that Ling Liang over.

Wang Wei clapped his hands with a happy face!


Sure enough, there is nothing to do, and it is cool to hand it over to your subordinates!

With such a thought, Wang Wei’s whole mood became happy.

“Eh…. What’s wrong? Brilliance. ”

When Wang Wei turned his head, he looked at the bulging pouting brilliance and looked at himself with some resentment.

Inexplicably, Wang Wei, who was worried about the brilliance, carefully asked.

This brilliance is also the ship girl on this test ship anyway.

Moreover, she can be regarded as the first ship girl in her hands.

Blood test ship! A wife was sent. Are you saying cool?

“Governor, people want to change battleships!”

After hearing Wang Wei call himself Guanghui, instead of calling himself Mrs. Radiance like the first time, the luster under his eyes dimmed slightly.

The whole person was attached to Wang Wei’s body, and directly hugged Wang Wei with a coquettish face and prayed!

“I know! But if you want to change battleships, at least wait until you return to the Red Alert planet! Otherwise, how can I change it for you? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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