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And it is still somewhat difficult for the current engineers to crack the crystallization of the hope of this base car!

If Wang Wei used the Void Engine to crack it, then it would definitely not take long!

With Wang Wei’s order, the two base vehicles were directly deployed here.

For this dark elf world like the Gobi, Wang Wei has no idea of transforming this world for the time being.

With the deployment of the two base vehicles, coupled with the effect of Wang Wei building that space-time teleportation equipment.

This dark elf world is connected to the Red Alert planet!

“Sir! An anomaly was found in a canyon not far away! ”

Just after Wang Wei had just set up this space-time teleportation equipment.

The custom-made female soldiers on the landing ship suddenly reported to Wang Wei!

The landing ship was also not de-alerted in this dark elven world.

After all, in the dark elf world, who can say one, two, three?

“What abnormality?”

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Wang Wei directly began to use his huge magical power to perceive the largest canyon nearly a thousand kilometers away.

After Wang Wei’s perception of magical power.

Wang Weina’s eyebrows jumped wildly.

“I’m Cao, I said how this place is a desolate breath!”

With Wang Wei’s magical power feeling.

Underneath this canyon is a densely packed monster.

Boundless, as if it were a huge ethnic group!

“Bring those dark elves to me for interrogation! I’d rather see what’s going on with these guys! ”

Wang Wei, who was slightly displeased, directly ordered the customized female soldiers beside him!

“Yes, sir!”

These custom female soldiers who heard Wang Wei’s order interrogated the nearly thousand dark elves on the spot!

It doesn’t take long.

The custom female soldier came directly to Wang Wei with a hand of information!

“That is, these monsters were once war monsters raised by the dark elves? But this method of controlling these monsters, only their leader knows? ”

While looking at the information above, Wang Wei’s eyebrows jumped!

“Yes, sir, those dark elves are saying that. Although, to put it bluntly, it is different. But it’s all such a statement! ”

While speaking, the custom female soldier nodded at Wang Wei.

“Super reproduction? Have a population mother worm? Amazing destructive power? Able to devour all biological functions in front of you? Overwhelmed, like a sea of soldiers? ”

“How is this special like the Zerg in the interstellar?”

Looking at these intelligence descriptions, after the scanning of the magical power of Lianji.

Wang Wei’s brows furrowed directly.

Isn’t the Zerg in the interstellar awesome?

Super awesome!

Completely play with you, no negotiation!

Able to devour all species in front of you.

Devouring for devouring.

O proper Cleaner of the Universe!

“I’ll come when I go!”

Wang Wei, who put down the information in his hand, directly took Icarus and the others, as well as a horse legion and a Transformers Air Force legion and began to fly directly towards the canyon nearly a thousand kilometers away.

“Individual abilities are not very strong. The main thing that is strong is the endless sea of troops? ”

Wang Wei, who was chanting in his mouth, led everyone to rush towards the canyon.

It didn’t take long for them to be below their speed. Flew directly to the edge of the side of the canyon.

In this edge area, there is a group of about 10,000 monsters out of the canyon, looking for something around.

It’s as if looking for some food, and it’s like you’re on patrol!

“Go up, try how the combat effectiveness is….”

Look at these hideous monsters with bodies within ten meters.

Wang Wei feels that these guys are a bit like ants.

Or rather, the oversized variant of the ant.

The Transformers Air Force Legion, which heard Wang Wei’s order, and the Horse Legion flew over on the spot.

And in this large team of about a thousand people, this nearly 10,000-headed monster has just arrived, but it is only thousands of meters away.

It’s as if these monsters have discovered the enemy in front of them!

A riot began to erupt among these ant monsters.

In just a few moments, he recovered directly.

Among them, thousands of flying ants-like monsters rose directly from the ground.

I want to take down all the Transformers members and Snap Legion members who rushed over in front of me!


When the optimal firing distance is reached.

Wang Wei ordered coldly.

With Wang Wei’s order, the members of the leading intruder legion fired all the invasion missiles hanging under their magazines.


The target of these invasion missiles is not the flying ant force in the air.

It is the army of many ant monsters rushing over on the ground.

After these invasion missiles reached the sky above this ant monster army, they exploded directly in the air.

With an overwhelming explosion sound.

This wave of invasion missiles directly killed and injured nearly two or three thousand ant monsters!

And when all these invasion missiles are launched. The members of the Intruder Legion and the Snap Legion directly rushed up and entangled the flying ant troops who wanted to kill them.

With the flight speed far exceeding these flying ant troops, these two legions directly flew kites in the air.

Some heavy bombardment Transformers members such as the Black Hawk Legion flew directly above some ant monsters on the ground.

One bombshell after another was dropped directly.


With a sound of explosions sounded.

These ant monsters on the ground were directly blown apart by this Black Hawk Legion and others.

And because some of the combat data of the flying ant troops are not understood.

Members of the Horse Legion and the Transformers’ Invader Legion began hunting these flying ants on a small scale. _

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