“Well, as for pulling this Mr. Wang into S.H.I.E.L.D., let’s watch! Let’s go rest first! Give you a week off! ”

I couldn’t help but think of the rabbit in the five major hooligan associations showing favor to this Mr. Wang!

I can’t help but be cautious about Nick Fury!

Although they S.H.I.E.L.D. are affiliated with the five rogues!

But who let this S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters be inside the Eagle Sauce house?

People can’t believe it!

For Agent Hill and Natasha, getting a week’s vacation was a worthwhile thing in itself!

Slipped away, don’t you wait to be grabbed by Nick’s big bald head as a coolie?

“The world is getting more and more chaotic, and it seems that it is necessary to form an extraordinary institution!”

Sitting in the office, Nick Fury was thinking about whether to form an extraordinary organization!

The candidates for this institution are those who can cope with the occurrence of paranormal phenomena!

Alexandre Pies felt very confused!

Who is the Winter Warrior! That’s a killer that once caused a lot of damage to the Allies!

That is, the former American team was able to bind it!

And they Hydra dug up the Winter Warrior, but they didn’t bother with ideas and ideas!

Just got caught?

I’m tired of a slot class!

Where is the rationale for this?

As for whether the Winter Warrior will betray or not, Alexander Pies is not convinced at all!

After all, the winter soldier who has experienced all kinds of brainwashing can be said to be the most loyal hunting dog as long as he holds the password!

But the only trouble is that this winter soldier can’t be fished out for the time being!

After all, Wang Wei’s villa has security exclusive to the Umbrella Group, plus Wang Wei lives with Agent Hill, Natasha, and Tony and others!

This kind of place, if you want to bring the winter soldier out of it, you really want to eat farts!

There are many people staring around!


“Since the tank workshop and this air command have been built, let’s recruit first!”

After watching some recruitable information within this master control base increase again.

Wang Wei decisively opened a new round of recruitment attempts!

“Huh? One Grizzly tank with a resource of two hundred thousand units? I’m Cao, are you going to be so cruel! ”

“One hundred thousand unit resources for an intruder aircraft?”

“It is worthy of being the Gonghui base that has been transformed into tens of thousands!”

While complaining, Wang Wei recruited all these vehicles and vehicles!

As for the Chrono Mining Vehicle, Wang Wei was even more ruthless and directly built dozens of mining farms, directly distributed around!

Chrono mining vehicle, directly in hundreds!

It doesn’t matter what the price you are. I’ll recruit it first.

After all, resources are the primary productive force!

Fortunately, the resources brought back by this Chrono Mining Vehicle are in millions every time.

Otherwise, Wang Wei really couldn’t help but scold his mother!

Time is fast, and in the continuous time, Wang Wei directly recruited a grizzly bear tank first!

Looking at the light tank in front of him, Wang Wei really found it difficult to classify it into the theory of light tanks.

Starting with a weight of 30 tons on the hull, the 130-millimeter caliber breech is all showing the ferocity of it!

On top of this grizzly tank, there are two fire ports similar to heavy machine guns.

Not only that, but inside this grizzly tank there is a small cannon. That’s right, it’s a cannon, a cannon where to hit and blow up!

You told me this is a light tank?

“How do you get this thing?”

Looking at such a car that was sent out of the vehicle workshop, Wang Wei was directly puzzled!

“Report sir, the Grizzly Tank requires us to drive both manually and autonomously!”

In this Gonghui base, Wang Wei also recruited about 200 Gonghui soldiers!

These Gonghui soldiers were directly thrown by Wang Wei under the command of those two customized female soldiers!

What about your previous ranks? The cost of others is higher than yours, even if others do not produce any special abilities, you must obey the management of others!

It’s such a grumpy way of management!

At this time, this custom-made female soldier wearing a captain’s costume reported to Wang Wei’s respectful salute!

“How many people do you need to drive manually? What is the level of combat? What about autonomous driving? ”

With a slight raised eyebrow, Wang Wei directly asked the custom-made female soldier beside him!

After some explanation, Wang Wei finally understood a little.

This manual driving is nothing more than to make this Grizzly Tank more flexible!

As for this automatic driving, it is uniformly subject to the control base regulation, may be like a steel tide towards the front, but far from the sensitivity of manual driving!

It’s almost similar to the difference between manual and automatic transmissions when driving!

After seeing this grizzly bear tank, Wang Wei also looked at the remaining vehicles such as multi-purpose infantry vehicles, intruder planes and so on!

In fact, they are all similar products!

However, when these vehicles actually emitted the firepower in them, Wang Wei shook his head slightly!

This kind of firepower, which is similar to the firepower of the five rogues on the Blue Star, can also become a modern machine, or a modern tank or the like!

This level alone is not what Wang Wei wants!

If it is a vehicle of this level, what way does Wang Wei have to single out the purple potato essence?

“Still no, these vehicles still need to be modified!”

Wang Wei, who shook his head, directly vetoed the mass production of these vehicle vehicles.

“Tell the engineers to find a way to modify these vehicles! Otherwise, I don’t need this vehicle! ”

Wang Wei, who ordered the custom female soldier behind him, directly vetoed the demand for the vehicle!

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