Although people hate in this Marvel world like weak chickens, they are scrapped in the opening! But it also has a strong strength!

Plus the Hulk who is enough to call Marvel’s first reckless man!


As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei’s heart hurt!

“Did you find out why?”

“The specific situation is still derived from the blood gene sample of the Hulk!”

Four or five biochemical doctors muttered to each other for a while, and then nodded to Wang Wei and reported!

“Hulk blood gene sample?”

Standing in this experimental control room, Wang Wei couldn’t help but start thinking about how to copy the Hulk’s genes into it!

Even if you can’t copy all of them, you can’t copy half of them!

Copy one-tenth or one hundredth!

Although Abomination can fight the Hulk in the early stage, Abomination does not have one of Hulk’s abilities, that is, there is no limit!

In theory, the more angry the Hulk is, the stronger the power it will exert!

And for tyrants who are manipulated by biochemical chips, they will reach the point of anger at any time!

“Try to weaken the Hulk genes, and then fuse the abomination genes! First solve this genetic problem, and directly integrate it into the tyrant’s body at one time! ”

Wang Wei, who was silent for a while, directly ordered the biochemical doctors around him!

“Understood, the next step will be to fuse genes as a premise factor!”

“Well, lickers, creepers, these still can’t improve?”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, asked again!

In the world of Resident Evil, although there is a virus original liquid that can not beat the table!

But in Wang Wei’s layout, the real enemy is not these little shrimp on the blue star!

But the entire Marvel Universe!

That’s the problem! The tyrant is estimated to be only able to be a stormtrooper in the entire Marvel Universe, as for the licker creeper? Throwing away food delivery is not qualified!

Perhaps the biochemical products of lickers and crawlers are already a kind of big killer on this earth!

But in this Marvel Universe, it’s really not a hair!

What’s more, the Zitaguri people that the third princess got from? That’s a cosmic wandering force, what laser weapons, small airships, biological warfare ships and the like!

Don’t mention the purple potato essence that has now become the overlord of the universe!

People don’t know how many affiliated civilizations they have to provide armed forces!

“Still can’t be improved!”

“Then keep the relevant technology, seal it, and the next focus is on the tyrant and the Nemesis!”

“Yes, boss!”

Wang Wei, who nodded, left this circled biochemical base directly!

In Wang Wei’s plan, some things related to the inside of the hive base will be gradually relocated to this red alert planet!

At that time, the hive base became Wang Wei’s exclusive experimental base! Similar to Tony’s kind of basement!

When Wang Wei was busy with the backlog of experiments and various things in his hands.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is also a little big!

A few days earlier, Hill and Natasha, who returned to the villa, directly chose to report Wang Wei’s rescue of Tony directly after sleeping!

And Nick Fury, who received this report, was dumbfounded!

What a fat!

How did this happen!

You must know that their predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the strategic science corps jointly developed by Tony Stark’s father, Agent Carter and others!

Take care of the children of seniors like this? Believe it or not, Father Nicah jumped out of the coffin board in minutes and directly tore S.H.I.E.L.D. alive?

But Nick Fury has a headache. Still a little worried!

“There’s nothing wrong with Tony’s physical condition, right?”

With a little uncertain voice, Nick Fury slowly asked Natasha and Agent Hill who participated in Wang Wei’s operation!

“Tony’s body is fine now. Coupled with Tony’s personal butler, Jarvis stared at Tony the whole time! More importantly, Tony has a good neighbor. ”

Agent Hill, who shook his head slightly, reported directly!

Speaking of this, Agent Hill couldn’t help but feel a pang of fear!

After all, removing all the shrapnel debris from the heart area is a very tight operation!

Even if they were just handing tweezers on the side, Hill and Natasha, who were wiping their sweat, felt that this Wang Wei was really a medical holy hand!

In that kind of situation that requires extremely high equipment environment requirements, Tony’s life was saved with a simple operating table!

“It’s okay! Good work guys! How does it feel to participate in such an operation? ”

Nick Fury, who was relieved in his heart, smiled at Agent Hill and Natasha and asked!

“Exhausting, very tired. If this Mr. Wang Wei can enter our S.H.I.E.L.D. bureau. I think our God Gamble will greatly avoid casualties! ”

Natasha, who was a little hot-tempered, couldn’t help but admire Wang Wei’s medical skills at this time.

Although the reason why Natasha was injected with serum, the body does not undergo aging changes for a long time!

Even when injured, it is much higher than ordinary people’s recovery ability!

But there is a saying that the longer people live, the more afraid they are of death!

Natasha is no exception!

In Natasha’s careful thoughts, there was an idea of befriending Wang Wei!

After all, who knows if there will be any serious injuries when he goes out on a mission in the future?

The medical level of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the level of black technology!

But that’s exactly what makes Tony not come to this S.H.I.E.L.D. for treatment!

Can’t believe it!

Black technology has the benefits of black technology, and for S.H.I.E.L.D., black technology also has certain unstable factors!

[Hundreds of words added, and it came up!] The eyes really can’t stand it, and today’s update is over. Finally, kneel and beg for a wave of support. Little brothers. o(╥﹏╥)o】

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