Martial Tomb

Chapter 817

Martial Tomb Chapter 817


Linglong happily drives the Tianzhou to collect a large number of corpses. If she does not see the blood on the Tianzhou, she will look Very happy, very happy, dancing a beautiful Little Wu from time to time in the core space, humming beautiful songs. Her face was flushed, very cute, and she could clearly feel the rich vitality that filled the entire sky boat.

As if is a peerless Demon God awakening from a slumber.

"Very good, it's already nine-tenths of the time, just one last point, and the Tianzhou can absorb enough flesh and blood essence, when the time comes, as long as the master comes back, it can be done easily. In the final transformation, Wu Tomb can become an unparalleled heavenly boat. At that time, even if it rushes out of the ancient continent, it can roam freely in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Endless Starry Sky.”

Linglong looked at most of the hull, which has been washed out by the huge flesh and blood essence, dyed into scarlet, like blood-colored crystal jade. Under the nourishment of continuously corpses, this speed can't be slowed down much. It is naturally easy to transform one after another. Moreover, the Martial Tomb itself was formed by merging the remains of two broken sky boats. Once formed, it was a Lingyun-level Peak. Now that you have accumulated enough, to break through, it couldn't be easier.

However, this kind of breakthrough needs to be controlled by Wu Mu. When Tianzhou is transformed, he will be promoted at the same time as Tianzhou. As the owner of Tianzhou, he will get great benefits. Even get a fortuitous encounter that ordinary people can't speak.

That kind of fortuitous encounter is only available to the Eternal Lord, and it is a unique fortuitous encounter.

Even if you miss it once, it is enough to make you regret it for life.

Because this kind of creation comes from the eternal Azure Lotus, the legendary supreme existence beyond Heaven and Earth. The mysterious existence that gave birth to the eternal lotus seed, it can be said that any Eternal Heaven boat itself is a descendant of the eternal Azure Lotus, just like the child.

The transformation of the sky boat means that its own child is growing and transforming, and the eternal Azure Lotus will be sensed in the dark, and finally the reward will be given. Not only to give Tianzhou, but also to give the Lord of Tianzhou great fortune. This kind of good fortune can be imagined. Even the Great Emperor would be moved by it. In a rush. This is also one of the really powerful foundations of the Eternal Heaven Boat Lord.

Not long.

I only see that the entire skyboat, every inch of the area, whether it is the hull or the building units. Everything was filled with blood and turned into a monster scarlet. Gives a feeling like life.

"It has reached ten out of ten, and every inch of Tianzhou has been filled with the essence of flesh and blood. Now you only need to wait for the master to come back, and you can immediately start the promotion and transformation. At that time, the martial tomb number was The unparalleled heavenly boat."

Linglong hi zi zi murmured.

However. The collection of corpses did not stop at all. As long as there are corpses falling, Linglong will immediately converge at the fastest speed. These are all accumulations, and they are not used now. After the transformation is completed, they need to continue to absorb a larger amount of blood essence. What's more, the corpse of the insect race can also mint eternal coins.

This is infinite wealth.

How can I let it go so easily.

"I'm a lovely scavenger, a kind scavenger. So many corpses on the ground. It's too ugly, and it will cause damage to Heaven and Earth, take it away, yes Everyone is fine, I'm really kind."

Linglong whispered to herself.

Not to mention that Tianzhou has reached the brink of transformation. However, he said that the entire battle situation had already reached an extremely tragic situation. A large number of martial cultivators rose up into the sky, and then fell sadly in the worm tide, turning into blue blood. Dye the sky red.

A peerless Heaven's Chosen, the emperor of Supreme, in this battle, showed peerless sharpness one after another, and there were almost countless insect races that died in their hands. By sea volume.

Fight to the frenzy, kill to the top.

Each body is full of qi and blood, like boiling oil.

Each one shows its own powerful battle strength, and various Martial Arts Battle Skills are in their hands, as if they have the power to change something rotten into something magical, and they can shatter the sky with every move.

"Wu Mu, at the Martial Arts conference, you won the title of Heaven's Chosen, the leader of your peers, today's catastrophe comes, you can't hide, I see, you are afraid right?, you don't even have the guts, don't call Heaven's Chosen, just call it the King of Turtles."

At this moment, a wild voice echoed in the void.

All I can see is a black-robed man who is endlessly wrapped in a black curtain, like a terrifying King of Darkness, dancing wildly with black hair, in the worm tide, killing wantonly, screaming in the sky, exuding Endless mockery. The imposing manner on his body is as terrifying as the abyss. Bottomless. The sea of returning to the ruins can directly swallow thousands of things, refining is its own power, and it turns into the power of returning to the ruins. It is similar to Wu Mu's Devouring Power. In the battlefield, devour the complete insect race, forcibly refining, turn it into one after another pure essence, melt into the body, the cultivation base is like a rocket advanced by leaps and bounds.

The more fighting, the more ferocious the imposing manner it exudes.

At this moment, he even shouted to the sky and made provocative words to Wu Mu.

Although it is now obvious that it is impossible to fight each other to win or lose, it can invisibly damage Wu Mu's reputation for imposing manner.

You must know that most of the emperors have already shot, but the final champion of the Martial Arts conference has never shown his figure, as if he has no sound, and he turns a blind eye to the catastrophe, which is worth plot against. a bit.

"Yeah, why didn't Wu Mu show up."

"Sword Immortal won the Martial Arts Championship, and among the younger generation, he is stronger than the emperor and son. In the first three points, he is full of battle strength and oppresses the Quartet. If he makes a move, even if he returns to his ancestors, he may not be able to suppress him. Why hasn't he appeared yet. Is he really afraid? No, with the temperament of Sword Immortal. , Impossible will be afraid, he is a Wu Family child, remember when the Wu Family left, no longer paid attention to the ancient life. , it's not because of your Gou family, the Bi family's idiots, who broke the seal, the ancient calamity, and the culprit is you Emperor Grade Aristocratic Family."

In the ancient times, there were riots everywhere. There was a lot of discussion, but then all kinds of secrets broke out.

I immediately thought of the reason for this great calamity, and the resentment towards the Gou family and the Bi family erupted on the spot. one after another Black Qi was moved towards Gou Bu endlessly, and Bi Xianyou entangled in it. That is the resentment of all beings.

Gou Buxiu's arrogant body in midair could not help but tremble violently, with a look of grief and anger on his face. Really trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

Bixianyou is also a little speechless. He had nothing to do with him, and the unfathomable mystery suffered a disaster. It is simply done at an innocent home, and disaster comes from heaven.

clang clang clang! !

At this moment, suddenly, I only heard one after another high-pitched and sharp sword cry, which burst out one after another like a tide, exuding a sonorous meaning, conveying an endless edge, a huge azure ancient The picture rises up into the sky in the endless azure light. In this ancient azure picture, it can be seen that countless Dao Rhymes are silent on the way.

It seems that there are ten Grade 2 Azure Lotuses circulating in the picture. There are endless sword intents disillusioned along the way. There are flowers and trees, the mountains and rivers change, the years alternate, and the void flows, like a complete world.

The ancient map of azure expands rapidly at an unspeakable speed. In just a few breaths, it directly spreads to the size of ten thousand zhang, covering the sky and the sun. Wherever it goes, it naturally produces endless changes. , countless insect races, like birds and beasts in a cage, are naturally drawn into the picture. Gu Tu shook slightly, and before those insect races could even let out a scream, they were smashed into pieces, and their flesh and blood merged into the ancient picture, adding a point to the ancient picture, baleful aura.

A swarm of plasma insects directly blasted out billions of plasma balls, but the ancient map fell directly from the sky, and the plasma balls slammed on the ancient map, as if a stone fell directly into the sea. Naturally, he was involved in the ancient map, and during the alternation of birth and death, he naturally turned into nothingness. disappear into the invisible. The ancient map is like a black hole, swallowing countless plasma insects in an instant.

Ten Thousand Insects, disillusioned! !

An ancient map, one roll at a time, is a large piece of the insect race falling.

The ten thousand zhang god map, under one volume, is tens of thousands of chief insect races, and the speed of killing is astonishing.

In an instant, several millions of Ten Thousand Insects were involved in the divine map, and their fate can be imagined.

This scene made countless martial cultivators feel stunned on the spot. Give birth to endless shock. This kind of speed is more terrifying than that of the emperor, and it is dozens or hundreds of times stronger. Others are killed one by one, this is the destruction of groups.

"formation diagram, it's Azure Lotus formation diagram, Azure Lotus Sword Immortal's Life Source Divine Weapon Azure Lotus Sword formation diagram, so terrifying, this is hundreds of thousands of insect races, still comparable to the real Spirit Realm The powerful existence of the formation diagram, once it is rolled into the formation diagram, there will be no sound. It must be dead and can't die again. How can this formation diagram be so terrifying. What grade of Divine Weapon is this? Divine Weapon? Or Heavenly God Weapon?"

"Unbelievable, really incredible, how can I feel that this formation diagram is like a complete Heaven and Earth, containing infinite creations, various laws, in which life and death are uncertain. Like a complete world. According to legend, the formation diagram has evolved to the extreme and can self-made the world. Now it seems that it is true."

"With such a formation diagram, Azure Lotus Sword will not be afraid of anything. A siege, even a powerhouse siege of cream of the crop, is still invincible. However, what grade is this formation diagram, and why can't it be seen at all."

formation diagram! !

Azure Lotus formation diagram.

This volume is actually a volume of Azure Lotus Sword formation diagram. It came straight out of the sky, and turned into the size of ten thousand zhang. Each volume was tens of thousands, and dozens of Ten Thousand Insects were involved. formation diagram. In the formation diagram, twelve swords are entrenched, various laws alternate, Dao Rhyme circulates, between birth and death, Heaven and Earth evolve, like a complete world. The Heaven and Earth barriers are solid.

Twelve Heavenly God evil sword array, completely complete.

Under the mutual Perfection, the entire formation diagram has no weak spot. (To be continued~^~)

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