Martial Tomb

Chapter 816

Martial Tomb Chapter 816


If Wu Mu hadn't transferred most of the people, I'm afraid that at this moment, in the ancient times, there must be corpses everywhere across the field, which is terrible. Even so, the piles of corpses still make people horrible to see and feel endless fear. It's like being in purgatory, it's really shocking, and I can't imagine when a big guy will suddenly fall on the top of my head.

And at this moment, I only see, in the void, one after another invisible dive light flashes, sweeping all around, wherever it goes, on the ground, whether it's an ominous beast or an insect race The corpse disappeared at a speed visible to naked eyes, directly from the ground, and disappeared from the void, as if it had vanished into nothingness, completely dissipating into the invisible.

"Whether it is an ominous beast or an insect race, the blood essence contained in these corpses is extremely huge, each one is a powerful existence close to the Law Manifestation Realm, the body of several hundred zhang, and the blood it contains is very real. It is too rich, absorbing the essence contained in these corpses can all be turned into the essence and nutrients of the evolution of the sky boat. These cannot be wasted."

"The corpses of the ominous beast can be used to improve the tempering sky. A boat, whether it is a skeleton or flesh and blood, has huge benefits to the Tianzhou. Absorbing the essence inside can make the Tianzhou stronger. The corpse and skeleton of the insect race can also be integrated into the Tianzhou, as well as the flesh and blood essence. , all can be refined into eternal coins, these are wealth. Even if a little, it's still better than nothing, it can't be wasted. The owner is not rich now, and needs to be diligent and thrifty."

That bronze-colored sky boat is the Martial Tomb number, and the current Martial Tomb number is directly hidden in the void. If it does not reveal itself, few people can detect it.

In the core space, Linglong flutters her wings and blinks her eyes constantly, beautiful and cute.

All around, on the crystal walls, various pictures quickly appeared, which were all scenes on the ancient continent, scene after scene. All are very clear, that Chaos Strange Treasure - Heavenly Eye, has been integrated into the eternal Divine Furnace. Become an eternal unit, after integration, the most basic ability given to Tianzhou is to be able to probe the Quartet, whether it is Nine Heavens or Nine Nether. As long as you want, you can clearly detect it, and display its scene directly on the crystal wall screens all around.

It's crystal clear, with no flaws to hide at all.

No matter how hidden it is, it is impossible to escape the prying eyes of Heavenly Eye.

Linglong is shrewd and virtuous and counts carefully with his fingers, while quickly ingesting all the corpses continuously moved towards the sky boat, and directly refining with the eternal Divine Furnace. Turned into the purest blood essence nutrients. Pour into the sky boat, let the hull of the sky boat, at a speed visible to naked eyes, emerge a bright red blood color, flashing coquettish rays of light.

In the fantasy Secret Realm, Tianzhou also absorbed a large amount of ominous beast flesh and blood essence, turned it into the evolutionary nutrients of Tianzhou, and integrated it into Tianzhou, but. The big head that really absorbed the flesh and blood that time was the Bronze Ancient Lamp and the Azure Lotus formation diagram. Tianzhou did not absorb much. The blood-colored part was less than 1/10,000 of the Tianzhou. For Tianzhou to evolve, the essence of flesh and blood to be absorbed is too huge and amazing. Moreover, there has been no chance to absorb the essence of devouring flesh and blood since then.

It's really a percentage.

After coming out of the fantasy Secret Realm, the proportion of the part covered with blood is only 1/10,000! !

And now, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, there are corpses of ominous beasts and insect races everywhere. Densely packed, the number is in the hundreds of millions. It is really hard to count. On the ground, it is piled up like a mountain. Each one has the size of a hundreds of hundreds. essence .

Linglong immediately became very excited about this, and drove the sky boat to quickly roll the corpses into the sky boat. A large amount of flesh and blood was integrated into the sky boat. The furnace is directly cast into eternal coins, and some powerful bones are directly cast into a white bone god and demon crossbow, which is equipped on the sky boat and becomes a weapon unit in the sky. Along with the process of devouring the corpse, a white bone god and demon crossbow appeared one after another.

Standing on the deck, exuding a ferocious aura.

Each of these statues is connected to the Tianzhou, which can transform and evolve at the same time with the Tianzhou, and has unlimited potential. Very powerful and amazing.

Three thousandths! !

Four out of ten thousand! !

Six ten thousandths! !

As a corpse was swallowed and refined, the blood on the sky boat continued to spread at a speed visible to naked eyes, and every inch of the blood-covered part seemed to be made of blood jade, emitting The strange rays of light are outlined by ancient textures, as if they are the meridians in Spirit Physique. Ancient and mysterious, giving a life-like feel.

The whole sky boat conveys an aura of excitement and hunger.

It's like swallowing the world at any time.

Nurtured by the refining of tens of thousands of corpses in every breath, the blood color on the sky boat grows extremely fast, and it transforms every moment. The mountains of corpses were all disappeared out of thin air. No matter it is ominous beast or insect race, only the corpse of Human Race has not disappeared, still lying quietly on the ground.

Linglong did not absorb the remains of refining these Human Races.

She is smart, ominous beast and insect race are nothing, but these Human Races are the same race as their masters on the ancient continent, or they fell in the battle to protect the ancients, and then absorb their corpses, that is a kind of Blasphemy, the master will surely be unhappy. She doesn't do it.

Even so, the gains are still too huge to be added.

These are not ordinary corpses, but at least the corpses of the Law Manifestation Realm level. The Qi and Blood Energy they contain are so huge, countless skeleton essences are integrated into the bone gods and demon crossbows, and flesh and blood essences are integrated into the Tianzhou. , Buildings everywhere began to appear bloody.

If it weren't for the purest flesh and blood power that Tianzhou needs to tempering, I'm afraid that blood would dye the entire Tianzhou red in an instant, but now, it only covers a part of it.

In a short while, on the sky boat, the area covered by blood has reached 1/1000! !

"What's going on, where are the corpses of the ominous beast and the insect race that fell on the ground? Why are they suddenly disappeared, as if they disappeared out of thin air, very strange, what the hell is going on? Is someone collecting corpses in the dark?"

"Who is this, cleaning up the corpses in the dark, each of these corpses has the size of several hundred zhang, even if it is a martial cultivator to carry it easily, it is still such a large area The disappearance of a large area, the person who cleans up in the dark, is definitely not simple, it must be a powerhouse of cream of the crop, and taking these corpses is not very useful."

"Never mind, these ominous beasts and The corpse of the insect race is now thrown on the ground and no one will pay attention. Instead, it is piled up all around, obstructing hands and feet, affecting its own fighting. Not to mention, the corpse also contains various terrifying powers, which will erode all around and turn all around into dangerous. Land. For example, those who spray Fire Insect, even after death, fall on the ground, the fire power contained in the corpse will invade the earth, turning thousands of miles into red ground. Now it can be taken away, and the corpse mutation will be avoided.”

"Unfortunately, there are still many insect races that have not been dug, and there may be a large number of life cores in them. In the Azure Lotus market, it is said that one Dark Iron Rank life core can be exchanged for one hundred pieces. Eternal. This is wealth. Eternal is said to be the only currency in circulation in the real All Heavens and Myriad Realms."

There are countless martial cultivators who have also found that they are piled up outside all around. The corpse was suddenly and silently disappeared, and even the corpse that fell from the sky was taken away out of thin air, and I knew in my heart that it must be taken directly by a mysterious place. Even if the corpse is useful, it is of no use to them.

No one can take advantage of this moment of war.

Being able to dig out the crystal nucleus of life is already taking all the time to do it.

"Okay, it has reached one percent."

The speed of the sky boat is extremely fast. Wherever it goes, countless corpses disappear out of thin air, and there are billions of millions in every breath. Ten thousand corpses were quickly refined by Tianzhou, or turned into bone gods and demons, or practiced into eternal coins. Or turn it into nourishment for the sky boat. All three go hand in hand. At this moment, Tianzhou has already obtained a huge amount of harvest, and the blood is spreading rapidly.

The hull of the ship is stained with blood, and the buildings on the ship are stained with blood.

The various building units of , are also infected with blood, and the cultivator in the Azure Lotus market, almost immediately noticed these changes, every building, every inch of the ground turned blood.

It has a magical rhythm. Rhythm like life.

"When the master comes back, he will definitely be able to get a big surprise for the master. This is an extremely rare opportunity. There are so many corpses of the insect race. It is a great supplement to Tianzhou. It is a great supplement. Really good treasure. If it wasn't for the Mutual Tomb that had undergone mutation, these corpses would not have been used."

"At present, Tianzhou is still at the Lingyun level. As long as the breakthrough is transformed, it can be promoted to a higher level. Unparalleled level, now the strength of Tianzhou can compete with half-step Sovereign. Once promoted, it is enough to suppress the existence of Sovereign. Even the Great Emperor Level can't break Tianzhou. Even if you can't beat it, you can leave calmly. "

Linglong murmured, calculating Tianzhou's battle strength little by little.

Once the Tianzhou transforms, all units of the entire Tianzhou will be transformed and upgraded. Together with those eternal units on the eternal Divine Furnace, their formidable power will be greatly increased. Great strength. The power that can be exerted is stronger.

At that time, even if it was Sovereign, Tianzhou could directly suppress it, even more powerful, with infinite potential.

In this brief moment, Tianzhou has completely transformed into a scavenger, roaming freely across the ancient continent, and wherever he goes, countless corpses disappear naturally, and are swept into the Tianzhou. The blood became more intense.

Five percent.

One tenth! !

Two out of ten! !

The blood color is rapidly spreading to all the hulls of Tianzhou, covering every inch of the area. (To be continued~^~)

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