Martial Tomb

Chapter 632

Martial Tomb Chapter 632



As Qin Miaoxiang said, sure enough, it didn't take long to move forward along the south-east direction, not much time , I have seen a barren mountain appear in front of me. This barren mountain is really barren. There are no flowers and plants growing. There are trees all around, but they are all withered dead wood, not even a single fresh leaf. It looks very Infiltrate people. Copy this address to browse% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 62% 78% 73% 2e% 63% 63

This seems to be a barren land with no life.

Moreover, the strange thing is that there is not even an ominous beast in the area near this barren mountain, as if this is some kind of terrifying restricted area.

"It seems that the ominous beast here must be a terrifying guy."

Wu Mu sighed inwardly. Feel the invisible pressure that fills the air.

The ominous beast has an innate territorial nature, but every Peak's ominous beast will directly divide an area where it lives and become its own domain. Any ominous beast or even a human will break into this area. region, will be regarded as a kind of provocation to itself. And those who can have such a strong deterrent force are often the ominous beast of the cream of the crop, or their own bloodline is noble and the grade is noble.

Either way, it means that the ominous beast is absolutely terrifying and terrifying.

In the vicinity of this barren mountain, no ominous beast dares to approach. It is conceivable that there is definitely one or a family of terrifying ominous beasts here. It is impossible to say that it is the ominous beast lair that Qin Miaoxiang and the others discovered.

What can occupy rare treasure is obviously not an ordinary ominous beast. [6427486 Martial Tomb Martial Tomb] 642 First launch of Martial Tomb 633

"Brother Wu, you really came over, very good, with you here, I will be a bit more confident in capturing the treasure this time." Just as Wu Mu was approaching the barren mountain, a loud voice rang directly in his ears.

Only, at the foot of the mountain, a burly Tie Yan grinned laughed and looked over.

"This night is the peak of the ominous beast activities. Brother Wu Big Brother came here. You didn't encounter any trouble along the way." Qin Miaoxiang also came out from behind a dead tree and looked at Wu Mu. , asked with a smile.

"Some ordinary ominous beasts can't hurt me." Wu Mu indifferently smiled and said, "Where is the ominous beast lair, and what kind of ominous beast is there? Have you found out."

He didn't waste time talking, he cut to the subject and asked.

"As soon as the Iron Turtle and I approached the barren mountain, the Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade worn on our body began to emit treasure light, and the treasure light was very strong. After exploring all the way, we also found the location of the ominous beast's nest. However, when approaching the nest, the iron tortoise and I have a strong sense of danger, and we dare not enter it easily, and we still don't know what the ominous beast is."

Qin Miaoxiang directly shook her head. said.

At the same time, he took off a piece of precious jade from his neck. It was a dark green precious jade with ancient textures intertwined on it. If you look closely, you can see that once the precious jade is taken out, it is constantly changing. It emits the precious light of dark green, which is very rich, and emits hazy colors in the night.

"It's Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade. The treasure above is very rich. There is indeed rare treasure here."

Little Fatty said affirmatively after seeing it.

The characteristics of Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade are very obvious. The whole body is jade green and has spirituality. When encountering a treasure, it will immediately emit a strange treasure light. As long as the treasure jade glows, it can be sure that there must be no owner nearby. Rare treasure, this is something that has never been missed for countless years.

"Where is the lair? Logically speaking, the dark night is the time of ominous beast revelry, the world of ominous beast, this ominous beast turns this barren mountain into its own territory, and there is no other ominous beast. I will come, to hunt, only leave the territory and go to other places to hunt."

Wu Mu said slowly after slightly hesitated.

"You mean..... the ominous beast occupying this barren mountain should have already left and went hunting. This is the most empty moment." Qin Miaoxiang's eyes flashed brightly, and she immediately understood Wu Mu the meaning of.

In terms of being able to occupy a barren mountain and deter the existence of countless ominous beasts, they will be impossible to detect when they arrive at the barren mountain. Movement, this situation is obviously unusual. The biggest possibility is that the ominous beast left temporarily, went hunting, and has not returned. [6427486 Wu Tomb Wu Tomb] 642 The first Wu Tomb 633

"Very good, what are we waiting for, just go in and steal that treasure quietly, just to avoid meeting the ominous beast. No need to fight. , you will be able to make a lot of money."

Tie Yan's eyes were shining, he licked his lips excitedly, and said.

"Let's go, we'll go to the lair immediately, we must find the treasure and take away the treasure before the ominous beast returns." Qin Miaoxiang couldn't help being secretly excited and excited.

I had been photographed in my lair and exuded terrifying coercion without thinking of anything else. Now, after Wu Mu's reminder, I immediately guessed the key, and I was almost 90% sure about the ominous in this barren mountain. beast has temporarily left. If you encounter the remaining 10% chance, it can only be regarded as your own bad luck.

Being 90% sure is enough to pay any price.

Tie Yan took the lead, walked forward quickly, and shuttled through the dead wood.

Not long ago, I came to the barren mountain, and I quickly climbed up the rock. In a blink of an eye, I was halfway up the mountain. I only saw a dark hole suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and the hole looked abnormal. The strangeness seems to be a terrifying abyss that can devour hundreds of millions of creatures at any time.

It makes people feel cold in their hearts.

"What a big hole, the size of this ominous beast is probably very amazing."

Wu Mu glanced at the hole, and a thought flashed in his heart, this hole is full of Ten zhang high, with such a large cave, it is conceivable that those who live here will never be ominous beasts of ordinary size. Moreover, from the residual breath in the cave, it can be guessed that the strength of this ominous beast has exceeded the limit of the spiritual level.

Possibly….. monarch ominous beast! !

"The aura left in this cave is indeed a little weak, and the ominous beast in it has already left, going out to hunt. This is a great opportunity to steal treasures." Tie Yan climbed at the entrance of the cave and probed slightly, His eyes lit up immediately, and he said in a low voice.

"There is excrement on the ground, it looks like bat excrement."

Qin Miaoxiang also stepped into the cave and glanced around, the dark cave was still in their eyes. Clearly visible as daylight. On the ground, it can be seen that there are sparse feces, which seem to be not much different from bat feces.

"Could it be that this is a bat cave." Tie Yan murmured in surprise.

"No, these feces should have been left a long time ago, not recently. Obviously, even if it was originally a bat cave, it may have changed hands now." Wu Mu shook his head, said solemnly.

"What should I do now, should I continue to move forward."

Qin Miaoxiang's eyes moved towards Wu Mu involuntarily. Obviously, she was planning to ask him to make up her mind.

"Don't worry, I'll see who the owner of this cave is now." Wu Mu hesitated slightly, and slowly spit out a sentence, the words fell, thoughts move, and waved a strange force naturally. spread in caves. Immediately, an invisible ripple flashed in front of him, turning into a strange picture.

I only see that in the picture, what is presented is the scene of the cave in front of me. Extremely clear, every inch of it must be seen.

In the picture, the cave is still as dark as a terrifying rare beast. But there was a strong airflow inside.


I don't know when, in the picture, a huge silhouette suddenly appeared in the cave, that is a pitch-black giant praying mantis, with a dozen tall and slender bodies, giving people a kind of perfection. The strength and curves of the mantis, but the pair of dark and slender mantis knife arms in front of him are enough to make people feel chills.

Give a hint of fear.

Those dark eyes were like those of Death God, even if they were seen from the picture, they still made Tie Yan and Qin Miaoxiang sucked in a breath of cold air on the spot, showing astonished expressions .

This is a praying mantis, a mantis like the Death God lurking in the darkness, in the night, it is enough to make people unconsciously ignore it, and eventually even die without knowing how to die.

"It is Death God Mantis, Peak bloodline in ominous beast, the strength of battle strength, is extremely terrifying in countless ominous beast races, that pair of mantis knife arms, fast as lightning, is stronger than any martial cultivator The Blade Technique should be more sharp and terrifying. This breath is already an ominous beast of the emperor. It is said that the Death God Mantis of the cream of the crop can become the terrifying existence of the emperor, and even the hope of the emperor.”

Tie Yan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air on the spot, with a look of horror and fear in his eyes.

"Death God Mantis can get the blessing of bloodline innate talent in the dark night, and the speed is faster as lightning. According to records, Death God Mantis has the blessing of darkness, the absorption of death, the arm of the shadowless blade, the Death God's Scythe Wait for the terrifying Divine Ability. Once it erupts, it will be enough to kill tens of thousands of ominous beasts in an instant."

Qin Miaoxiang said with an ugly face.

"Looking back in time, that Death God Mantis has left the cave and went out to hunt. Death God Mantis has a very strange temperament. Once hunting, he will directly hunt enough prey for half a month, and then I will rarely go out, if I don’t seize this opportunity, I’m afraid I may not be able to have the leisure I am now.”

Wu Mu took a deep breath, Death God Mantis of Junjie, even if it was him I don't dare to say that I can get out of my body, that's terrifying existence at another level. That is truly comparable to the ominous beast of atavism.

Even if you look back in time, you can clearly feel the terrifying threatening aura. A rich Death Aura hangs over the mind.

"Come on, take advantage of now to copy this Death God Mantis's lair."

Tie Yan said be eager to have a try.

"Okay, with the deterrence of Death God Mantis, there should be no danger in the vicinity for the time being, and there will not be any traps in the cave. Take the treasures as quickly as possible, and maybe you can find them in Death God. Mantis escaped and entered a safe area before returning."

Wu Mu nodded and agreed.

There was no objection, the three hit it off, and without hesitation, they quickly drilled into the cave.

Whether it is Tie Yan or Qin Miaoxiang, they are both martial cultivators of Law Manifestation Realm, born in a bloodline Aristocratic Family, each of them is not simple, once a decision is made, the figure is fast as lightning. 9. ..

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