Martial Tomb

Chapter 631

Martial Tomb Chapter 631


There are tens of thousands of blood essences at the minimum, which are the blood essence of the ominous beast of the hierarchy. The number is huge, compared with hundreds of thousands. Millions of ordinary soldiers are ominous beasts. I don't know how many times stronger. Although most of the harvest was plundered by the Azure Lotus formation diagram, the rest also made Wu Mu get as much as the original in Fu Niu. The blood essence tempered by the beast tide in the Mountain Vein was no less than half the amount.

In the huge blood essence, exudes vigorous vitality.

"Incorporate blood essence into my body one by one, strengthen the Azure Lotus battle body, and speed up the birth of Primal Chaos Mother Qi by the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune. Although these wolves do not have the power to threaten me, but this For the beast tide, it's just a small scene, and I vaguely feel a hint of danger at the spirit-level Wolf King. If the Wolf King is desperate, it may bring me great trouble."

Wu Mu is very clear about his own cognition. The most important thing for dealing with so many wolves this time is that he is not afraid of siege group battles with the power of the formation diagram. If not, the Wolf King would probably back away.

This is just a spirit-level Wolf King. If other monarchs are ominous beasts, even the terrifying monarchs ominous beasts. If he really wants to appear, Wu Mu doesn't dare to say that he will retreat.

It's even possible to get crushed! ! This vague threat made Wu Mu subconsciously improve his own cultivation realm as much as possible and enhance his battle strength.

The Heavenly Star and Earthly Fiend are combined to create Primal Chaos Mother Qi, but it requires a lot of blood essence. For ordinary martial cultivators, it is almost impossible to expect such a huge amount of blood essence. But Wu Mu can directly refining a large amount of ominous beast blood essence, derive Primal Chaos Mother Qi, and speed up the transformation of Tianzhu realm.

All the blood essences refined this time were moved towards the body without reservation.

Bronze Ancient Lamp flashes scarlet lights, and strands of light fall on the body, turning into strands of blood essence. Continuously submerged in flesh and blood, like a tide into the sea of blood. Influx into the pillar of creation.

Only see the Heavenly Pillar of Fortune over the Dijiang bloodline. one after another Chaos Dao marks light up one after another, for a moment. As far as the densely packed ones are distributed on the Tianzhu, the continuous ones emit wisps of gray Primal Chaos Mother Qi. Under this kind of pouring of resources at any cost, in the blink of an eye, the surface of this pillar has formed a cloud of Primal Chaos Mother Qi, which surrounds the pillar and circulates endlessly.

It's just that the Primal Chaos Mother Qi transformed into Primal Chaos Mother Qi after the ordinary blood essence is absorbed by the Chaos Dao Mark is too inefficient to be comparable to bloodline divine blood. But it couldn't bear the large number, and strands of Primal Chaos Mother Qi spewed out from the pillar, continuously, incessantly, in a few breaths, a thin layer of mist had formed. "Looking at this efficiency, I'm afraid that the blood essence hunted this time can only generate enough Primal Chaos Mother Qi from the two Heavenly Pillars of Fortune. However, this is also a great progress."

Wu Mu felt the changes in his body and secretly nodded.

The transformation of blood essence also takes a certain amount of time. However, as long as you are constantly bathed in the blood-colored light, you can naturally absorb the blood essence. Derives Primal Chaos Mother Qi.

However. To completely complete the Primal Chaos Mother Qi required by the twelve Tianzhu, it is definitely a huge process.

"Wolf packs are ominous beasts that live in groups, so that you can plunder so much blood essence at one time. I'm afraid you won't have such a good opportunity next time. However, this fantasy Secret Realm is really endless. The treasures of these Vajra bloody wolves are all precious treasures. They are excellent materials for refining Divine Weapon. If the Divine Weapon is refined, the formidable power will be even greater.”

On the ground, only seen. Under the fire of the Bronze Lamp.

Although most of the flesh was burnt to ashes. However, there are still some essential animal materials left on the ground. It was a golden wolf's fur. Each one is like golden needles, shining with metallic luster. But there are soft and hard. Very peculiar. Each is extremely sharp and has the power of blood evil.

Incomparably sharp! !

The Bronze Lamp has a magical effect. The wolf hair on a Vajra bloody wolf is only tempered with a dozen golden wolf hairs. The destructive power of each one is a human being. The divine needle of the Divine Weapon level.

This killing resulted in hundreds of thousands of golden wolf hairs. Each one is extremely slender. It was so soft that Wu Mu ingested it and put it into a mouthful of jade boxes, each of which was filled with 3,000 wolf hairs. One hundred and thirty-five jade boxes were fully loaded into the treasure house.

And the skeleton of Vajra Bloody Wolf's whole body became a piece of blood-colored metal after tempering, as if it was the essence of skeleton. From Little Fatty's mouth, it is known that this is the bloody Vajra bone. It is a strange treasure. It can be a treasure of Metal Attribute. Wu Mu also put it away and put it into the treasure house. In the future, it will be used for spirit refinement and even formation diagram.

Wu Mu didn't stop, and continued walking towards the wilderness.

This is just the moment he stepped into the wilderness, when he encountered such a huge pack of wolves. Wu Mu is more interested in the depths of the wilderness. The greater the danger, the greater the harvest.

Even in the fantasy Secret Realm, you need to sacrifice your life to get enough benefits.

Entering the wilderness, Wu Mu also thoroughly felt the horrors of the ancient times.

Dark night is really a world of ominous beasts, and you can encounter all kinds of ominous beasts' attacks and kills almost without walking a distance. In particular, mosquitoes and flies in the dark can kill people silently.

Not to mention those sudden python, ominous beasts.

Just stepping into the wilderness peripheral zone, Wu Mu fought hundreds of games one after another, killing hundreds of ominous beasts. Fortunately, it seems that because of the Vajra blood evil wolf just appeared, a large number of ominous beasts have just appeared. The beasts all retreated and avoided. The ominous beasts encountered this time were all about the rank to the waiting rank, and there were no ominous beasts of the spiritual rank.


Just when Wu Mu was about to go further into the wilderness, he suddenly stopped, the rays of light flashed in his hand, and a jade talisman appeared, and immediately, I saw jade talisman flashing the slightest dive splendor, and quickly sketched an image in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, a clear scene was formed in front of him.

What appears is Qin Miaoxiang's silhouette.

This jade talisman is a sound transmission talisman distributed by each of them before entering. Once lost or in an emergency, you can use jade talisman to contact. However, Wu Mu did not use jade talisman to contact Qin Miaoxiang before. After all, the goal is Qianhe City. As long as there is no accident, they can meet in Qianhe City. No need to waste the opportunity.

didn't expect to see Qin Miaoxiang initiate sound transmission talisman at this time.

Obviously, there is something very important.

"Does Miss Miaoxiang have something important? Have you arrived at Qianhe City?" Wu Mu looked towards Qin Miaoxiang's silhouette and asked.

"Brother Wu, the Iron Tortoise and I have already arrived at Qianhe City, but the guy in the west has not seen any trace. We have already entered the city to meet in the afternoon and accept the news released by Qianhe City. Hunting mission, enter the wilderness to hunt the ominous beast. Where are you now?"

Qin Miaoxiang also saw Wu Mu's silhouette through the sound transmission talisman, and said quickly.

"I'm in the wilderness too!!"

Wu Mu heard it, nodded slightly, and said.

"Brother Wu, you also accepted the hunting mission and are still in the wilderness." Qin Miaoxiang showed a look of surprise on her face, and quickly said: "I and the iron turtle found an ominous beast nest in the wilderness. , the little sister is wearing Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade, Baoyu indicates that there are precious treasures in this ominous beast lair. However, the ominous beast inside is not simple. Wu big brother is interested in coming.”

Qin Miaoxiang quickly stated the purpose of this subpoena.

It turned out that they had already made various preparations before entering the Secret Realm, especially the Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade, which could detect and sense various treasures, and almost no one had prepared a piece. This time into the wilderness, one is to hunt ominous beasts, and the other is to search for treasures. In ancient times, there were more treasures than later generations.

In addition, the fantasy Secret Realm evolves, almost perfectly restore everything in the original, everything in Heaven and Earth. Even treasures are no exception. This time into the wilderness, with the power of Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade, I really found a treasure. It's just that the treasure was occupied by the ominous beast, and the strength of the ominous beast directly gave them a strong aura of danger.

I don't dare to act rashly, and I also think of Wu Mu.

Want to get Wu Mu and deal with the ominous beast together.

"Promise her, the treasure that can be sensed by Spirit Connecting Treasure Jade, It shouldn't be an ordinary treasure, maybe some kind of Peak's treasure, this Secret Realm is a precious treasure ."

Little Fatty hurriedly urged in Wu Mu's ear.

"Where are you and how can I find you." After Wu Mu faintly muttered to oneself, he raised his eyes, looked towards Qin Miaoxiang, and asked.

After all, they had promised to make alliances with each other before, and they would help when they could. Besides, Wu Mu was also quite interested in the treasure in Qin Miaoxiang's mouth. Now Wu Mu is quite sensitive to various treasures. You must know that it needs a lot of Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects, and Wu Tomb also needs various Heaven and Earth Spirit Objects to enrich the building units inside.

Really speaking of which, he is a pauper, and Peak has no treasures.

"You go to the south-east direction, you can get in touch with jade talisman, and it will definitely not exceed too much distance. There is a barren mountain in the south-east direction, and the old trees are ruined, which is very conspicuous. You can find us when you see it."

Qin Miaoxiang smiled when she heard Wu Mu's answer, and quickly spit out a sentence.

"Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

Wu Mu nodded and agreed without saying anything.

The picture in front of him also shattered.

Wu Mu turned around and rushed in the south-east direction.

"I don't know what the treasure is in her mouth. If it is some kind of top-level Heaven and Earth Spirit Object, maybe it can be used." Wu Mu pondered to himself, if it was really himself What is needed, even at some cost, is still to get that thing. No matter when, enhancing one's own strength is the kingly way.

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