Martial Tomb

Chapter 607

Martial Tomb Chapter 607


Nine Heavens clean air, a Supreme treasure that can only be collected at the beginning of splitting heaven and earth apart. What an incredible powerhouse that exists. If you like to play and watch, come to WWW. LWXS520. Even if the COM is in chaos, it has nurtured the heavenly demon gods, and with the strength of the heavenly demon gods, how could it be so easy for people to watch them develop Heaven and Earth?

Who can easily spot the upcoming Primal Chaos Heaven.

I was just thinking of what to do, but I didn't expect that Han Nuo would say that there is really Nine Heavens in this pawnshop No. 13 without the slightest hesitation. Although it's worth a lot, this Nine Heavens is refreshing and Wu Mu is bound to get it.

"Nine Heavens refreshing thing is tentatively not urgent, and we will settle together next time. Presumably Fellow Daoist Wu is here, not just for the Nine Heavens refreshing thing. There are other needs. ." Han Nuo meaningfully looked towards Wu Mu, those eyes seemed to be able to clearly understand people's hearts.

"This is natural."

Wu Mu nodded and said: "I need a lot of rare spiritual medicine seeds, even seedlings. If there are rare and highly toxic medicine ingredients, I also need them. , as long as it is precious enough, I want as much as I have."

This time I decided to come to the No. God's Pesticide Garden needs a lot of rare spiritual medicines, and even all kinds of rare poisons. If you collect them on the ancient continent, you can naturally collect a large number of highly poisonous. However, if you want to find those rare and strange poisons, you will only be able to Quite difficult, poison this thing, even the martial cultivator, most of them are kept at a distance.

The Thirteenth Pawnshop claims to be able to meet any need. Wu Mu is naturally willing to directly obtain all kinds of spiritual medicine and even poisons he needs here.

"A-Jiu, bring the spiritual medicine spectrum and the strange poison spectrum from the pawnshop and give it to Fellow Daoist Wu to watch and select." Han Nuo clapped his hands upon hearing this. speak up.

"The spiritual medicine spectrum and the strange poison spectrum are all here, please choose Mr. Wu."

The red clothed woman waved her hand, and a white jade booklet appeared in her hand. , an inky black jade book.

"The dead wood black lotus has the potential to grow into the king of medicine, but it grows on a dead wood with wood crystals and withered. The Spiritual Qi of the sky gathers the energy of the wood crystals in the dead wood. It is a Supreme product that can change something rotten into something magical. On it. Just one lotus flower can make people the spring comes upon a withered tree. It can be resurrected from the dead. Lotus seeds are even more wonderful products of Supreme. Yes Rare spiritual medicine in the heavens. It is in the top immortal grade."

Wu Mu just opened the spiritual medicine spectrum and glanced at it. Can not help but heart shaking. Moreover, on the spiritual medicine spectrum, there are also grade classifications that are different from their own perceptions. "Han shopkeeper, how is the immortal grade divided?"

If you don't understand, ask. In terms of his own knowledge and the owner of the pawnshop No. 13. Naturally, it is insignificant, and it is not worth mentioning at all. Wu Mu didn't feel embarrassed either, and asked directly.

"For the various spirits between Heaven and Earth, there are various divisions in the worlds of the heavens, some worlds are divided by Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, and some are divided by years. Some are divided by medicinal properties. However, in the layer of power of cream of the crop in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, they are unified by: Mortal Grade, Land Grade, Immortal Grade, Divine Grade.”

Han Nuo didn't hide it, he said slowly: "Mortal Grade is called ordinary medicine ingredient. Divine grade is called Dizhen, and immortal grade is Xianzhen. Divine Grade is divine. Spiritual medicines, poisons, etc., from a hundred to nine thousand years, are determined by their own medicinal properties and potential. Immortal grade Xianzhen refers to its medicinal potential. Spiritual medicines that can grow to ten thousand years are extremely rare. In many worlds, it is called the king of medicine. The king of medicines. Each of them is extremely rare, and the quantity can be counted on one's fingers. Its value is even more priceless."

"As for Divine Grade Shenzhen, it is real divine medicine, a Supreme Treasure with incredible magical power that can make people live again. However, such a divine treasure, even if it is my thirteenth. There are no pawnshops.”…

Han Nuo said slowly.

"didn't expect there are so many details in the spirit, this dead tree black lotus is actually the king of rare medicine." Wu Mu sighed inwardly, but he didn't expect that when he opened spiritual medicine The first spiritual medicine I saw was a medicine king, immortal grade Xianzhen in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Those who have the potential to break through for ten thousand years are the real king of fairy medicines.

Wu Mu held back his surprise and continued to look down.

“Vermilion Fruit, the essence of Heaven and Earth, is a Vermilion Fruit that is more than a thousand years old. If you take it directly, it can at least increase the power of more than a hundred years. The higher the age, the stronger the medicinal properties and the effect. The stronger, the ordinary Vermilion Fruit tree is generally speaking, can grow up to 3,000 years, and bear 3,000-year-old Vermilion Fruit, which can be used as medicine pill concocting, and can be taken directly. Legend has it that it is a wonderful flower between Heaven and Earth. It needs to grow. The most important thing is not the World's Essence Qi in the world. It is the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, the most illusory place between Heaven and Earth. It grows with strength. Once it is born, it enters the range of immortal grade. And it can grow up by absorbing Seven Emotions and Six Desires in the world. It is said that it can be promoted to Divine Grade. It is a kind of wonderful flower in the world. Immortal grade The upper level!! It is the top fairy."

"The jade green fruit, the whole body is jade green, it needs to grow for a thousand years, and then it blooms every three hundred years. It is the same Spirit Fruit that bears fruit every three hundred years. Eat it. Although it can't increase mana, it has a great effect on stabilizing Primordial Spirit. And it is quite delicious and delicious. It is one of the several Spirit Fruits that dao cultivator likes to eat. Low grade!! It is one of the treasures of the earth."

Wu Mu quickly flipped through the various spiritual medicines above, almost each of them had their own characteristics and had a variety of unusual magical effects. Many of them are already owned in the Shenpesticide Garden, and naturally there is no need to buy them again. However, there are also a large number of medicine gardens that have not been planted yet. Wu Mu also secretly wrote it down.

This is simply a classic of spiritual medicine. There are not only types, but also names to describe their effects. There are even clear pictures that appear in front of us, lifelike. Impressive, just take a look at it, it will never be easily forgotten again.

With Wu Mu's speed, he was not slow. In a short while, he had already read most of the spiritual medicine book, then closed it, picked up the ink-black poison book again, and opened it.

"Seven Star Sea tangs, their appearance is no different from other begonias, but on the petals, there are seven strange star points, like stars, brilliant. However, its roots, stems, flowers and leaves are all There is a strange poison. If it is made into poison, it will be colorless and tasteless. It will melt when it enters water, and it will melt when it encounters fire. If it is poisoned, the mark of seven stars will appear on the body. Once activated, the seven stars will burst, the poison will attack the heart, and the death will be instantly killed. If you are in a dream, you can't detect it. If you don't push it directly, you will die silently on the spot after seven hours. Immortal grade low-level fairy."

Wu Mu's heart skipped a beat. , this kind of poison is silent, making you can't guard against it, and the most terrifying thing is that the seven Star Sea Tangs are as high as the immortal grade, that is Xianzhen, the king of medicine, this poison , can actually grow into the king of medicine. Definitely quite terrifying.

"The unfeeling flower is shaped like a camellia, but has sharp barbs. The bone rots the heart and burns the five internal organs. The only antidote is to cut off love. Once you are in love, you will immediately burn all five inside. It is like being in hell, and the pain is unbearable. Immortal grade. Looking at the strange poison spectrum in my hand, I couldn't help but be shocked by the terrifying poisons mentioned above. Some poisons, even Wu Mu, would be extremely troublesome if they were poisoned, and they could die at any time.

At this point, time is passing quietly by my side.

After a long time, Wu Mu slowly put down the jade book.

Han Nuo smiled indifferently and said, "Fellow Daoist Wu, I don't know if there is spiritual medicine that can catch your eye. As long as the lists in these two jade albums are in my pawnshop, they can be found at any time. All can be taken out."

"In spiritual medicine, I want dead wood, black lotus, love flower, succulent fruit, Heavenly Thunder Bamboo, Blood Bodhi, Origin Fostering Fruit and other spiritual medicines, but I don't need it. The finished product, as long as the seeds are enough, I can try to plant it myself."

"And among the poisons, I want seven Star Sea tangs, heartbroken flowers, Heartbroken Grass, blood vine, rotten heart grass..."

Wu Mu opened his mouth and quickly said all kinds of rare spiritual medicines and strange poisons that he had selected. Moreover, if each kind has seeds, only the seeds are needed, not the complete ones. spiritual medicine, strange poison. Whether there is a medicine garden, cultivation of spiritual medicine or poison, all have miraculous effects that ordinary people cannot imagine.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the names of dozens of spiritual medicines and strange poisons were reported.

The red clothed woman Ah Jiu immediately recorded it quickly and seemed to be very familiar with it.

In the blink of an eye, I recorded everything about spiritual medicine.

"spiritual medicine is just a trivial matter. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Wu needs other items. Whether the pawnshop on the thirteenth can come or not depends on the chance. The token I gave you last time was a chance. However, opportunities cannot be repeated again and again. Next time, I'm afraid I won't know when to wait."

Han Nuo lightly said with a smile.

The thirteenth pawnshop is mysterious.

"I don't know if there is a Spirit Bead here at the pawnshop." Hearing this, Wu Mu sighed inwardly, but he said again.

"Original Spirit Bead?" Han Nuo heard this with a slightly solemn expression, and said, "Original Spirit Bead has always been conceived by Heaven and Earth itself, and even made of various rare Heaven and Earth. Spirit Object, evolved from sacrifice and refining, each type has mysterious Source Power, which is not inferior to Divine Weapon magic weapon. It is a rare treasure between Heaven and Earth. Any sacrifice and refining can become Peak's magic weapon, Divine Weapon. It has always been precious. I don't know which kind of original Spirit Bead you want."

In the language, the same emphasis is placed on the original Spirit Bead.

This is no ordinary treasure.

This is the Spirit Bead with Source Power.

There is Dao Rhyme, the law of origin.

"I don't know the kind of Spirit Bead in the pawnshop." Wu Mu's eyes shined. From Han Nuo's words, he could keenly hear that there should be a Spirit Bead in the pawnshop. )

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