Martial Tomb

Chapter 606

Martial Tomb Chapter 606



"Han shopkeeper's tea is definitely not simple, everything must be grade 1." Wu Mu heard, Indifferently smiled, nodded and said, as the owner of a pawnshop, even if the tea you drink is definitely not ordinary tea, at least it is spirit tea. It is a status symbol, performance. A show of strength.

"Mr. Wu, this is the spirit tea of the High Level in the pawnshop - Butterfly Dream Tea!!"

Not long after, the red clothed woman came forward, He slowly walked up with a tea set. That tea set, the whole body is purple, like crystal jade, exuding the light of abundant treasures. But it does not give people any dazzling feeling, but has a faint fragrance, a teapot, two teacups, some cleaning tools, and a can of tea.

That's all.

Opening the tea can, the red clothed woman carefully took out a piece of tea with a purple wooden clip. Looking closely, the tea was very different from ordinary tea, and it turned out to be a piece of tea. Dancing lightly and gracefully, the butterfly looks like a colorful halo, giving people a very dreamy feeling, as if this is not tea at all, but a very dreamy and gorgeous butterfly.

Awesome! !

"Another Butterfly Dream Tea!!" Wu Mu couldn't help but sigh in admiration after seeing it, even if he has a kind of Seven Star Tea in his hand, but Seven Star Tea is just like this Butterfly Dream in appearance. Tea is not on a level, far from being so gorgeous and fantastic.

"Zhuang Zhou Dreams of a Butterfly!! This Dream Butterfly Tea was handed down from the hands of a Great Expert named Zhuang Zhou. According to legend, drinking Butterfly Tea, a Dream Colorful butterflies fly. Drinking butterfly dream tea can give people a feeling like dreaming butterflies. It's very wonderful, Fellow Daoist Wu, it's better to try one or two."

Han Nuo looked at the elegant red clothed woman started one after another tea making process, and said. [6167486 Wu Tomb Wu Tomb] 616 First Wu Tomb 607

"Han shopkeeper knows Zhuang Zhou, if I remember correctly, he should be called Zhuang Zi." Wu Mu heard the Zhuang Zhou Dreams of a Butterfly His words lit up on the spot, and there was a faint glimmer of light in his eyes. Who was Zhuang Zhou? He was a figure in the legend of Huaxia in his previous life. He could even hear Zhuang Zhou's name in Han Nuo's mouth. He shook.

This is the first time he has actually heard the Legendary name that was originally circulated in China.

"didn't expect Fellow Daoist Wu also heard of Zhuang Zhou, he is a great power. That is Saint who came out of the Great Desolate Great World. He is a cultivation base and is unparalleled in strength. , deep and unmeasurable, in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, have great fame. It is one of the Peak powerhouses in the immortal cultivator." Han Nuo also showed a solemn look on his face, and then said: "speaking of which , There are not a few powerhouses that have come out of the Great Desolate Great World. It is a world that is the closest to the Eternal Great World in the legend. According to legend, the pioneer Pangu has almost proved the Tao for eternity. It is a magical Heaven and Earth. Unfortunately, the location is also very mysterious, people have only heard of it, but rarely found it."

In the words, there is an inexplicable charm.

"Sure enough, there is the Great Desolate Great World. I don't know if the Earth I came out of has a certain connection with the Great Desolate Great World. Or, Earth, simply is a part of the Great Desolate Great World. Or It also hides a more secret big secret."

The idea of one after another appeared in Wu Mu's mind, and kept turning. However, there was no strangeness on his face.

"Great Desolate Great World, if there is a chance in the future, I will go and see it for myself." Wu Mu indifferently smiled.

At this moment, the red clothed woman was already familiar with it, and she put the piece of tea into the teapot with grace, and at the same time, a pot of boiled spiritual water was poured into the teapot. This spiritual water turned out to be Three Illuminations Divine Water. The sun, Moon and Stars' divine splendor is flashing on it, and it looks fantastic when the radiance corresponds.

A strange and strange fragrance fills the nostrils.

Not long after, two cups of spirit tea like starry sky appeared in front of Wu Mu and Han Nuo respectively. Above the cups, a layer of clouds and mist appeared, and you could see a colorful butterfly dancing lightly and gracefully.

In just one glance, there is a very dreamy feeling.

"This Dream Butterfly Tea needs to be drunk while it's hot. After drinking it, something wonderful will happen. Please!!" Han Nuo said with a smile indifferently, and at the same time, he directly picked up the tea in front of him. The cup of Dream Butterfly Tea was poured into the mouth gracefully and slowly.

"Zhuang Zhou Dreams of a Butterfly. Interesting!!"

Wu Mu took a deep breath, smelling the fresh and pleasant fragrance, and naturally The spirit tea in front of him was taken up, and he didn't drink it in one gulp, but divided it into three sips, one sip after another, flowing on the tip of the tongue, as if a spirit butterfly was flying, and unconsciously, he slowly closed his eyes.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, a butterfly flutters, which is very comfortable. [6167486 Martial Tomb Martial Tomb] 616 First Martial Tomb 607

After seeing the red clothed woman, she was not surprised at all. It seemed that she had long been surprised by this situation, and she was still quiet. Stand by.

time quietly pass.

Not much time, just 5 minutes.

Wu Mu and Han Nuo opened their eyes in the cloud and mist at the same time, and there was a strange vicissitudes and feeling in their eyes, as if they could see another world and another complete life in their eyes.

Whoosh! !

Wu Mu spat out one mouthful of impure air slowly, the rays of light in his eyes flickered, constantly changing, and finally returned to the original after a while, but an indescribable precipitation appeared on his body. As if seeing through the world's perceptions, he sighed: "A good cup of Meng Butterfly tea can actually make people involuntarily enter into a dream of spring and autumn, into a dream of reincarnation. Moreover, they can also live a complete life in a dream. Years. This reincarnation of life and death has incomparable benefits for the realm of one's own state of mind."

A cup of Dream Butterfly Tea actually made Wu Mu have a dream.

And, it was a real dream.

In the dream, he was an ordinary scholar with no memory of his own, but just like a new life, unfolding in a dream, studying hard in the cold window, failing in his family, failing in the examination room, and not allowed to. Do not return home sadly, marry a wife and have children, when a person reaches middle age, he must meet immortal and embark on the road of cultivation.

Finally struggled on the road of cultivation for hundreds of years, and finally died under Heavenly Tribulation.

And at the same time of death, it is also the time to wake up.

That complete life seems to be another memory of my own. Incomparably clear, incomparably real, and remember every detail very clearly. This experience is invaluable for everyone. The high value is immeasurable. That kind of insight in life is definitely not something that can be replaced by any treasure.

Wu Mu even felt that his bloodline soul seemed to be a few points stronger in an instant. It was as if the soul of suddenly getting a copy of the same root with different branches was injected directly into the body.

In the body, even the evolution of the natural phenomenon seems like a huge step forward.

"This Dream Butterfly Tea, in spirit tea, is also a kind of cream of the crop. Even my No. 13 pawnshop took a lot of effort to get it. Although I don't dare to get it. It is said to be unique and unmatched, but in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it can be counted on one's fingers, which is very rare." Han Nuo confidently said with a smile.

"I don't know if Han shopkeeper is willing to sell the seeds of Meng Butterfly Tea alive. I drank this Dream Butterfly Tea today, I'm afraid I won't be able to drink other teas in the future."

Wu Mu looked towards Han Nuo, lightly said with a smile.

"Although Dream Butterfly Tea is rare, I have also cultivated a few seedlings in my pawnshop. Unfortunately, it takes too long to grow and I don't have much energy to cultivate. If Fellow Daoist Wu wants it, As long as you follow the pawnshop's rules, both seeds and seedlings can be within the scope of the pawn."

Han Nuo said with a calm expression.

This is pawnshop number 13, where you can get anything if you can afford it.

"This is the No. 13 pawnshop, and Wu naturally believes in the strength of the pawnshop." Wu Mu nominated, but although it was only the second time he came to the pawnshop, he could only rely on his identity as an Eternal Heaven boat. You know, the ability of a pawnshop is absolutely unimaginable.

"My pawnshop No. 13 is of course capable. I don't know what Fellow Daoist Wu wants to get this time?" Han Nuo's eyes that seemed to be able to see the world calmly looked towards Wu Mu , there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This time, I naturally like to get something. I don't know if there is Nine Heavens in the pawnshop." Wu Mu took a deep breath and asked directly.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it was Nine Heavens fresh air. Now is the critical moment to condense astral fiend aura. Although other heavenly astral qi can also be used, if there is a chance to obtain Nine Heavens fresh air, Wu Mu will naturally not. would pass up this opportunity. It may not be there in other places, but there may not be such a magical place in the pawnshop on the thirteenth.

"Nine Heavens fresh air? It seems that Fellow Daoist Wu has been promoted to the Martial cultivator's Law Manifestation Realm, and will start to condense astral fiend aura." It can be said that Wu Mu wants Nine Heavens to clear the air, and condensing the astral fiend aura is the most critical step in the martial cultivator.

The higher the quality of the astral fiend aura, the greater the benefits for the dharma, and the more the dharma with higher quality and stronger potential will be evolved.

Earth evil and Nine Heavens are the two types of cream of the crop in astral fiend aura, there is no one of them.

"Han shopkeeper really is unparalleled in Divine Vision." Wu Mu did not deny that the cultivation base cannot be hidden from anyone.

Han Nuo calmly laughed and said: "Fellow Daoist wants Nine Heavens to clean the air, this Nine Heavens clean air is more difficult for others, it is out of reach, but it is difficult. If you don't lose my No. 13 pawnshop, I have Nine Heavens fresh air. I have it in my pawnshop. However, the value is extremely high. As long as you can pay the price, the pawnshop can get Nine Heavens fresh air."

"It's actually there, I want twelve copies!!"

Wu Mu's eyes immediately lit up when he heard it. t expect to really find Nine Heavens here to refresh. It was an absolute surprise.


The smile on Han Nuo's face was even stronger. People like Wu Mu were the real big customers. (To be continued.)

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