Martial Tomb

Chapter 163

Martial Tomb Chapter 163


【If you have a ticket, please help. .]

This Jin Shanren dares to call this name, is he a good person? Just based on his previous actions, killing Wu Mu will not believe that this is a good person, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a bad person.

During the conversation, the words flickered, and some important information was simply not intended to be told to Wu Mu.

However, they are just simple cooperation, and they may turn against each other at any time, swords and swords facing each other. This Jin Shanren has no obligation to exchange some information without reservation. On the contrary, it is correct to have reservations.

"Wu Mu?"

When Jin Shanren heard this, a look of surprise flashed across his eyebrows, and the eyes looking towards Wu Mu became extraordinarily different, seeming a little surprised, Said: "Your surname is Wu!!"

Jin Shanren seemed to want to confirm something and asked again.

"That's right!!" Wu Mu heard it and gave Jin Shanren a meaningful look. From the look on his face, he had already guessed that Jin Shanren had already guessed secretly whether he was It is related to Wu Family and is a child of Wu Family.

However, Wu Mu didn't care, he didn't plan to keep his name incognito, let alone what his surname was Wu, as long as he didn't say it, who could really be sure that he was a member of the Wu Family. As long as they are not sure, keep a vague attitude, no matter how much they guess, it doesn't matter.

It should be an enemy, after all, or enemy, it should be a friend, and naturally it will be a friend.

"Where is the Wu Family? I have already broken through the Blood Sea Realm and awakened my bloodline. Although it is not the Wu Family's bloodline, Third Uncle said that the Wu Family does not shy away from family children opening other bloodlines. Bloodline, on the contrary, can directly open up bloodline inheritance of its own lineage after the cultivation base reaches a certain height. It becomes another way for the Wu Family."

"Unfortunately, the Wu Family is too mysterious. For those of you, the Wu Family seems to be extremely fearful, and it seems that the Wu Family has no sign of being born, as if it is a half-hidden state. But it is very famous. I don’t know what the Wu Family is like. In this case, will anyone in the Wu Family really come to pick me up?"

Wu Mu couldn't help but conjecture in Jin Shanren's words.

"hehe, the surname is Wuhao, the surname is Wuhao, the surname Wu is a very rare surname in the ancient continent." Jin Shanren rolled his eyes and chuckled: "Since we have decided to cooperate, it is better for us now. Just rush to the tomb of the Martial King. You must know that the tomb of the Martial King has been in existence for several days. On the battlefield of the Heroic Spirit, other martial cultivators must have rushed to the tomb of the Martial King and arrived first.”

Martial King It has been several days since the tomb was born, and the nearest one must have already arrived.

However, Jin Shanren didn't look worried at all. On the battlefield of Heroes, every ancient tomb is not simple, not only burying the corpses of those ancient ancestors, but also the evolution of Secret Realm. Although there is inheritance in it, it is still extremely dangerous. There is no chance or strength. It is impossible to obtain inheritance. Even every time the ancient tomb is born, a large number of martial cultivators fall and die in it.

This is a killing game developed by Secret Realm.

Each ancient tomb can easily bury a large number of martial cultivator powerhouses. Sometimes, even the cultivation base can't resist and crack.

On the battlefield of the Heroic Spirit, it is said that there is an ancient tomb, and countless people enter it one after another, cracking the murderous intention of every mechanism, and when they finally reach the last level, it is a piece of ancient chess that cannot crack the chess game, simply. Unable to get the final inheritance, a large number of Martial Arts powerhouses were smashed into the sand in this level, but they were easily cracked by a martial cultivator who had just reached the blood sea level, and obtained inheritance.

All kinds of tests, all kinds of strange things, too many to count.

Often, the sooner you enter, the surer you can get the final inheritance.

"I want Lao Jin to lead the way." Wu Mu indifferently smiled.

He didn't know where the tomb of Martial King was, so he could only let Jin Shanren lead the way.

"Hehe, don't worry, with me leading the way, it will definitely be smooth sailing to go this way." Jin Shanren heard that, and immediately nodded, with an air of believing that I would be absolutely fine.

Speaking, he quickly led the way and walked towards the yellow battlefield area without hesitation.

The valley itself is not far from the yellow area, so I walked directly into the battlefield, and after a while, I stepped into the yellow area.

"The Death Aura here is stronger than the white area."

Stepping into the yellow battlefield area, all around, there is a pale-yellow fog everywhere , These mists permeate every inch of the area and have a great impact on the line of sight. With the eyesight after Wu Mu's breakthrough transformation, under normal circumstances, it is enough to clearly see anything outside several li, even the scenery outside several dozen li, can also roughly see clearly.

But here, you can only see things within the hundred zhang, and if you go outside, it will become extremely blurry.

Looking behind him, there seems to be an invisible barrier at the junction of the white area and the yellow area. Neither the white fog nor the yellow fog penetrates the slightest bit to both sides. Clear boundaries! !

in the yellow area.

Bone hills, big or small, huge valleys, and even cold tombs are clearly presented in front of us, exuding a bleak twilight, giving people a sense of Infiltrating chill. It's like walking on a burial mound.

"Be careful, this is the Second Layer area of the Heroic Spirit Battlefield. This is not the kind of undead skeletons in the First Layer area. There are no small bone racks with Divine Ability, but there are zombies here, and the undead skeletons that appear are more powerful. Both ends are extremely terrifying, an ordinary Martial cultivator in the sea of blood, you will die when you touch it, and zombie is an Innate Divine Ability with corpse poison.”

As soon as Jin Shanren entered the Second Layer battlefield, his small eyes immediately dripped. Turning yoyo, moved towards Wu Mu quickly reminded.

ka-cha! !

However, his reminder seemed to come a little late. As soon as the voice fell, he only saw that not far away, a lone tomb roared violently, followed, and saw, A snow-white white bone coffin burst out from the lonely grave. Then, the coffin lid of the coffin was suddenly lifted directly.

A icy-cold corpse with purple all over its body burst out of the ossuary, jumped out instantly, and stood on the ground. The gas that came out was purple, as if the smell emanating from the body had become real, and both eyes were purple. The whole body showed a cold and stiff color. In a tattered shirt, purple sharp claw grows out of ten fingers, each of which is several feet long, flashing a metallic cold light.

"It's a zombie!!"

Wu Mu's pupils suddenly contracted violently.

After a person dies, the corpse will become cold, the flesh and blood will freeze, and finally the color of the body will become an icy purple, the corpse will be nourished by Yin Qi, and finally give birth to life, transformed into a zombie, which has just begun to breed. The zombie is Zi Zong, even if it is the lowest Zombie, its life has undergone transformation and evolution. The strength of the battle strength is comparable to that of the blood sea powerhouse.

Also has the Innate Divine Ability! ! Moreover, each zombie will awaken its own Innate Divine Ability, which is extremely terrifying.


As soon as that Zi Zong appeared, bloodthirsty rays of light appeared in the two purple eyes immediately, and jumped violently towards the ground, followed by jumping directly.


This jump, jumped out dozens of meters, moved towards Wu Mu and Jin Shanren fiercely grabbed over, ten sharp sharp claws emitting a terrifying cold glow. When the culling came over, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of purple Corpse Qi.

This is a corpse poison! !

Once it is corroded by corpse poison, it may become zombie.


Wu Mu took a deep look at Jin Shanren, this is really a crow's mouth, even saying there is a zombie, and immediately a zombie pops out. Jin Shanren couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at Wu Mu's gaze.

However, this is not the time to say that.

I don't even think about it, during the thought move, from the sea of blood, the huge bloodline Divine Force spewed out in an instant, quickly gushing out from the pores all over the body, and after the azure bloodline Divine Force appeared outside the body, immediately Quickly interweaved into an azure Divine Astral. The whole body is completely wrapped in Divine Astral.

This is an almost instinctive ability to break through to the Blood Sea Realm - bloodline Divine Astral! !

azure's bloodline Divine Astral covered the entire body like a substance, and instantly collided with the purple Corpse Qi, making a fierce sound on the Divine Astral, as if water and fire collided. same together.

Corruption is corrupting the bloodline Divine Astral.

However, from the bloodline Divine Astral, a deep aura emanated, like a vortex abyss, one after another Corpse Qi was drawn into the bloodline Divine Astral out of thin air, strangely disappeared.

The Darknorth Divine Art is integrated into the Azure Lotus Emperor Canon, even if it is bloodline Divine Astral, it also has the powerful ability to devour everything. Although it can't devour all, it can devour most of it.

"Vajra Shield!!"

At the same time, Jin Shanren waved his hand, and countless golden lights converged, quickly turning into a huge golden shield several meters high, appearing out of thin air In front of the purple body, it collided violently with the sharp claw with ten fingers.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The sharp claw collided with the Vajra shield, making a sharp and intense sound, and the terrifying force seemed to directly tear the shield into pieces. The power of zombie, strong as an ox.

Moreover, Zi Zong stepped on the ground, and a pale-yellow sharp spear moved towards Vajra shield strikes like lightning.

Innate Divine Ability - Earth Spear! !

Bang! !

Vajra's shield shattered in time, and the sharp sharp claw continued to move towards Wu Mu.


Wu Mu saw that, his pupils narrowed, his body exuded a tragic fighting intent and baleful aura, his brows twitched, and in his backhand, the stone sword behind him burst out. , a sword unceremoniously moved towards the position of Zi Zong's heart and stabbed domineeringly, and a dazzling azure sword glow burst out from the stone sword.

It shoots out several feet long, making the stone swords radiate sharp edges.

This sword was stabbed in an extremely domineering way.


Zi Zong roared and stepped on the ground. On the ground, a layer of textured earth walls stood up flat and blocked in front of him. (To be continued.)

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