Martial Tomb

Chapter 162

Martial Tomb Chapter 162


As he spoke, Jin Shanren waved his hands again and again, with an expression that everyone had something to talk about. Showing a kind look, a look like I am a good person. .

Wu Mu saw that the slightly frowned, looked towards Jin Shanren's eyes showed a hint of contemplation. To be honest, although Fatty Jin only shot a few times, the battle strength revealed was extremely amazing.

Take a Stone to Gold, Vajra Shield, Golden Escape! !

One after another Divine Ability in his hands is like a swipe of an arm, and it can resist the powerful cultivation technique of Dragon Subduing 18 Palms. This is just what he has revealed. There must be more strength in him. Divine Ability is not cast. If you really want to fight, who will die and who will live, it is yet to be known.

Definitely a tough character! !


After Wu Mu hesitated slightly, a coldly snorted sound came out of his nose, without saying much, the majestic bloodline Divine Force in his body slowly calmed down, indifferent Glancing at Jin Shanren, he turned and moved towards the outside of the valley.

Since Fatty Jin doesn't want to fight, Wu Mu won't fight to the death either. Now in the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, in this white area, you can get treasures like Vajra Bodhi Seed, and even let yourself be promoted from Shedding Mortality Realm to breakthrough to Blood Sea Realm, and complete the first transformation in life.

Then in other areas, what kind of incredible treasures can be obtained in the yellow battlefield area where the Blood Sea Realm can go.

He doesn't want to waste his time on this unfathomable mystery fight, and this Kim Sun-in isn't a good guy to kill.

"Wait! Wait!!"

When Jin Shanren saw that Wu Mu was leaving, he rolled his eyes and hurriedly shouted: "brother, didn't expect you to be like this It's amazing. There may not be one in a million people who can get God's grace in breaking through the Blood Sea Realm. This is an opportunity that countless people flock to.> A pair of laughed fat faces, with their feet closely behind Wu Mu, said according to them with a smiling face.

"Oh, didn't you say before that the box in my hand belongs to you?" Wu Mu said with a faint smile, looking at Fatty Jin in tatters in front of him, full of sarcasm.

"This.... that was an accident, my eyes are dazzled, I must have read it wrong, but I really have a family heirloom." Turn, said casually laughed.

"However, these are not the point, brother, do you want amazing treasures of wealth, powerful cultivation techniques, battle skills, Divine Ability." Jin Shanren said with a smile as soon as he changed his voice.

A friendly look.

"Treasure, wealth, cultivation technique, battle skill, Divine Ability, as long as it's a martial cultivator, who wouldn't want it." Wu Mu's eyes flashed a strange rays of light, indifferently said.

Yes, these things, for the martial cultivator, almost no one would not want.

Some treasures are even thrown away for their lives.

"That's right, now there's a good chance." Jin Shanren said with a smile: "brother, do you know the tomb of Martial King."

"The tomb of Martial King ?" Wu Mu showed a puzzled look. When the Martial King's tomb was born, he happened to be in the Bronze Ancient Lamp, retreating and breaking through to solve the hidden danger of burning blood in the body. Never saw the amazing natural phenomenon when Martial King was born.

Hearing this at the moment, I couldn't help but be confused.

"Yes, the tomb of Martial King, this is the legendary ancient tomb left after the death of Martial King in ancient times, leaving behind the inheritance of Martial King, and even many treasures owned by Martial King in those days, cultivation technique." Jin Shanren said excitedly.

While speaking, the eyes are emitting excited rays of light.

It makes people involuntarily follow his words, and endless treasures appear in their minds, piles of gold and silver, huge books of cultivation techniques, and even the unparalleled Divine of various heaven shaking, earth shattering Ability and so on.

Thinking about it! !

"Who is Martial King?"

Wu Mu took a deep breath and asked directly.

"Speaking of the legend of the Martial King, it can't be finished for three days and three nights. According to legend, for a period of time, it was almost the era of the Martial King, and that was where a Martial King went. , the era when no one dared to be king..."

When Jin Shanren saw Wu Mu's interest, he immediately opened his mouth and slowly said some things about the Martial King. Speaking of excitement, his voice also became extremely high.

In the process, Wu Mu also had some knowledge about the legendary Martial King.

The thought of one after another flashed in my heart.

"To dare to challenge the Great Emperor, and to be able to save his life in the hands of the Great Emperor, and not die in one blow. How powerful is that." Wu Mu also secretly had a yearning in his heart, that Martial King , is definitely an immeasurably powerful Peak martial cultivator. However, such a powerful existence still died in the war of the year, how tragic the war would be, and how terrifying the enemy it would face.

"What kind of existence are those demons outside the sky?"

Wu Mu murmured to himself, looking towards the void, showing a hint of doubt.

"Only those who survived the Great War knew about the demons from the outside world. Perhaps there will be some residual records in those powerful bloodline Aristocratic Family."

Jin Shanren's eyes flashed. After passing a trace of strange rays of light, he said strangely: "However, it is said that when the demons from outside the sky came, the number was endless and densely packed, and they brought only endless destruction, in the sky, underground, in the water, almost everywhere, wherever they came. In this place, all things perish."

"In the end, countless powerhouses in the ancient continent resisted in anger, countless powerhouses fought with the demons, the blood dyed the red earth, the blood on the ground flowed into a river, and with every breath, There are countless fallen corpses of demons and ancient continent powerhouses, the blood dripping, and the air they breathe is full of blood.”

“That battle was fought for several years, Countless corpses have become the current battlefield of heroic spirits. Unfortunately, I don’t know what those celestial demons are. Anyway, they are extremely evil. Once they appear, there is no emotion, and some are just the most terrifying killing and destruction. Humans are for food."

Jin Shanren said slowly, his voice was also very solemn about the war in ancient times. In any era, even if it is a dream, it is possible to die in a dream, which is very terrifying. It's a time of struggle to survive.

Although the Martial King was powerful, he was definitely not the most powerful in that battle, otherwise, he would never have died in that battle. However, Martial King was definitely one of the powerhouses that killed the most alien demons in that battle.

It is rumored that during the war, Martial King was forcibly besieged in an area by countless alien demons, and no one rescued him. Even so, Martial King still fought hard to kill Nine Heavens for nine nights and killed countless aliens. Demons, finally in the self-destruct of countless demons, fell tragically. That war, there are some rumors circulating now.

“What exactly is a demon outside the sky?”

Wu Mu pondered to himself, burying a deep question in his mind.

However, these are not what he can know now. Wu Mu is very clear about this. If he can know, I am afraid that blind will not say nothing when he was in the Slaughter Peak.

Now I know that it may not be of much benefit to myself.

"Brother, according to legend, Martial King has killed countless demons, and it is said that after the demons are killed, there will be life nuclei in the body. The life nuclei are excellent treasures. Quickly improve one's own cultivation base, and better transform oneself. Only the demons of the past have it."

Jin Shanren's face showed a look of hope and longing, his eyes lit up, and said: "After the war, many life nuclei were collected and divided up by the powerhouse and bloodline Aristocratic Family that remained after the war. Now, except for the Heroic Spirit Battlefield, it is almost impossible to find anywhere else. However, in the tomb of Martial King, there will definitely be, Moreover, the number should be extremely large. That's a real treasure."

"The core of life? What's the use of that."

Instinctively, this should be a very precious good thing.

"hehe, the life crystal nucleus is a good thing, it is the condensed life Essence of the outer demon, it is said that it contains all the life essence and soul power of the outer demon, it is extremely precious, it can not only absorb and enhance the cultivation base, and, in the future, it will also have an extremely amazing effect."

Jin Shanren laughed, did not say all the things about the life crystal core, the language flickered, an expression you will know later .

It makes people want to punch him directly on the nose, fiercely slaps him.

However, the life crystal nucleus is definitely a good thing, otherwise, those bloodline Aristocratic Family will never try to divide it up. Outside, I have never heard news about the life crystal nucleus.

You can see how secret the bloodline Aristocratic Family is.

"Brother, although you have only been promoted to the Blood Sea Realm, your battle strength is extremely strong. This time the Martial King's tomb was born, and there must be a large number of people who went to the Martial King's tomb. If we are loners like us , I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter the Martial King's tomb, and even if I go in, I'm afraid I won't even be able to drink soup, why don't you work together, you can get some treasures in it and get a share of the soup."

Jin Having said this, Shanren finally stated his purpose.

Undoubtedly, it was a cooperative idea.

Wu Mu took a deep look at him. Although Fatty Jin was only new to him, it could be seen that this guy was a big cunning, and his skin was thicker than the city wall. He used a knife. If you cut it on it, you might have to break out a gap. There is really no safety and integrity to cooperate with him, and maybe he will be sold by him when he turns around.

However, after a thought in his mind, he smiled indifferently and said, "Okay, it's a pleasure to cooperate, but during the cooperation process, no crafty plots and machinations are allowed, otherwise, don't blame me. for being impolite."

Slightly hesitated, then agreed directly.

"Hehe, you will definitely be proud of this decision. My name is Jin Shanren, you can call me Lao Jin." Jin Shanren saw Wu Mu's agreement, his eyes were about to laugh out of sight.

“Wu Mu!!”

Wu Mu just replied two words briefly, and a meaningful look flashed in his eyes. (To be continued.)

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