Martial Tomb

Chapter 157

Martial Tomb Chapter 157


"Damn, mortal, you don't want to die, and you choose twelve bloodlines, are you courting death.. Both types of bloodlines should be used with caution. For fear of any mistakes, once there are mistakes, it will completely destroy your Marital Arts Path. You know, various bloodlines not only affect your own cultivation progress, but also affect your own cultivation progress. It's more difficult than you think in the future."

Little Fatty couldn't help cursing flustered and exasperated after Wu Mu's complete breakthrough and washed fleshy body.

It seems that Wu Mu has chosen twelve kinds of bloodlines.

It's not just about the slow cultivation progress, but also about the future Marital Arts Path. If you are not careful, it will completely destroy the entire Marital Arts Path.

In addition, each breakthrough of a realm requires twelve times the usual effort and resources.

"No need to worry, since I have chosen, naturally I will not regret it. Others dare not do it, not necessarily me, Wu Mu, will not dare to do it, but there are only twelve bloodlines. Lotus Emperor's Canon, it may not be slower than other martial cultivator cultivation speed."

Wu Mu is not afraid. Certain insights and preparations, but no matter how difficult it is, since he has chosen, he will never shrink back or even become decadent.

"hehe, mortals are mortals, even if they break through to the sea of blood, they are still mortals. How can you know that the resources you need to break through to the higher realm are absolutely unimaginable. Some Sometimes, when breaking through a realm, you must rely on certain resources, or even treasures, but what you need is larger and more amazing. Some realms require internal medicine. Just looking for those internal medicines will take a lot of time. ."

"And, once you want to break through, you must have twelve bloodlines to start breaking through at the same time. Otherwise, even if there is only one that does not reach the limit of breakthrough, it will never continue to break through. If this kind of bloodline is really so easy to have, in this continent, everyone wants to have more bloodline."

Little Fatty sneered and sneered on the spot when he heard Wu Mu's words.

"Do you still need internal medicine?"

Wu Mu frowned slightly, which was something he had not expected before. However, I am not surprised by the internal medicine. You must know that in the legend of the previous life, when the immortal cultivator reaches a certain realm, he also needs to take the internal medicine in order to use the internal medicine to break through, condense the Golden Core, and so on.

"Of course you need internal medicine. In the blood sea level, it is divided into three levels: Juhai, divide spring, and the other side. Among them, Juhai and divide spring do not need internal medicine, but to reach the level of the other side, you need to A treasure of 'Nine Heavens Mica' is used as an internal medicine, carrying bloodline and casting a bridge to the other side. Moreover, a piece of Nine Heavens mica can only carry one bloodline. If you have twelve bloodlines, you must have twelve copies of Nine. Heavens mica. Any portion is very precious. Even if you can get it, break through the blood sea, reach the enlightenment, or even a higher level, you still need other more precious internal medicines. If you can't get it, you can't do it. breakthrough."

Little Fatty said sarcastically, disdain for Wu Mu's optimism.

Marital Arts Path, every step is startling, there is absolutely no fluke.

Wu Mu chose 12 kinds of bloodline this time, only for fear that it would cause great trouble, and it would be a terrifying obstacle for the future cultivation base.

After listening, for a moment, Wu Mu's mouth showed a free and easy smile.

He raised his brows, his eyes exuding firm belief, said with a big smile: "It's good to have difficulties, if there are no difficulties, wouldn't it be too boring on the Marital Arts Path, I'd rather Let's see if these kinds of bloodlines can really block my Marital Arts Path."

As long as it is one's own choice, even if it is a piece of shit, it will be swallowed with a smile.

As long as you choose, there is no need to regret it.


Little Fatty coldly snorted and said: "It's your choice anyway, you're going to court death, you can't blame others. Now you're burning blood. It has also been solved, breaking through to the Blood Sea Realm, or even reaching the very high level of Juhai, after going out, you should get the divine grace bestowed by Heaven and Earth. In the Bronze Ancient Lamp, there is no way to be induced.”

After speaking, just keep silent, not words.

Obviously, with a hint of anger.

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, didn't say much, thought move, left Martial Palace, appeared in the empty space inside the ancient lantern, swept it casually, and suddenly found that inside the ancient lantern, the fog was shrouded in mist. Among the remaining seven ancient bronze doors, the mist on one of the ancient doors began to dissipate strangely.

Seems to be on soon.


At the same time, suddenly, in the empty space, in a remote corner, you can see a broken bronze Ancient Ship lying there, and it is difficult to attract a glance. human eyes. However, when Wu Mu appeared in the empty space, the broken bronze Ancient Ship suddenly flashed a strange bronze rays of light.

As if sensing something, it suddenly turned into a stream of bronze light, drawing a dazzling arc, and in the blink of an eye, moved towards Wu Mu came out of the sky, the speed was so fast, it was extremely sudden, just In an instant, it was already in front of him.

"What is this?"

Wu Mu just had time to flash a thought in his mind, and then he saw that the bronze streamer moved directly towards him at an incredible speed. The location of the sea of blood was unceremoniously shuttled, and at the same time as the navel, he drilled into the sea of blood out of thin air, but did not cause the slightest damage to the fleshy body.

But Wu Mu immediately felt that the sea of blood sank suddenly, as if something strange had appeared.

complexion changed, and quickly glanced over.

His mind fell into the sea of blood, moved towards the sea of blood and glanced at the past. At this look, his face could not help but appear a little ugly on the spot. Impressively, in the sea of blood, the original extremely tattered bronze Ancient Ship was floating strangely. In the sea of blood, in the sea of blood, rippling recklessly, although there are broken holes on the bronze Ancient Ship, but they did not sink in the blood of the sea of blood.

The broken sail kept making a cold whistling sound, as if it was agitating the sail to move forward and ride the wind and waves. The azure divine splendor rose from the sea of blood, washing the bronze Ancient Ship.

"The bronze Ancient Ship is that bronze Ancient Ship."

Wu Mu could see the bronze Ancient Ship at a glance.

I was horrified, and couldn't help muttering to myself: "What is this, is it really a powerful Divine Weapon, why did I just condense a sea of blood and break through until Immediately after the sea of blood, get into the sea of blood."

"What kind of rare treasure is this, I simply can't drive it."

Wu Mu tried almost on the spot To drive the bronze Ancient Ship, but this Ancient Ship is very strange, entrenched in the sea of blood, as if it is a leisurely ancestor, floating at will, without any response to Wu Mu's mind, as if Don't care.

Not to mention removing this bronze Ancient Ship directly from the body, even if it is driven even a little bit.

"Mortal, what is this, and what good things did you get while I'm sleeping."

Little Fatty also seems to be very interested in the bronze Ancient Ship in Wu Mu's body. The curiosity, originally silent, suddenly couldn't help but take the initiative to ask.

At the same time, he directly probed the bronze Ancient Ship in the sea of blood.

Seeing this, he was silent at first, then said after a while: "What kind of broken ship are you, it turned out to be a divine ship born from chaos—immortal bronze!! An Ancient Ship forged! .Immortal bronze, it is a divine material bred in chaos. Legend has it that no matter how long it is, no matter how long it takes, it cannot make the immortal bronze produce any rust."

"Time cannot It is the divine material for casting Emperor Artifact. What kind of terrifying power can tear such a terrifying hole in this bronze Ancient Ship cast with immortal bronze, and even be broken to such a state.”

"What is this Ancient Ship, why can't I see the history."

"Although I have lost my memory, as long as I see something, I can recall those lost memories. Get up, why do I have no impression of seeing this bronze Ancient Ship, what kind of rare treasure is this."

"This thing, the surname inside, seems to be... dead."

Little Fatty was totally messed up after seeing the bronze Ancient Ship.

A series of words came out of his mouth, and he was extremely shocked by the bronze Ancient Ship.

Wu Mu listened, and was also slightly frowned, especially after hearing that the Ancient Ship in his body was actually a peerless divine material that could only be bred out of chaos. Adding shock, the origin of this bronze Ancient Ship is absolutely no trivial matter. If it can be beaten to such a dilapidated level, the enemy it will deal with must be even more terrifying.

This is definitely a rare treasure.

But even if this is rare treasure, it has penetrated into the sea of blood, and is not driven by any command, as if it is an ancestor, which makes Wu Mu secretly tangled.

What is the sea of blood, this is the root of all martial cultivators.

is where the source is.

Now this bronze Ancient Ship, which I don't know what it is, suddenly sits in the sea of blood and doesn't go away. This means that an uninvited guest suddenly came to my home, and it is still an uninvited guest that cannot be expelled.

If something happens to the bronze Ancient Ship, causing irreparable damage to the sea of blood, the entire Marital Arts Path will be completely cut off.

"Mortal, If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it!! This thing is a treasure, although it can't be controlled by you, but its appearance , can suppress the sea of blood, and there is it, even if it is a strong existence, if you want to spy on your sea of blood, you will suffer a terrifying backlash."

"If you can figure out the origin of this Ancient Ship. In terms of origin, you may be able to harvest a rare treasure. Of course, it may also be a blessing or a disaster."

Little Fatty spit out a sentence full of weirdness.

Obviously, he couldn't say anything about the bronze Ancient Ship, but there was no doubt about the rare treasure. As for whether it is good or bad, it can only depend on the will of God.

"I don't like the feeling that my destiny is out of my control. Especially in my own body."

Wu Mu frowned slightly, said. (To be continued.)

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