Martial Tomb

Chapter 156

Martial Tomb Chapter 156


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But at this moment, Wu Mu completely condensed all the Azure Lotus runes at an unprecedented speed, and even directly derived an Azure Lotus talisman. In an instant, the blood in the entire sea of blood was completely swallowed.

After swallowing it, look at the Azure Lotus talisman.

In talisman, countless runes flicker, and you can see that there is a lifelike Azure Lotus in talisman, but the Azure Lotus in talisman is just a budding Azure Lotus buds. The lotus bud swayed magically in the talisman, exuding brilliant colors.

At the same time, it can be seen that in that flower bud, the mark of one after another azure is flashing, and there is a crisp sound inside.

chi chi chi!

It was as if some blazing red iron was suddenly put into the icy snow water and extinguished.


As the azure lotus buds swayed slightly, traces of azure mist continuously spewed out from the talisman. The liquid, quickly moved towards the sea of blood, dripped and settled.

Tick tock! !

One drop, two drops, three drops.....

In the blink of an eye, as the azure mist escaping from the Azure Lotus talisman became more and more dense, the entire sea of blood , sparse azure rain began to fall out of thin air. These rainwater, densely packed, became extremely spectacular and huge in the blink of an eye, covering the entire sea of blood. But for a moment, the sea of blood was covered by a layer of azure liquid.

Moreover, upon closer inspection, the ripples produced by these liquids during the turbulence seem to be very similar to the Azure Lotus runes, and can even be said to be exactly the same. one after another ripples are rippling.

These azure liquids are the true blood essence formed after being tempered by Azure Lotus talisman. It is the blood essence containing Bloodline Power.

It's just that every drop of blood in these azure waters exudes a strong hunger and thirst, and every drop of blood essence is extremely empty. That kind of emptiness is a kind of power. The emptiness, in the blood, lacks true mighty power.


At the same time, in the Azure Lotus talisman, the bud of the Azure Lotus swayed casually, the runes on it flickered, naturally exuding an indescribable strange breath, like a terrifying black hole Like, naturally exudes a strong phagocytic power.

On the Dao Enlightenment Platform, looking at Wu Mu's body, countless pores all over his body opened instantly, and the rich World's Essence Qi between Heaven and Earth, one after another, seemed to be completely motivated by something, one after another. Continuously and quickly drilled into the body along the pores all over the body, like a milk swallow returning to its nest, moved towards the sea of blood and gathered in the past.

As soon as it entered the sea of blood, it was immediately swallowed into the Azure Lotus talisman. As the one after another rune on the Azure Lotus flickered, it turned into a mist of azure, and quickly moved towards the blood below. Dive into the sea.

The sea of blood below devoured these azure mists hungry and thirsty, and every time it swallowed and absorbed a wisp, one could feel a trace of mysterious power contained in the sea of blood. This kind of power is constantly circulating in countless blood waters in the sea of blood. The originally dim sea of blood began to emerge with layers of rich azure divine splendor.

Boom! !

At this moment, outside Wu Mu's fleshy body, with the pores all over his body completely opened, the roaring World's Essence Qi was almost like a landslide and tsunami, so dense that it turned into substance, outside the body. Form a vortex and form a dao essence air funnel on the top of the head.

The vast World's Essence Qi madly poured into the body along the pores all over the body.

The Devouring Power emanating from the Azure Lotus talisman, and even the traction of each rune to the vitality between Heaven and Earth, are all powerful to an astonishing level. It is an emperor-level ** that is finally derived from Darknorth Divine Art, wedding dress Divine Art, etc., and many mysterious ** are integrated into the source of Azure Lotus.

Instinct in Azure Lotus talisman has the powerful special surname of Darknorth Divine Art, has the powerful ability to swallow and absorb any World's Essence Qi, and can even directly destroy the bloodline Divine Force in a blood sea powerhouse. Devour it all, refining it for yourself, and grow yourself. Coupled with the powerful refining and purifying power of Azure Lotus itself.

Even if it is forced to devour its cultivation base from other martial cultivators, after refining, it will not cause any hidden dangers to itself.

The absorption and refining speed of World's Essence Qi by Azure Lotus Emperor Dian is simply unbelievable.

In the blink of an eye, the azure mist spewed from the Azure Lotus talisman continuously merged into the sea of blood and turned into one after another pure bloodline Divine Force. The previously weak hunger and thirst became extremely fulfilling in an instant.


With the thoughts moving, I immediately saw that from the sea of blood, an azure blood energy quickly rushed into the sea of blood, appeared in the fleshy body, and quickly moved towards the whole body membrane, skeleton, bone marrow, The tendons, the internal organs are washed quickly like a tide, and wherever they go, one after another pure bloodline Divine Force continuously moved towards the flesh and blood of the whole body is integrated into it.

The bloodline Divine Force is integrated into every inch of skeleton, every inch of flesh, and every cell.

Mysterious textures are outlined on the membrane. These textures, with the integration of bloodline Divine Force, become clearer and more mysterious at a speed visible to naked eyes. The entire membrane, every breath All are growing, transforming, and undergoing amazing evolution.

At the same time, in the sea of blood, a bloody hole appeared naturally.

This hole directly connects the sea of blood and fleshy body.

This is the time when the umbilical cord was cut at birth, the connection between the sea of blood and the self was closed. Now, the sea of blood has been opened up again, and the connection and passage between the sea of blood and the fleshy body are naturally closed. Open.

Immediately after the passage was opened, every blood contained in the blood vessels in the body quickly followed this passage and entered the sea of blood. devoured.

On the Dao Enlightenment Platform, Wu Mu's burly body, when the blood was drained, became extremely thin, like a cold mummy. All moisture was evaporated.

crash-bang! !

After all the blood in the original fleshy body entered the sea of blood, the blood essence of one after another azure quickly rushed towards the fleshy body along the bloody hole and moved towards the fleshy body. .

The blood of one after another azure, flooded in blood vessels, merged into flesh and blood, converged into skeleton, meridian, internal organs.

In the fleshy body, there is only one thing that exists everywhere, and that is blood.

Blood fills every inch of flesh, every inch of skeleton in the fleshy body. Without any dead ends, blood is the source of life.

It's like an ordinary person, even if it scratches a little skin, it will bleed, and if a piece of meat is cut, it will bleed, even if it is in the skin, and blood vessels are not cut in the flesh, it will still bleed, This is blood everywhere, really filled with every inch of flesh and blood around him.

The most obvious feature of the Sea of Blood Realm is the exchange of blood! !

After completing the tempering of Ju Hai, it will definitely start to exchange blood, replace the blood in the whole body, and turn the blood into the blood essence containing bloodline Divine Force. This is the most fundamental transformation.

With the start of the exchange blood.

Wu Mu's whole mind was filled with a kind of hard to describe comfort, every inch of flesh and blood in his body made a cheerful cry, and the joy conveyed from his flesh and blood reverberated in his mind.

In the blink of an eye, the skin, skeleton, tendons, bone marrow, and internal organs are all transforming wildly in an instant. Every inch of flesh and blood contains powerful power, and the skeleton becomes even more powerful than steel. more rigid. It seems to be morphing into the crystal.

And, with the completion of the blood exchange, one after another blood essence is integrated into every inch of the body.

The bloodline Divine Force all over the body naturally travels unimpeded in the flesh and blood.

This kind of transformation is extremely wonderful. That feeling is a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than the feeling of a man and a woman having sex together. It was a transformation from Life Level.

Every inch of flesh is filled with blood essence, and every inch of flesh is washed by bloodline Divine Force.

Totally beyond the boundaries of the mundane.

Wu Mu has only one way to completely get rid of a heavy shackle, whether it is the skin or the skeleton, it is full of powerful bloodline Divine Force, as long as the thoughts move, it will immediately burst out from the flesh and blood. destructive power.

Similarly, the power of fleshy body is changing.

Originally, nine Power of Dragons could erupt from the fleshy body at will, but now I can still feel the surge of power in flesh and blood. If the previous nine Power of Dragons were just born babies As far as the power of the dragon is concerned, now, the young dragon is growing rapidly, growing and transforming. Perhaps it is still the Nine Power of Dragon, but it is not known how much stronger it is than before.

In the flesh and blood, after the fleshline Divine Force washes the fleshy body, there are even traces of strange Azure Lotus runes left.

The fleshy body itself is based on the Azure Lotus Emperor Code Foundation Establishment. Washing the fleshy body at this moment makes the fleshy body undergo an incredible transformation.

It can be clearly seen that on the surface of the fleshy body, there is a layer of azure shining brightly.

A kind of invisible coercion, a coercion from the Life Level, continuously emanating from the fleshy body, this kind of coercion is natural, without any intentional signs at all.


As soon as the blood exchange in the body was completed, Wu Mu's closed eyes instantly opened, and two compelling azure lights shot out from their eyes, which were then disappeared, making it impossible for people to catch them at all.

Thoughts move, the body that sits cross-legged stands up naturally.

This rise, but it seems that the whole sky is lifted up.

"Blood Sea Realm, this is the transformation and evolution from Life Level, it really makes people crazy, this feeling is simply too wonderful, every breath, you can feel between Heaven and Earth The countless vitality contained in it, I can feel the tyrannical power contained in the body. At will, I can exert ten times, a hundred times the powerful battle strength comparable to my Shedding Mortality Realm.”

Wu Mu clearly felt his own strength. metamorphosis.

Sure enough, the Blood Sea Realm and Shedding Mortality Realm are as different as heaven and earth. It is no wonder that only when you reach the Blood Sea Realm can you truly set foot on the Marital Arts Path. This is a fundamental transformation.

A metamorphosis on Life Level, evolution! ! (To be continued.)

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