Martial Tomb

Chapter 149

Martial Tomb Chapter 149


Only the blood essence containing Red-crowned Crane just now seems to feel the Red-crowned Crane because Wu Mu entered the blood essence After the supernatural power, he stopped directly in front of the Wu Mu chariot. No more running around.

ang ang ang! !

Beneath him, the nine dragons roared, and the blood-colored mist all around seemed to have a strange erosive power for the nine dragons, just like the old bloody ancient gates, constantly corroding the nine dragons, and a trace of power continued to erode. Sucked away by the blood mist, if you stay in the blood mist for too long, maybe you will be directly swallowed by the blood mist. turned into nothing.

"This blood mist is formed by the ancient sect of filthy blood. The mist here also has a powerful corrosive power to the Nine Dragons. If you stay here for too long, even the Nine Power of Dragon will be destroyed. It was quickly depleted."

"It is recorded in the ancient book given by the butcher that when Shedding Mortality Realm broke through to the sea of blood, you will experience the mystery of the sea of blood once, if you can't get through it, it will be completely Failure, or even falling into the breakthrough on the spot, body dies and Dao disappears. It should refer to now."

"The bloodline cannot be awakened on its own before the age of fifteen, that is, the many bloodlines in the body are mixed, maybe not only It is only the reason why the bloodline is thin, and there are many powerful bloodlines entangled with each other in a stalemate, so that it is impossible to break the deadlock. And the mystery of the sea of blood is to choose the bloodline in the future before opening up the sea of blood. "

"The selection process is a huge danger. Once you can't choose the bloodline you need from the many bloodlines in your body, you will inevitably make the chariot transformed by your own power annihilated in the blood mist. It is impossible to reach the sea of blood, to achieve the purpose of opening up the sea of blood.”

Wu Mu saw one after another blood essence that was constantly traveling in the blood mist, and the original book from the ancient book immediately appeared in his mind. What I saw in the book about opening up the sea of blood, a catastrophe that will be encountered when breaking through to the sea of blood. This catastrophe is a test for those who have not awakened the bloodline, and it is also an opportunity to choose the bloodline in their body at will, and choose the bloodline that is most suitable for them to awaken.

Unlike other Innate awakened, there is no choice.

"However, I don't have to choose bloodline now. It's you."

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, raised his brows, and faced the red- As soon as the blood essence of the crowned Crane was grasped, the Nine Dragons chariot instantly moved towards the bloody hole below it.

Wherever he passed, all the blood mists were torn apart.

ang ang ang! !

Nine Dragons shuttled, and in a blink of an eye, they passed through the mouth of the blood-colored cave. When they reappeared, they had already appeared in a mysterious area filled with rich blood mist everywhere, like a blood-colored chaos. Countless blood energies are constantly floating and tumbling.

Boom! !

Nine Dragons roared, after entering this mysterious area, the imperial chariot it transformed into was disappeared on the spot, transformed into nine Divine Dragons, and frantically moved towards this area, continuously crashing and beating wildly.

The dragon tail whipped in the void, and countless blood energies were torn apart and stirred. The dragon claw swings, tearing apart a large space. In the blink of an eye, as if it were splitting heaven and earth apart, the nine dragons were facing nine directions, and at the same time a powerful destructive power erupted. Countless blood energy quickly fell down in the impact of Kowloon.

They turned into droplets of blood, and they gathered together continuously.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a pool of blood, and as the Nine Dragons continued to move towards all around, the space was continuously opened up, and the pool of blood was growing rapidly. range of ten feet.

However, at the time of opening, almost every time the power of the Nine Dragons is used, it will be lost a little bit, and it cannot be recovered. The Nine Power of Dragon is continuously losing.

However, in the blink of an eye, the sea of blood that Kowloon will open up is rapidly expanding. When the nine dragons were completely exhausted and collapsed, the entire sea of blood had reached the huge area of the hundred zhang in the radius.

Howl! !

The Red-crowned Crane blood essence let out a high-pitched cry, and instantly plunged into the sea of blood. All at once disappeared.

Teng! !

However, at the moment when the sea of blood in the body opened up, suddenly, from the sea of blood, a strange blood-colored fireworks grew out of nowhere without warning, quickly spreading to the entire sea of blood, only In the blink of an eye, it covered the entire sea of blood, as if the countless blood was regarded as oil, and it quickly spontaneously ignited.

"Opening up the sea of blood is when the Blood Burning Curse completely erupts. Sure enough, this is to cut off my Marital Arts Path, cut off my vitality, and kill me."

"However, you burn yours, I cultivate mine."

""Canglan Zhenjing""

Wu Mu took a deep breath, and his mind was firm. , did not panic because the blood in the body began to burn, but started the cultivation technique without hesitation.

Wang Jie's cultivation technique in the sea of blood - "Canglan Zhenjing".

The cultivation technique in the sea of blood is the key to its cultivation, which lies in visualization.

What I visualize is nothing else, but a unique Dao Rhyme, which belongs to the Heaven and Earth Dao rhythm contained in the cultivation technique. Visualize Dao Rhyme, outline the Dao marks with my own mind and will, and make Dao The scar really exists, enters the sea of blood, gathers the blood essence in the sea of blood, and finally condenses a complete rune, communicates the same World's Essence Qi in the world with the rune, introduces itself, integrates into the sea of blood, strengthens the sea of blood, tempering Out bloodline Divine Force.

In this visualization, there must be a very strong conviction.

The Dao Mark who firmly visualizes is reality and existence.

I believe it exists! !

If the belief is not firm, then naturally the Dao Rhyme between Heaven and Earth will not be able to be moved, and it will be impossible for it to exist without collapse.

"Canglan Zhenjing" has a total of twelve Visualization Pictures, each of which contains a large number of Dao Rhyme, all the Dao Rhyme, together, can condense a mysterious Cang. Lan Rune.

It has the unique power of communicating the world's vitality and tempering the Divine Force.

If World's Essence Qi is the nourishment, then the condensed rune is a trace of the origin of the Heaven and Earth Dao rhyme, which can naturally draw and absorb the vitality between Heaven and Earth. The source is complete, the more powerful and natural, the faster and more amazing the absorption of World's Essence Qi. The faster the cultivation base grows.

However, this kind of visualization directly touches the rhythm of Heaven and Earth Dao. Once visualized, it will suffer backlash, cultivation deviation, and even fall on the spot. possible.

The stronger the cultivation technique, the stronger the Dao Rhyme to touch, naturally, the bigger the backlash and the bigger the test.

However, at this moment, Wu Mu was bathed under the Bodhi Lamp of Enlightenment. As soon as he visualized it, he immediately saw that an illusory and twisted Dao mark appeared out of thin air in the sea of blood, exuding a strange Dao Rhyme, in the sea of blood, one after another bloody water quickly moved towards the Dao Mark and drilled into it, the Dao Rhyme quickly turned into a real light blue Dao Mark, entrenched in the sky above the blood sea, as if it could evoke the rhythm of Heaven and Earth, A trace of World's Essence Qi continuously penetrated from the Dao Mark.

moved towards the Sea of Blood continuously.

This is Dao Rhyme, Dao Rhyme, which communicates with the outside world in Heaven and Earth. Naturally, one after another World's Essence Qi quickly moved towards all directions converged. into the body.

At the same time, the Dao Marks fell into the sea of blood, and the blood was constantly vomiting.

However, in the sea of blood, the Blood Burning Curse erupted, and fiery blood flames were burning frantically everywhere. Countless blood water evaporated rapidly at a speed visible to naked eyes, turning into nothingness and nothingness.

And at this moment, on the Dao Enlightenment Platform, Wu Mu is full of blood.

A trace of blue light constantly flickered on his body, exuding strange colors.

However, in just a moment, Wu Mu's body shrank and dried up at a speed visible to naked eyes. Then, light blue flames frantically spewed out of the pores all over his body, wrapping his entire body. Shrouded in the raging flames, in an instant, the smashed smashed by the burning vanished into nothingness.

Totally annihilated! !


However, at the same time Wu Mu fell, from the enlightenment Bodhi lamp above his head, the golden light shrouded the entire Dao Enlightenment Platform. In an instant, Wu Mu's body was burnt to nothing, visible with naked eyes. The speed of his body appeared directly, and the cultivation base was still Shedding Mortality Realm Peak, and there was no change in the expression of his body.

As if the previous act of breaking through the Blood Sea Realm was just a dream.

"Okay! Dao Enlightenment Platform, the Bodhi Lamp of Enlightenment is really amazing, it can actually allow me to personally cultivation technique, even if it is a cultivation deviation, I can quickly recover and return to the original. Moreover, I can also get the various aspects of cultivation. This kind of insight."

"Condense the body with the mind, even if it is broken and shattered in the cultivation, it can be reborn again in the enlightenment Bodhi lamp. Once again, I am not afraid of any cultivation deviation at all, but You can try any cultivation technique, experience various cultivation techniques, and finally derive my own unique cultivation technique."

Wu Mu laughed up to the sky.

After the Vajra Bodhi Seed was integrated into the ancient lamp, the Bronze Ancient Lamp really showed its amazing ability, and it was able to derive the almost sky-defying Supreme Treasure of the Dao Enlightenment Platform.

This is almost Wu Mu's willingness to try all kinds of powerful cultivation techniques, and finally realize the endless special surnames in the cultivation techniques, and finally deduce his own Supreme cultivation technique.

Under the illumination of the Bodhi lamp of enlightenment, Wu Mu could almost feel, almost every moment there are countless mysterious insights continuously emerging, those cultivation techniques, as long as you think about it, you can feel it The true meaning of cultivation technique, Dao Rhyme. Even visualizing the Dao Rhyme Dao Marks and condensing the runes, it seems that the mind is endlessly close to the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

That feeling, I have never experienced it, and it is almost hard to describe.

Just now, Wu Mu relied on the magic of the enlightened Bodhi lamp, the kind of mystery that directly realized Dao Rhyme, desperately condensed all the runes, and gathered all the runes with twelve runes. The Lan Talisman Formation condenses a Canglan True Talisman. He quickly absorbed the Surnamed Yuan Qi of the water genus between Heaven and Earth, but unfortunately, he was still unable to suppress the Blood Burning Curse, and in the end, it was completely burned and turned into ashes.

Even so, Wu Mu also got the wonderful insight of the cultivation Canglan Zhenjing.

It can be said that Wu Mu is now restoring the cultivation base of Shedding Mortality Realm, which is equivalent to rebuilding it once. It fell from the sea of blood, and those insights are still deeply imprinted in his mind and mind. (To be continued.)

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