Martial Tomb

Chapter 148

Martial Tomb Chapter 148


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The nine bronze ancient gates are still guarding the empty space all around.

"It's still two doors!!"

After Wu Mu glanced carefully, slightly frowned, only two of the nine ancient bronze gates all around are still open, and there is no fog. Yes, the remaining seven ancient gates are always shrouded in a layer of fog that cannot be seen through. There is almost no difference from before incorporating Bodhi Seed, and there is no change in the size of the surrounding empty space.

It seems that no new bronze doors have been opened.

Slightly hesitated, Wu Mu pushed open the bronze door representing Martial Palace, fleshy body entered Martial Palace.

As soon as I entered, I immediately found that there seemed to be a change in the Martial Palace that had not been seen before.

"What is that?"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed lightly, moving towards the center of Martial Palace involuntarily.

The original Martial Palace, generally speaking, was nothing, just like a Martial Training Stage, just a layer of bronze iron plates covering all around, paved on the ground, without the idea of Wu Mu, is it? Other things will appear.

But it is different at this moment. In the center of Martial Palace, there is a quaint high platform. On the high platform, there is a golden sun. In this small sun, if you look closely, there seems to be a The mysterious ancient tree took root on it, the branches and leaves swayed, exuding a little mysterious charm. A strange atmosphere enveloped the entire Dao Enlightenment Platform.

The little sun is like a bright beacon.

Shine the entire Dao Enlightenment Platform.

"This one, called Dao Enlightenment Platform, is a newly born magical ability in Martial Palace. If you want to know what it does, you can go and experience it yourself."

Little Fatty said jokingly.

However, I am confident and looking forward to Dao Enlightenment Platform.

This Dao Enlightenment Platform is derived from Bodhi Seed, with a light of enlightenment shining on it. Has immeasurable mysterious abilities.

"No matter what else, just sit up and try it out for yourself. This Bronze Ancient Lamp fuses with me, impossible will harm me." Wu Mu looked towards Dao Enlightenment Platform with hot eyes and hung on it. The golden enlightened Bodhi lamp.

According to legend, Gautama attained enlightenment and became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree. This Dao Enlightenment Platform must be derived from Bodhi Seed and named Dao Enlightenment Platform, which must have the magical power to help people realize the Tao.

Bang peng~ peng~!!

Wu Mu quickly moved towards Dao Enlightenment Platform and walked up.

Step on the Dao Enlightenment Platform and bathe in the Bodhi Lamp of Enlightenment. A kind of unspeakable clarity reverberates continuously in the mind. The whole mind seems to have been thoroughly washed once, and the mind is endlessly close to children. Pure Heart when she was just born. The feelings of the outside world have become extremely clear.

As if raising your hand to catch the strange World's Essence Qi between Heaven and Earth one after another.

The moment I stepped on the Dao Enlightenment Platform, the message of one after another mysterious poured into my mind continuously.

While investigating these messages, Wu Mu's face burst into ecstasy, his brows revealed indescribable excitement, the smile on the corner of his mouth continued to expand, and finally he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Good! Good! Good!! Sure enough, the sky doesn't kill me, didn't expect Bodhi Seed to merge with the ancient lamp to make the Bronze Ancient Lamp produce such an incredible transformation, resulting in Dao Enlightenment Platform is such a heaven-defying treasure.”

“With Dao Enlightenment Platform, even a blood curse will never stop my Marital Arts Path.”

“ I want to advance to the sea of blood, open up the sea of blood, awaken the bloodline, really step on the Marital Arts Path, step on the real Heaven and Earth stage, trifling the blood curse, and see how you stop me.”

“ No matter who it is, let me know who cast the blood curse on me, I Wu Mu and you are irreconcilable." After feeling the mysterious power of the Dao Enlightenment Platform, the Marital Arts Path, which was completely blocked by the blood curse, once again appeared bright and hopeful, and was completely opened up.

"trifling blood burning spell, I Wu Mu will come to meet you today."

Wu Mu's eyes flashed with a strong fighting intent, if the blood spell is If it is a fierce enemy, then now, he will have a good meeting for a while. See if the blood curse is stronger, or if he is more fierce.

As the voice fell, Wu Mu sat down on the Dao Enlightenment Platform without hesitation. Above his head, the golden light from the Bodhi Lamp of Enlightenment covered his entire body like a tide.

"In the sea of blood, with the strength of the whole body, strikes the pass, opens the door of the sea of blood, smashes the golden lock, and then knows that I am me."

Wu Mu sent out a heart Stop drinking, exuding a determined imposing manner.

I don't even think about it, thoughts move, and suddenly, my inner Qi changes greatly.

From the skin, meridian, skeleton, bone marrow, and internal organs, one after another has long been condensed to the ultimate pure power, like a flood that opens the gate, under the control of Wu Mu's mind, one after another continuously After swarming out, in an instant, the Dragon Mark in the body merged into the power of one after another.

ang ang ang! !

In an instant, the power of one after another, after the integration of the Dragon Mark, directly transformed into a ferocious True Dragon, which quickly sent out bursts of Dragon's roar from the skin, meridian, and skeleton, and transformed into Dragon-shaped, roaring and moving towards the position of the navel in the body swept over.

In this brief moment, Wu Mu's whole mind was completely integrated into his body, and every inch of flesh and blood in his body, every inch of skeleton meridian, was clearly imprinted in his mind. Incomparably clear, incomparably thorough, this is a kind of introspection that arises naturally during breakthrough.

In the body, a piece of meridian, all clearly come to mind.

But inside the body, the location of the belly button is a chaotic mess, and it is impossible to see through it. All you can see is a dark, blood-colored ancient door guarding the belly button coldly, and the guarded position, It is a unique level for meridian, skeleton, internal organs to run qi and blood. This level directly blocks any force from entering the position of the navel.

The navel is the source of qi and blood in the human body. At the beginning of conception, all nutrients are run from the navel. Whether it is skeleton, skin, meridian, internal organs, they all have roots that cannot be cut off from the navel.

The dark, blood-colored ancient gate was created by the filthy blood produced by cutting the umbilical cord at birth. If this ancient gate cannot be broken, it is impossible to advance to the Sea of Blood Realm.

ang ang ang! !

As if feeling the sea of blood behind the ancient blood-colored door, there are nine lifelike True Dragons at the same time sending out an exciting Dragon's roar, from the skin, skeleton and other parts of the body, fiercely moved towards the blood-colored ancient door Unceremonious strikes come over, to forcibly break the ancient door, knock on the door, and advance to a higher level.

They want dragons to swim in the sea of blood! !

bang bang bang!

The Nine Dragons roared, and the burst of power was enough to shake Heaven and Earth, and the entire blood-colored ancient gate emitted a pitch-black blood light, frantically blocking the Kowloon's knock and impact. Moreover, wherever the dark blood light went, even the power in the Nine Dragons was constantly dissipating at an astonishing speed. turned into nothing.

This kind of vanishing into nothing, it really dissipates invisibly, even if you fail to knock the gate, how much power you lose by the blood, you will permanently lose as much power, and you cannot recover on your own. , only to re-cultivation again. Even the power corrupted by the blood will directly return to the ancient blood sect and become a part of the Blood Sect, which is more tenacious and hard to destroy.

However, Kowloon Chongguan, how amazing and overbearing. A Power of Dragon can overturn rivers and seas. Not to mention the Nine Power of Dragon, which is the terrifying force that all the forces in Wu Mu's body converge at the same time. Like a flood that opened the gate, it slammed on the Blood Sect unceremoniously.

Boom! !

That Blood Sect full of dirty blood, even if it emits a strong dirty light, for Kowloon, it is just an utterly inadequate measure, just in an instant, the entire Blood Sect is visible with naked eyes One after another, terrifying cracks appeared. As soon as these cracks appeared, they spread and expanded at an alarming speed.

Bang! !

With a roar, the entire tainted blood ancient gate shattered on the spot, and the impacted all split up and in pieces. Turned into a bloody hole. Moreover, those dirty blood turned into a blood-colored blood mist in an instant, covering the entire hole on the spot. Seeing that the bloody door was broken, Jiulong immediately sent out dragon roar excitedly. Roaring moved towards The blood-colored mist rushed over unceremoniously.

And in an instant, Kowloon converges, and a noble chariot emerges out of thin air behind it. This chariot is extremely luxurious. , exuding endless majesty.


Wu Mu's whole mind was shattered in the ancient gate of blood, and after the nine dragons were transformed into an imperial chariot, they were strangely integrated into the chariot directly. Standing above the chariot, under the canopy, like the emperor of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, driving the Supreme chariot, patrolling all directions, rushing into the blood-colored fog.

As soon as he entered the blood mist, Wu Mu saw that in the depths of the blood mist, there was a blood-colored hole. In the hole, endless attraction and calling are conveyed.

At the same time, the scenery in front of me changed, appearing in a vast space between Heaven and Earth, surrounded by mountains, a huge Red-crowned Crane appeared without warning, and this Red-crowned Crane raised its head proudly. Head, two wings flashed across the void like lightning. Wherever he went, the sharp edge from the edge of the wings easily cut the mountain peaks away, and countless mountain peaks were easily cut into two sections, breaking on the spot.

At the same time, a bright red light shot out from the red fluff above the Red-crowned Crane's head and landed on the flowers and trees below. Countless flowers and trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their vitality was extinct.

"Red-crowned Crane, Redcrown Crane, the strange poison in the world, poisoning everything."

Wu Mu saw that, his pupils shrank violently, and he was secretly shocked.

At the same time, the Red-crowned Crane let out a high-pitched crane roar and squatted proudly in the air. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a drop of crystal-like blood essence and emerged in that huge blood essence.

Wu Mu's heart turns.

Jiulong pulled the chariot into the blood mist. In front of him, there was a drop of crystal blood essence. Inside the blood essence, a lifelike Red-crowned Crane stood proudly, extremely miraculous.

Moreover, in the blood mist, it can be seen that similar blood essences are flying and circling in the blood mist one after another, shuttle quickly, without any sign of staying. (To be continued.)

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