Martial Tomb

Chapter 145

Martial Tomb Chapter 145


[On Monday, ask for some recommendation tickets. ]

Gives people a kind of intimidating atmosphere.

This strange tree is directly rooted in the corpse of the beetle. It seems that it is constantly absorbing the power from the corpse and turning it into nutrients to nourish the strange tree. Unfortunately, the vitality of the strange tree has collapsed. extremely broken. In the destruction of the surname just now, it almost suffered the most terrifying damage. The body of the tree crumbled, and countless skull bones were scattered.

Even so, I can feel the powerful coercion emanating from the strange tree.

That kind of coercion is even more powerful and terrifying than the martial cultivator in the Blood Sea Realm.

"Fortunately, it has already died. Otherwise, if it is allowed to survive, the strength of this strange tree must be extremely terrifying. Even such a terrifying destructive force has not completely destroyed this strange tree."


"Sure enough, when the cultivation base and even life reach a certain level, even a nuclear bomb cannot destroy it, and the destructive power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth can be erupted with a wave of hands. Even if it is death, fleshy body will be destroyed. It's still hard to destroy."

Looking at the broken wreckage of the strange tree in front of me, I can clearly feel their own strength.

Especially the beetle corpse was so powerful.

"Such a hard skeleton, if I take it out, I don't know if it can be refined into a Divine Weapon." Wu Mu's eyes flashed with light, such a skeleton, compared to any material Come, will not be inferior, the fleshy body of the proven martial cultivator is, in many cases, the treasure of the cream of the crop.

Wu Mu stared blankly at the wreckage in front of him.

Suddenly, a soft golden light rose from the wreckage, like a gentle Buddha's radiance. The wreckage was reduced to ashes in Buddha's radiance, and a peaceful Buddha in a cassock emerged.

Behind the Buddha's head, circles of golden Buddha's radiance are constantly circulating, all around, and countless believers are chanting sutras. It is extremely sacred.

The Buddha looked towards Wu Mu with a gentle gaze.

Appears to be talking, asking Wu Mu to go to him.

"Buddha? Buddha!!"

Wu Mu saw that his whole mind was suddenly in a trance, and he felt the relaxing breath conveyed by the chanting sound, involuntarily A feeling of intimacy was created, and the footsteps under him subconsciously moved towards that Buddha walked over.

The vigilance in my heart gradually began to relax.

Step by step, keep getting closer.

If there are outsiders at this moment, you will immediately see that, at the Buddha's position, there are countless skull bones rolling and surging on the tree that was originally broken. , a bizarrely cracked open, turned into a ferocious huge skeleton, full of sharp fangs.

A strange gleam appeared in the pupils of the skull bones.

The huge open mouth seems to be waiting for Wu Mu to bring it into the mouth.

One step! Two steps! ! Three steps! !

Wu Mu's whole mind seemed to be attracted and comforted by the Buddha, and his body moved forward involuntarily. Every step forward, he was moved towards the strange tree. In the blink of an eye, Wu Mu was only two steps away from the strange tree. Two steps ahead, Wu Mu will personally walk into the strange tree's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

"Come, follow me to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where there is no suffering, no hunger, no disease, no suffering. It is a land of bliss, a pure land." In Wu Mu's eyes, the Buddha smiled and invited.

That kind of invitation makes people unconsciously have all kinds of fantasies of the Pure Land.

"My heart is as clear as ice, the sky is not terrified, the changes are still stable, and my spirit is peaceful..."

Just when Wu Mu was about to step on the strange tree again, From my mind, the Ice Heart Art Visualization Picture appeared out of thin air. From the Visualization Picture, a mysterious ancient scripture was naturally emitted, and the scriptures reverberated in my mind. A trace of cool air emerges out of thin air, quickly washing the whole mind, a shivered, and the mind is completely awake.

The eyes glance forward.

Looking at this, where is there any Buddha? It is the terrifying mouth of the strange tree, and countless ferocious fangs. As long as I take a step forward, I will immediately enter the strange tree. In the mouth, it becomes food.

Illusion Technique?

"This strange tree is not dead yet, kill it!!"

Wu Mu's eyes flashed lightly, and the baleful aura accumulated in his body from killing again and again poured out like a tide, this strange The tree actually wanted to confuse him with the Illusion Technique, introduced it into his mouth, swallowed it directly, and regarded himself as food. This kind of action should be killed.

Without even thinking about it, Wu Mu stomped forward, taking advantage of the situation, and moved towards the strange tree with both arms and struck down unceremoniously.

ang ang ang! !

This shot was a full blast. Behind him, nine dragon shadows shot out at the same time, sending out the sky-shattering Dragon's roar, monstrous imposing manner, sweeping out, waving, tragic fighting intent, Blazing like fire.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms - Dragon Subduing in the Wild! !

The dragon fights in the wild, the blood is dark yellow, the life is endless, the battle is endless! !

From the palms of the palms, with the increase of the palm technique, more than ten Power of Dragon completely erupted. As the palms were printed on the strange tree, the terrifying power poured out, and the entire giant tree roared violently. Countless skull bones were all split up and in pieces, shot out in all directions.

The strange tree seemed to have no strong battle strength, and under Wu Mu's palm, it let out a mournful cry.

Dragon Subduing 18 Palms - Dragon Subduing Five Mountains! !

Shocked! !

wyvern is in the sky! !

See the dragon in the field! !

Suddenly! !

Longyou Eight Wastelands! !

In just a split second, Wu Mu's black hair danced wildly at the back of his head, his fighting intent was like crazy, his palms madly descended towards the strange tree's consecutive strikes, each palm bursting out no less than a dozen Power. Of Dragon, the whole strange tree swayed constantly, and the countless skull bones that formed the tree body kept flying towards all around.

The Nine Power of Dragon is already powerful enough to knock a small hill out with one palm, not to mention the fact that it is now bursting out with all its strength, the strange tree itself has been severely damaged, and there is no spare power to counterattack at all. A set of Dragon Subduing 18 Palms strikes down, and countless skulls rain down all around.

The strange tree shrinks and collapses at a speed visible to naked eyes.

Quack! !

Finally, in a wailing sound, the entire mutilated strange tree was all split up and in pieces. Completely vanished. Countless skull bones are scattered wantonly throughout the valley. Even the beetle corpse under him was shaken. Open life.

"What is this?"

After completely shattering the strange tree, Wu Mu also sighed slightly in relief, and his eyes moved towards the location where the strange tree had taken root. At first glance, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The location where the strange tree took root was the brain of the beetle's corpse. Immediately after the tree collapsed, I saw that there was a strange layer of rays of light on the beetle's brain. flashing. The rays of light exude strange colors.

Wu Mu saw it, and stepped forward cautiously, looking towards the location where the rays of light emanated.

There was a strange look on his face.

"What is this, a seed?"

In the position where the rays of light emanate, it is a golden seed.

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, picked up the seed directly, put it in the palm of his hand, and glanced over it carefully, a look of shock appeared between his brows.

"It's Bodhi Seed, this is a Bodhi Seed. Or the legendary golden Bodhi Seed."

"There seems to be some pattern on it."

On the Bodhi Seed, there are strips of golden textures, distributed in every inch of the area, converging together in mysterious trajectories, and there is a kind of Buddha-like picture vaguely. Moreover, those golden textures are not static, they are always distorted and swam like life, and the strange self-image of the Buddha has been transformed into a ferocious picture of ghosts.

It made me chill.

"Buddha and ghosts?"

Wu Mu was surprised when he saw it, and pondered then said: "There is a legend in China that when Gautama attained enlightenment, he was under a Bodhi tree. , sudden enlightenment to become a Buddha. This Bodhi tree has a divine breath, and the Buddha's dharma appearance on this Bodhi Seed can be explained clearly, how can there be a picture of a ghost."

"Could it be that this Bodhi Seed was Death Aura infested. It's the strange tree that eroded."

Thinking of the previous scene where the strange tree took root directly on the Bodhi Seed, Wu Mu also secretly had some guesses in his heart.

This is a Bodhi Seed.

In China, Bodhi Seed's status and miraculousness were one of the very best, extremely precious and miraculous. You must know that it can help Gautama sudden enlightenment to become Buddha, how can Bodhi Seed be simple thing.

According to legend, the real Bodhi tree will use all the essence to breed a seed representing new life only when it withers and dies. This one is the real Bodhi Seed, which contains the essence of life Bodhi Seed of all vitality and power.

What's more, under the terrifying and destructive power just now, this Bodhi Seed didn't even have a trace of damage, and it actually appeared on the battlefield of Heroes, and it has survived to this day. It can be seen that this Bodhi Seed is not simple. It cannot be said that it is a treasure left over from the war. gem.

"This Bodhi Seed should be infected, I don't know how to get rid of the Death Aura inside."

"Unfortunately, Little Fatty fell into a deep sleep, if Otherwise, I should be able to give some advice."

Wei Wei frowned, looking towards Bronze Ancient Lamp.

In the ancient lamp, Wu Mu still couldn't sense the breath belonging to Little Fatty. Obviously, he was still in a deep sleep and did not wake up.


When Wu Mu saw the Bronze Ancient Lamp, a gleam of light flashed in Wu Mu’s eyes, a sound of surprise came out of his mouth, and his eyes fell on the one after another in the ancient lamp. On the strange groove, I subconsciously glanced at the Bodhi Seed in my hand. Looking closely, the size of the groove seemed to match the Bodhi Seed.

“I don’t know if this Bodhi Seed can be embedded in the ancient lamp. If so, it will bring some mysterious changes to the ancient lamp.”

Wu Mu seems to have some thoughts in his mind. An aura flashed across, bursting out endless sparks of wisdom. As soon as this thought arises, it is as if it has completely taken root and sprouted, and it can no longer be pulled out.

He hesitated only slightly, with an involuntarily look of anticipation in his eyes.

Take a look at the Bodhi Seed and slowly put it into a groove in the moved towards Bronze Ancient Lamp.

At the same time as the placement, an inexplicable expectation and expectation emerged in my heart.


For a few breaths, golden's Bodhi Seed touched the groove on the ancient lamp. (To be continued.)

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