Martial Tomb

Chapter 144

Martial Tomb Chapter 144


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"Go, fight in. Only by killing the undead Skeleton King here can you successfully return to the train. Otherwise, the mission will not be completed, and all of us will die. You should be very clear about the cruelty of the train. Kill!!"

The middle-aged man said grimly.

After his voice fell, the others did not hesitate any more. The endless killing had already made their hearts cold and numb. Led by a middle-aged man, quickly moved towards the mountain within the valley.

"The watch on their wrists seems to be able to draw some kind of mysterious power from the undead skeleton."

Wu Muly followed cautiously, his eyes darting fast. He glanced at all the features and notable points of these people in front of him. What attracted him most was the jet-black watch on almost everyone's wrist. This watch would be weird every time they killed the undead skeleton. Draws a mysterious force from the undead skeleton. Ingest into the watch.

Wu Mu could vaguely see that it was a force similar to blood essence, which was forcibly ingested. Moreover, it seems that whoever killed it, that power will be absorbed by the watch in whose hand.

Boom! !

The fighting continued, and a large number of undead skeletons fell one after another. In their hands, almost from time to time, they took out various items with powerful formidable power, bursting out powerful destructive power, setting a large number of powers incompatible with them. Bo Zhong's skeleton shattered.

But the skeletons in this valley are too huge, it seems that these skeletons are controlled by something, not afraid of death, and swept continuously.

In the vicinity, the skeletons within a radius of thousands of miles seem to be constantly coming, moving towards the convergence of the valley.

The speed of that weird team is extremely fast, and all kinds of powerful bombs are smashed all around as if they don't need money, powerful destructive power, tearing a road among countless skeletons .

Wu Mu followed cautiously, using a unique breath-holding cultivation technique to close the pores all over his body, concealing all his own breath, constantly traveling in the valley, even those skeletons did not notice. However, at his speed, he couldn't keep up with that team at all. They were advancing too fast. If they were advancing at the same speed, they would probably startle those weird teams.

In addition, the fog in the valley was also extremely thick, and gradually, the team disappeared from Wu Mu's sight. submerged in the mist.

I don't know how long to go forward.

On the way, Wu Mu always followed the footsteps of the team. Along the way, it could be seen that under the attack of a large number of skeletons, people in the team died one after another. In the culling of skeletons, each skeleton has a terrifying fighting instinct. Far from being comparable to an ordinary skeleton.

A corpse appeared in front of Wu Mu from time to time.

After the search, it was found that after these people died, nothing useful was left behind, and the wristwatches on the wrists were all weirdly disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"What is the origin of these people? Only a dozen people dare to break into this valley where a large number of undead skeletons gather. Depending on the situation, this is a mortal mission."

As Wu Mu pursued it, he secretly pondered suspiciously in his mind.

Moreover, Wu Mu found that when the team members died one after another, those people seemed to be extremely crazy, and they fought even more crazy. The speed of advancement is more rapid.

Just as Wu Mu went all the way to the valley for thousands of meters, suddenly, a frantic roar came into his ears one after another from the depths of the valley.

"How is this possible, what kind of tree is this, it is made of countless skull bones, my God, how many skull bones can it take to form such a terrifying strange tree."

"How is this possible? p>

"Not good, it's the undead Skeleton King, he's under that strange tree, he should be guarding that strange tree."

"What a huge skeleton, what kind of worm is this? The corpse is so huge that this strange tree is rooted on this corpse."

"Quick, Captain, kill Skeletron, and we can return to the train."

Sentences of roars kept coming out.

After Wu Mu heard this, the steps under his feet suddenly stopped, and he did not approach. He instinctively felt a strong sense of danger in his heart.

"Not good, the people inside have already fought against the Skeleton King. I am at least a thousand meters away from them, and I still have a sense of danger. If I face it directly, I will die."

Wu Mu hesitated slightly, his eyes flashed a bright glint, and he quickly pulled out the stone sword behind him.

ka-cha! !

A sword quickly moved towards the ground under him and slashed it hard, creating a huge crack on the ground, and quickly pushed the bones under him all around. , In just a few breaths, a large pit with a depth of dozens of feet was dug directly. Follow, without even thinking about it, jump up and jump into the pit.

Boom! !

At the same time as he jumped down, he slapped a palm at the entrance of the cave, and the entire entrance collapsed quickly, burying the big hole immediately. deeply buried.

I almost jumped off Wu Mu for not very long, even if he was hiding underground, Wu Mu still felt the terrifying rumbling sound from outside, the fierce fighting, and the terrifying destructive power.

Boom! !

But in just a short while, a terrifying cracking sound broke out wildly without any warning, and the terrifying shock force made Wu Mu, who was buried deep in the ground, clearly feel a surge that was better than what he felt at first. The bloodline Divine Ability Earth Roar and the terrifying concussive force madly invade the entire land.

The terrifying destructive power seems to tear the entire body into pieces and shake it into powder.

Above his head, the terrifying destructive power twisted layers of bones into powder in an instant. In a blink of an eye, Wu Mu, who was originally buried deep in the ground, only felt that the pressure on his body suddenly lightened. , the bones that covered his body turned into powder. A layer of white light waves tore the ground like a plow.

swept in.

"Not good, what exactly did those guys use. Is it some kind of terrifying large-area killing weapon." Wu Mu looked at the swept light waves in horror, and inside, he felt Irresistible destructive power, destructive power. With its own cultivation base of Shedding Mortality Realm, it can't be resisted.

During the complexion changed, thoughts moved, suddenly, the whole body strangely turned into a stream of light, got into the Bronze Ancient Lamp, and disappeared from the valley.

Under this irresistible situation, Wu Mu finally played his last life-saving trump card, quickly got into the Bronze Ancient Lamp, entered the empty space, and avoided the Calamity Tribulation.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Maybe a quarter of an hour, maybe one hour.

In the place where Wu Mu had disappeared, a pitch-black hole appeared out of thin air. Wu Mu's silhouette naturally drilled out along the hole, landed on the ground, and glanced all around.

There is a strong astonished expression in the eyes.

The white fog that shrouded the entire valley was shattered by the terrifying destructive power. Moreover, on the ground beneath my feet, the originally hundreds of feet thick white bones were turned into powder out of thin air and dissipated into nothingness. The entire valley was dug deep out of thin air, and the exposed ground was a piece of blood. Soil.

It seems that this soil has already been soaked red by countless corpses.

I looked up and looked towards the top of my head. In midair above my head, there was a mushroom cloud-like white cloud slowly dissipating.

The original black train, weirdly disappeared from the Secret Realm void, if it weren't for the tragic scene all around, I'm afraid it would be simply a fantastic mirage.

"Mushroom cloud, could it be a nuclear bomb?"

Wu Mu whispered to himself.

A deep look appeared in his eyes. Although the middle-aged man had a stronger aura than Wu Mu, his Life Level was higher, but Gao Ye It is definitely not too high. No matter how you calculate it, it will not exceed the scope of the Blood Sea Realm. Such terrifying destructive power is definitely not something that the Blood Sea Realm can have.

It is only possible with the help of external forces.

Wu Mu boldly guessed that only the destructive power of nuclear bombs could have destructive power.

However, such speculation made Wu Mu more and more curious about the black train.

"Unfortunately, those people should have been in desperation in the slaughter with the undead skeleton king in the valley, and had to launch an attack of destruction, burn both jade and stone. Perish together with the terrifying skeleton in the valley. Under such destructive power, with their strength, it is absolutely impossible to survive. Otherwise, if you meet the survivors, you may be able to learn some information about the black train from their mouths."

Wu Mu Shaking his head, although the black train was disappeared again, for some reason, he never felt any slack in his heart. The black train was definitely not a simple existence.

Clap! !

Shaking his head, without hesitation, he quickly moved towards the center of the battlefield.

Although in such a destructive force, there are impossible items that can remain, but I still hold a kind of emergency mentality in my heart. Quickly towards the depths of the mountain valley.

The bones on the ground were reduced to ashes.

The skeletons that were originally like the ocean were twisted into pieces one after another and turned into nothingness. On the way, they were not hindered at all. At the speed of Wu Mu, we approached the depths of the valley extremely fast.

"What is this?"

"There are so many skull bones. Could it be the strange tree made of skull bones that those people said before."

When entering the depths of the valley, Wu Mu's pupils contracted violently on the spot, revealing a look of horror at the scene inside.

In front of me, there are skull bones scattered everywhere, and those skulls have become extremely broken, as if they were torn apart by something. Densely packed, scattered all around, so that the ground in the radius of several hundred zhang area is piled up with a thick layer of skulls. The most terrifying thing was that in front of Wu Mu, he saw a terrifying corpse that was as large as hundreds of thousands again.

It's a broken carcass of a beetle.

Above the corpse, there is a strange tree that has been extremely broken.

The body of the strange tree is completely formed by the accumulation of ferocious skull bones. Every inch of the tree body is composed of countless skull bones. In the pupils of the skull, a dark flame flashes , indefinitely! ! (To be continued.)

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