Martial Tomb

Chapter 1368

Martial Tomb Chapter 1368


This is your own treasure, no matter how precious it is, it is not worth paying too much attention to auctioning it out, just to exchange some money, and money Minor, the key is that there will be an extra Immortal Sovereign in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Of course, the competition will be fierce.

Not to mention that in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, many of the great powers trapped in Supreme Realm will spare no effort to obtain the immortal potion, and the Eternal Heaven boat masters at the Supreme level will never miss this. Only by proving immortality can they have the opportunity to truly promote the heavenly boat and transform it into an immortal-level heavenly boat. At that time, the battle strength is strong enough to traverse Heaven and Earth and be invincible. Compared with the immortal sage, there is no more shackles.

The Lord of the Skyship will go crazy because of this.

As far as Wu Mu knows, there are quite a few Lords of the Heavenly Boats in the auction field today.

Their targets are all immortal potions.

With the financial resources of the Heavenly Boat Lord, it is enough to immediately exclude most of the cultivators from the competition.

Only a few great powers can compete.

After all, although the Lord of the Heavenly Boat is rich, it is only relatively speaking, and the Eternal Coin may not necessarily be too much. This is the corpse of refining the evil demon outside the sky, and it comes from the crystal nucleus of refining life, not out of thin air. Even if the owner of the sky boat masters the fortune furnace, it is impossible to refine and cast eternal coins without limit.

So, this is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Unfortunately, Wu Mu has no interest in this.

The concern is who will end up in the hands, and that may be a new immortal Sovereign.

"Where are we going now?" Yang Chan asked with a chuckle.

"Go, go back to the Azure Lotus Palace, I have a gift for you." Wu Mu suddenly said with a mysterious smile.

"What gift?" Pandora couldn't help but be curious.

"You'll know when the time comes." Wu Mu indifferently smiled, with a wave of his hand, the entire group had already left the Auction House directly. Instantly appeared in the Azure Lotus Palace.

This is Heaven and Earth that belongs to Wu Mu and the others on the sky boat. Only Wu Mu's relatives and wives live here, not even Li Bai and the others.

"My mother and my little sister are in retreat, and they haven't come out yet, so there won't be any problems."

In the Azure Lotus Palace, Yue Changqing looked towards one of the palaces , said thoughtfully.

"It's not that Husband has stimulated her, or else the mother and sister Xinlian would not be eager to improve their strength." He Xian'er chuckled and gave Wu Mu a white look.

"They are the breakthrough Great Emperor, looking for their own way. This is something that no one can do to help. They can only rely on themselves to prove the way. It is all up to individuals. No one can interfere. If you can't find your own Dao, then no one can help. Proving Dao is my own business. All I can do is to provide resources and various needs in the cultivation. Dao is not difficult.”

Wu Mu already knew and didn’t care about it for a long time.

Kong Rong and Wu Xinlian were also provoked by Li Bai and the others. Even Wu Mu's Disciples were proving Great Emperors one by one. They were all just Sovereigns. How could they bear it? After Wu Mu came back, they turned around. Just go to retreat, a posture that the Great Emperor will never go out without proving the Dao.

In this regard, Wu Mu is also an attractive spectacle. Strength, only when he becomes stronger can he really become stronger. No one knows what will happen in the battle against the outer world. The stronger the relatives around you, the better, and you may be able to save your life at a critical moment.

"Husband, what is the gift?"

He Xian'er looked towards Wu Mu curiously.

After all, this is the first time Wu Mu has given them a present.

My heart is naturally full of expectations.


Wu Mu smiled and waved his hand, and took out a jade box in the gazebo.

ka-cha! !

The jade box was opened, and the eyes of the four girls also fell on the jade box at the same time, looking inside, obviously, they were also extremely curious about Wu Mu's gift.

"Hey, what a beautiful headband." He Xian'er made a sound of surprise when she saw it.

"It's really beautiful." Yang Chan also murmured. His eyes were fixed on it.

"Is this for us?" Pandora also showed a touch of love.

"red, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, purple, white and black. Nine-color headband." Yue Changqing also muttered to himself.

"I got this hairband from the ancient continent back then. It was just an Innate treasure, just an embryo. Over the years, I have been cultivating with the Dao of Qi and Blood, and it has been integrated into a Heavenly Rank level. Heaven and Earth Spirit Object. Put into Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto, bred with Primal Chaos Qi tempering in the Chaos God Mountain in Celestial Grotto, naturally nurtured, natural good fortune. And, in the process of bred, continuously with Three Thousand Avenue, Azure Lotus Avenue tempering."

"Incorporating many Heaven and Earth Treasures, even the fragments of Innate Supreme Treasure, the Time Flow Speed is constantly changing, and under Primal Chaos Qi tempering, these years have finally been fully conceived. Each one is Peak's Innate Supreme Treasure. Each has a miraculous effect." Wu Mu said with a smile.

"You actually punched Primordial Chaos Purple Qi in it." Pandora said slowly after taking a closer look.

"What, there's Primordial Chaos Purple Qi in it." The Evergreen complexion changed.

"Husband, Primordial Chaos Purple Qi is so precious, every piece is a foundation, can enhance the strength of Husband, and integrate into the hairband, it is really a reckless waste of natural resources. It is too wasteful, Husband should take it back Let's go." Yang Chan said with a positive expression.

Primordial Chaos Purple Qi, this is a Supreme Treasure that cannot be described by value, but it was scored into this hairband, nine hairbands, that is, nine Primordial Chaos Purple Qi, what a loser move.

"No, Primordial Chaos Purple Qi is just. With my own strength, it is much faster to condense Primordial Chaos Purple Qi than other immortal powers. These nine Primordial Chaos Purple Qi also only need to spend It can be condensed after a period of time, can't be considered anything, but Primordial Chaos Purple Qi bred in Innate Supreme Treasure has the potential to be promoted higher, and makes its Divine Ability even more amazing and powerful."

Wu Mu said with a smile.

Prmordial Chaos Purple Qi He was easy to get, and he could temper nine ways in one Heavenly Venerable potion.

After careful consideration, Wu Mu did not incorporate all of the Primordial Chaos Purple Qi into his body, but put nine of them directly into the nine hairbands. There were originally twenty-one Primordial Chaos Purple Qi. Qi, nowadays, there are only twelve Primordial Chaos Purple Qi in the body.

But Wu Mu has no worries about it.

It's just Primordial Chaos Purple Qi. You can condense it, and the battle with the outer world is imminent. You can also directly plunder the Primordial Chaos Purple Qi in the opponent's body by hunting and killing the outer power. This is also a shortcut. It's only nine, and he can still afford it.


Ye Changqing and other women heard it, and they all felt a little moved, as if they didn’t know, Wu Mu could give up Primordial Chaos Purple Qi came to conceive the hair band, apparently because it was the Supreme Treasure to give them. It is to make the Divine Ability power of the hairband more powerful and amazing.

"Okay, Changqing, you are my first wife and eldest sister, you like azure, this azure hairband is the most suitable for you." Wu Mu took the azure hairband in his hand.

"Husband, put it on for me." Yue Chang's blue eyes were full of tenderness, and he took off the hairpin on his head, draping his fine black hair over the shoulders.

"Okay, Husband will tie your hair."

Wu Mu stepped forward with a smile, picked up the azure headband, slowly picked up the blue silk, and used the headband directly. Tie the blue silk together and the hair tie is attached to the hair strands. The air and machine are compatible, and the two are perfectly matched together. The azure glow that radiates out covers the whole body, and a noble beauty naturally rises. Moreover, in an instant, Wu Mu has taken a drop of the blood essence of the evergreen and blended it into the hairband. The two are connected by heart and blood, and have already recognized Master.

"You are so beautiful, Sister Changqing, you are so beautiful." He Xian'er couldn't help but smile and admire when she saw it.

azure is like water, which is more beautiful and alluring, and cannot bear to blaspheme. It was originally a devastatingly beautiful appearance and temperament, and it added a third of color. That temperament, that imposing manner, there is a kind of extravagance in the world.

"Sister Xian'er, don't worry, Husband, you also choose one for Xian'er." Yue Changqing said slowly with a smile.

"Xian'er bloodline is a crane, Immortal Crane is noble, white is the most flawless, but this white hairband is the most suitable for Xian'er." Wu Mu smiled and took the white hairband in his hand, walking towards the crane fairy Son.

He Xian'er was also full of anticipation and love, and picked up the hairpin and untied the cloud silk.

Wu Mu also stepped forward with a smile and tied his hair with his own hands. The white hairband is really perfect, surrounded by white rays of light, which is like a peerless Fairy that is not in the world, making it difficult for people to have any thoughts of blasphemy. Fly like a fairy.

"So beautiful, Sister Xian'er is the real Fairy." Yue Changqing couldn't help but admire.

"Wait a while Xian'er will play the piano for Husband." He Xian'er also said happily.

"Chan'er, you are kind and compassionate by nature, I will give you this green hairband. It matches you." Wu Mu smiled and took out the green hairband.

Following the familiar hands, Yang Chan also tied her hair and put on a green headband. It seemed that there was a kind of Life Aura in circulation, which set off more and more affinity and made people close.

"Pan Pan, you are mysterious, this purple hair band is the best for you, since you don't want to hold a wedding and accept the blessings of the cultivators from the heavens, then this hair tie is Husband's wedding for you. You tie your hair and join hands for a lifetime, this is my promise."

Wu Mu picked up the purple hair band and came to Pandora.

This purple headband is his promise, a lifetime promise. It is a certificate of life together.

From then on, the wind and rain will not change, and will remain unchanged for all eternity.


Pandora's face at this moment also has a little more solemnity, a little joy, a little joy, and has become an unprecedented gentle, nodded.

Wu Mu also gently stepped forward to hold up the hair, picked up the headband, and tied a strand of hair to it.

This bundle is a promise and a lifetime.

It is the testimony of eternal life.

"This headband is really good, the ability contained in Innate Supreme Treasure is really amazing, and there is such a wonderful ability." The more Changqing felt the power from the headband, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

This headband is Innate Supreme Treasure, which is naturally impossible as an ornament.

It's no less capable than any Innate Supreme Treasure. (To be continued~^~)

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