Martial Tomb

Chapter 1367

Martial Tomb Chapter 1367


"There is simply no way to compete, who is this No. 5? This handwriting is really amazing, it can scare people to death, millions, millions It's inevitable to get it, simply don't give other cultivators any chance. If you don't get it, you won't give up. Who can compete with him. This must be powerful, I don't know who it is, and its wealth is so rich."

"Wu De Immortal Wine's recipe, although the potential value is immeasurable, but it has to be able to brew a real spirit wine to be valuable. If you can't even brew it, it's just a waste of money. It's just paper, simply is nothing, no matter how high the value is, it's only potential. Three million Eternal Coins, this is not a small amount, just a wine prescription, three million has reached the limit, even far beyond its own. It's worth it."

"Even if there is a wine party, to brew it, the skill of the winemaking itself must reach a very proven level. In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, those who can have this kind of accomplishment, can be counted on one's fingers, and the Immortal Wine of the Five Virtues can suppress the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, so the raw materials needed are definitely not ordinary things, even if it is collected, I am afraid it will cost a huge price.”

"Moreover, whether the Immortal Wine of the Five Virtues really has the effect of eliminating and suppressing the five declines of heaven and human beings is still unknown and cannot be confirmed. Buying it back also requires a considerable risk."

Countless The cultivator is also weighing in his heart.

After all, Wude Immortal Wine has never appeared, and I have never seen the real Immortal Wine, just a recipe. Whether it is really feasible or not is still a question, the key is, Azure Lotus Auction House It is also impossible to prove its real feasibility, and the risk of its value will be greater. This is also one of the reasons why many people are afraid to go all out and risk everything.

After all, if you buy it back and find that it can't be brewed, and this wine can't be realized at all, then it's really a huge loss. Like a piece of waste paper, worthless.

Under such concerns, in the end, even if there were still people bidding, Wu Mu still bought this wine at a sky-high price of 5 million.

Let this auction come to an end.

"Power of Achievements and Virtue, Incense and Wishing Power, Qi of Black and Yellow, Water of Reincarnation, Power of Fortune, using these five unique powers as great medicines is really a fantastic idea, These are the most mysterious special powers between Heaven and Earth. I can actually think of using these five powers as the foundation to brew Five Virtues Immortal Wine. If it is successful, maybe it can really eliminate the five downfalls of the people who live in the sky. Interesting, sure enough , the wisdom of the cultivators in the heavens cannot be underestimated. However, whether it can be successful or not, we still need to try one or two, and we will talk about it when it is brewed." Secretly nodded, he said after a moment of indulgence.

Although there are five special powers as the big medicine, the auxiliary spiritual medicine, almost the most common is the Immortal Rank medicine king, and even the Heavenly Spirit Root first, to gather what is needed. Many precious medicines are a sum of unimaginable money, and it is unpredictable whether they can be collected or not.

The fault is that Wu Mu has been collecting all kinds of Heaven and Earth Treasure since the end of the year, and I'm afraid he really can't get it together.

Even so, it's just about enough.

Moreover, from Wu Mu's eyes, although the wine recipe is open, it is not perfect. It is brewed according to the wine recipe, I am afraid that it will end in failure if it is brewed again and again. It's flawed, imperfect, brewed rashly, just a waste of spiritual medicine.

"We need to continue to deduce and brew the wine after perfecting the recipe. Otherwise, it will fail no matter how many times it is brewed."

Wu Mu smiled and looked the head, slowly said .

It's fortunate that he got it at auction, otherwise, if it were someone else, I'm afraid that the family would be ruined by this wine party pit, which would be a tragedy.

"Well, the five virtues Immortal Wine can be perfected. In the future, we will have another important means of making money in the Azure Lotus market. I don't know how much Supreme powerhouse will spend countless money to obtain the five virtues Immortal. Wine." Evergreen said with a smile. It seems that a large number of Supreme will come to ask for spirit wine in the future.

"This is a surprise, I don't know if there are bigger surprises."

Wu Mu indifferently smiled, looking forward to the next auction.

The fault is that such a large auction, such a treasure as Wude Immortal Wine, is impossible.

Even if it appears, I am afraid that it will be tightly held in the hands of others, and I will not dare to reveal the slightest.

The auction continues.

Although the wine recipe of Wude Immortal Wine is precious, it is only one of the precious treasures. It is still unknown whether it can be brewed or not. Treasures are attracted.

Each piece provokes a fiery scramble.

Unconsciously, the whole auction gradually came to an end, and the minds of countless cultivators were difficult to calm, because they already knew that the baby was about to play. No matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible to remain calm in the face of that treasure.

The white gloves have been clapped.

A elf maid has respectfully dragged a tray up and put it on the exhibition stand.


The white gloves uncovered the black cloth. Under the black cloth, a tube of golden immortal brilliance was revealed, exuding an immortal divine splendor. Every drop was as crystal clear as jade, and every drop contained Immortal divinity.

"Immortal potion, this is the potion of immortality, and what it contains is the Innate immortal divide light."

"It's really the potion of immortality. Witnessed, this is the medicine. The Supreme Treasure, which can make Supreme go through the five declines of heaven and man directly and achieve the immortal Sovereign, really appeared, and was really put into auction by Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable. This is the real great generosity ."

"My darling, this time I'm afraid that we will witness the birth of an immortal Sovereign with our own eyes. I'm afraid that once the auction is in hand, if you take it, an immortal Sovereign will appear, and you will directly get rid of the five decays of heaven and man. Shackles. This is almost creating a Supreme deity."

Countless eyes were fixed on the potion on the exhibition stand, and those eyes wished to directly possess it, take it directly into the hand, hold it In the arms, take it as one's own.

Especially some Supreme powerhouses in the venue also showed incomparably fiery gazes, and in their hearts, there was a will to win.

"It really is the immortal potion, Second Brother, Third Brother, when the time comes to help me." Supreme Taoist saw a flash of light in his eyes, and directly used a special method to speak to Heavenspan Cult Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning sent a message.

"There are indeed many people competing for the immortality potion this time, and the big brother's net worth may not have complete assurance to win the potion. There is only one potion. When the time comes, I will fully support the big brother." Heavenspan Cult Lord agreed.

"Okay, big brother Alchemy Technique Unparalleled Beneath The Heavens, the medicine is the best result in the hands of big brother." Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning also agreed nodded after silence.

With the net worth of the three of them, it is definitely an unimaginable number.

Not just them.

Some of the powers with a peeping heart for potions are secretly connected with each other and compromised. It is to gather more funds and obtain more capital. Used to conduct an auction that is destined to be extremely tragic at this time.

This is going to be sky-high, really sky-high.

Supreme to immortality, a shortcut to the sky, those Supremes are enough to ruin the family for this, and give up everything to get it. This is the only chance.

"Immortal Potion, I believe many Fellow Daoists already know what this lot is. This lot is the Immortal Potion provided by Lord Heavenly Venerable himself, and the Supreme obtained in the Tower of Time and Space. Treasures can make people go directly from Supreme to the Five Decays of Heaven and Man and achieve immortal Supreme Treasure. There is no doubt about this. This potion is already not in need."

"Also, Heavenly Venerable feels that the battle between the heavens and the outer world is coming, and hopes that the strength of the heavens will be improved during the battle, so, I reluctantly gave up my love, took out the potion and put it on auction here, hoping to help fellow fellow Daoists in need go further and let me have another immortal Sovereign in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Of course, this price is not cheap, the price is high Whoever wins."

"The auction starts now, with a reserve price of 30 million Eternals. Each increase must not be less than 1 million Eternals. If you want a Fellow Daoist, you can start bidding now. ”

White Glove slowly said a frightening astronomical number.

30 million Eternals, this is just the reserve price.

If you want to completely auction it, the value is unimaginable, and no one can estimate it.

This price has directly excluded a large number of cultivators at first.

The reserve price of 30 million directly made many cultivators swallow their saliva.

This is a wealth that many cultivators can never imagine in their entire lives.

Even those Supremes, those price-setting families, and the Great Influences were all shocked and shocked. I can already vaguely feel the cruel scene that will appear next, and the auction will definitely be bloody.

"Thirty-three million."

Immediately there was an open offer from the cultivator who couldn't hold his breath, without the slightest hesitation.

The price has increased by as much as three million in an instant, and the tone has an imposing manner that doesn't put money in the eye.

"Thirty-five million."

"Thirty-eight million."

............ ..

The quotation at first is like a horn of a war. As soon as it is blown, the entire venue will explode.

The price started to climb up in a frantic manner. That number can make ordinary cultivators directly scare away.

"Let's go, it's almost there, this auction has nothing to see."

Wu Mu got up in this brief moment and said with a smile.

"Well, this is already the treasure of the finale. After the immortal potion is auctioned, the auction will end." Pandora also said with a smile.

This is something that belongs to Wu Mu, the price will definitely not be low, it will definitely be a crazy sky-high price, but for him, Eternal Coin is already a number, no matter how much more it is. Well, as a background, it is not very attractive to Wu Mu. (To be continued~^~)

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