Martial Tomb

Chapter 1284

Martial Tomb Chapter 1284


The only people who can reach Wu Mu are the Five Elements Sword Demon, the Undead War Demon and other triflings like Heaven Beyond the Heaven. All of them have stepped up and fought to match the strength of Supreme.

Unfortunately, although the Five Elements Sword Demon relies on the Five Elements Sword Array, forcibly by virtue of the sword array's mysterious connection with its compatriots, it directly condenses a Five Elements Sword Venerable enough to suppress Supreme, but it still cannot block the attack from the Azure Lotus Sword Array. Edge, in one after another icy sword light sword intent, beheaded. Even the Five Elements Array graph is torn. reduced to spills of war.

Any power, in the Azure Lotus Sword formation, is inherently suppressed. Even if breaking the formation in an array, under the Five Elements Sword Array, the strength of the Five Elements Sword Demon was not suppressed much. Unfortunately, he was still forcibly killed.

Preach Supreme, Wu Mu's battle strength, in Supreme, is also Supreme powerhouse. Even if it's a little troublesome, it's just a trivial matter, and even the head has turned into spills of war, blending into the thread of red dust in the reincarnation of ten thousand calamities.


Time passed a little bit, one hour later.

The azure fog shrouded in the entire battlefield is still rolling, quietly entrenched between Heaven and Earth, neither expanding nor dissipating. In the fog, the twelve formation gates stand icy, Ups and downs, are constantly changing position. Unpredictable. It is difficult to capture its trajectory.

But there is one thing that is terrifying.

Since the hundreds of thousands of Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogantly rushed into the formation diagram, there was not even a splash of water, it was just disappeared, and what happened in the formation diagram was even a trace. It is impossible to spy on it, and it is isolated from all eyes. Even Peak's pupil technique cannot spy on the changes. On the contrary, when looking directly, the eyes have a strong tingling feeling.

It's like being scratched by a sharp sword. Don't dare to snoop easily.

One by one, I'm afraid I can't avoid it.

The sword array is too sharp and domineering.

And, after the first batch of Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogantly entered, no other cultivator entered. That sword array is like a bottomless pit, like the Immemorial Ferocious Beast entrenched in front. The air emanating from it has invisibly shocked the minds of countless powerhouses.

While waiting silently, there are also many cultivators discussing in secret.

"The Azure Lotus Sword array has become stronger and more domineering. It is even more terrifying and terrifying than when it was in the First Heavenly Layer. Once the sword array is deployed, its formidable power is incalculable. Supreme will also be beheaded when he goes in. This time thousands of Heaven's Chosen are killed, and he can't even hear the sound of fighting. It's really strange."

"murderous intention is hidden, baleful aura is deep, and sword array is running. , perfect and without blemish, flawless, there is no weak spot at all, it has been perfected to the extreme, unless it is broken by force, it is difficult to find the weak spot of Formation. It is said that the formation diagram of Peak can even evolve in it There is no difference at all."

"Unfortunately, I can't really know the situation picture in the formation diagram, and I haven't heard of a few that can enter the formation diagram. They are still alive. However, looking at the situation, although there are many demons in those heavens, they are only a drop in the ocean for the formation diagram, and they cannot shake the operation of the formation diagram."

The cultivator of the heavens naturally has hope in his heart Wu Mu can show the great divine might, in the formation diagram, directly kill all the Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance in the sword array. In this way, the name of Heavenly Might can be greatly lifted.


I don't know how long it has passed, but I just saw that the azure fog covering the battlefield suddenly began to roll continuously, shrinking as fast as running clouds and flowing water, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a picture scroll of azure, and it had already appeared. In the void, fall into Wu Mu's body.

The flesh and bones that were originally on the battlefield, and even the incomplete Divine Weapon, were all disappeared. Clean up. Even the original residual baleful aura, bloody air, disappeared strangely. If it weren't for the traces left by the battle on the battlefield, I'm afraid I would think that the previous battle was just a dream.

On the entire battlefield, only Wu Mu stood calmly on the ground.

The robes on his body are not messy at all. Instead, he is walking around in the courtyard, and he has not experienced any fierce fighting. It seems that the breath on his body is perfectly restrained, and people can see that it is a Like an ordinary person, you can't even see the specific cultivation realm.

All Qi machines, all restrained.

But all the cultivators present will never think that Wu Mu is really a helpless ordinary person, that is simply courting death, an idiot's idea.

"The Queen of Blades, the Demon Emperor without a Phase, are all gone."

"The Azure Lotus formation diagram has been taken away, and the thousands of Heaven Beyond the Heaven that entered before are proud of them all. Are all gone, have they all fallen into the Azure Lotus Sword array."

"What a terrifying sword array, what a terrifying Killing Formation, such a Killing Formation is simply unprecedented, terrifying to The ultimate. Thousands of Heaven's Chosen, all of them are Great Emperor Peak, can compete with ordinary Supreme, but all fell into this sword array, this situation is really terrifying. With sword array in, any human sea tactics For Azure Lotus Heavenly Venerable, it's all just fiction."

Countless cultivators watched and were amazed.

Who will not think that the Heaven Beyond the Heaven arrogance in the picture of entering the formation can survive. Fall is almost the only ending. It is absolutely impossible to have a second result. The deterrence brought by this kind of ending is really too great, killing thousands of Heaven's Chosen in one fell swoop, and all of them died in the sword array. It is definitely an incomparable gigantic blow for the aliens.

It also fully revealed the peerless edge of the Azure Lotus Sword formation, worthy of the reputation of Peerless Killing Formation.

As long as you go in, you can't leave alive.

To a certain extent, more terrifying than Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

shua~ shua~ shua~! !

And at the moment when the formation diagram converges and returns to Wu Mu's hands, the one after another qi hidden in the dark is immediately and strangely disappeared.

Obviously, after seeing the pictures of Heaven's Chosen enter the formation, there was no sound at all, and in the case of a complete fall, he retreated, and did not intend to continue fighting with Wu Mu.

There is absolutely nothing to gain from fighting Wu Mu now.

At this time, Wu Mu was so sharp that even the Queen of Blades was damaged inside.

Once the fight starts, it is absolutely dangerous to the extreme.

Pan Pan, who was sitting in the chariot of Kowloon, had a strange look in his eyes. He witnessed Wu Mu's instant promotion to the Supreme state, and the Azure Lotus Celestial Grotto in his body was released, and he was full of battle strength. Compared to before, I don't know how much it will explode, and the appearance of the Azure Lotus Sword array is even more amazing.

The formidable power of the sword array is a wonderful thing in Innate Supreme Treasure.

Wu Mu like this, even in Supreme, is probably the existence of cream of the crop. The ones that can match it can definitely be counted on one's fingers, and even have the terrifying potential of leapfrog. Such potential, too terrifying.

"didn't expect his battle strength to be so powerful, he is invincible among the same level, and the cultivation technique in his body works flawlessly. As the founder, he can achieve perfect and without blemish, flawless. This cultivation technique is not inferior to any classics, and the talent and talent can be called Unparalleled. Interesting."

Pan Pan murmured to himself, The eyes that looked towards Wu Mu became vaguely different.

Once you reach Supreme, and beyond, is Immortal Divinity Realm's Sovereign.

And to prove immortality and become Sovereign, that is not what cultivation can do. Any cultivation technique will come to an end when cultivation reaches Supreme Realm. After the finalization, there is no chance or possibility to change. Whether it is perfect or flawed depends on factors such as whether the cultivation technique of one's own cultivation is good or bad, whether it fits the way of one's own cultivation, and so on.

Even if some people become Supreme, their own avenues are not very strong, and the final battle strength is at the bottom compared to the same level, while some avenues are very strong and stable, and their own battle strength strength is stronger. There are further possibilities.

This step is to endure the five declines of heaven and man.

Every time a calamity is spent, a part of one's own avenues will condense immortal matter.

Every time it is one-fifth, after the five declines of heaven and man, the entire avenue of heaven is completely condensed into immortal matter, and Innate is immortal. Divine light. The true way is immortal, and it is immortal. Among Innate, standing invincible is unmatched by Supreme. Sovereign is already a life on another level.

Wu Mu's avenues gave him a great possibility to complete his transformation and resist the five declines of heaven and man.

"It's so majestic." Sun Wukong said enviously.

"Brother Wu is really big brother Wu. He has never lost before, and he will never lose now." Huang Tianyao's face showed joy.

"As expected, it is the unparalleled Heaven's Chosen that I killed in the ancient continent. I have to say that my current achievements have completely left me and other emperors behind, and I don't even give a chance to catch up. ." Huang Jinxi showed a faint wry smile.

To tell the truth, in the ancient continent, Wu Mu won the crown of Heaven's Chosen. Among the Eight Great Emperors, few were really convinced, and they all secretly wanted to be strong. For the goal, catch up or even surpass.

Now it seems, this chance is too slim.

Wu Mu is already Supreme, which has surpassed their respective ancestors. Even comparable to Old Ancestor in Supreme Aristocratic Family. Such an existence is no longer comparable to ordinary people.

"Who else!!"

Wu Mu looked around and uttered a voice calmly. It seems that the sound is not large, but it is directly transmitted to the entire battlefield, covering thousands of miles in a radius, shaking Nine Heavens. Clear into the ear. Even the deaf can hear.

Only three words, but exudes an irresistible atmosphere.

It seems that the sound is not loud, but in the entire battlefield, no one dared to respond, even resist, and dare to turn around and fight with Wu Mu. The entire battlefield was silent, silent.

The Heaven Beyond the Heaven lurking in the dark was arrogant and left one after another. disappeared .

Moreover, hearing Wu Mu's cry, the speed of leaving was even faster. Hard to catch.

With a sigh, everyone was speechless.

"hmph!! Heaven Beyond the Heaven is arrogant? It's just a joke. I am a cultivator of the heavens, not weaker than others!!" Wu Mu felt the qi that was completely gone all around, nose Coldly snorted in the middle, and then spit out a disdainful voice. (To be continued~^~.)

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